The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1155 of the Ultra God of Tennis Prince

"It doesn't matter, just wait!" Night winds directly sit in the air, start absorbing the embarrassment and lakeside.

"This guy is really a cultivation of mad people!" Yammu tea silence, "strong strength is not all talk!"

At this time, the strong men before the night's wind and the people walked into the palace on the lake.

"The guy looks unweelrable!" Kelin looked at the back of a few people.

"It is really a bit!" Poole suddenly passed.

Snapped!! Not long, the palace has passed a huge sound.

"Ah! I have been honored!" Standing on the lake, and the night's wind and a party can hear someone is screaming.

"What is the sound, until the end - 527 - What did you have?"

After a while, just active four shots, the fierce gods and the strong people have the lion people to sway out, and they are seriously injured.

"Hey ... Hao pain!" The guys in these foreign strong are still mourning.

"It's really sorry, please come back next time!" After the birth of these big men, he flew to the front of the night's wind.

"You are, you please come!" Meng active made a pose.

"Oh! It's so fast!" The night drove opened his eyes, and lifted his feet directly and walked into the palace on the lake behind the birthplace.

"Please go here!"

"Wait for us, the long wind!" Kling and others walked into the palace after the night length.

When I came to an arched palace, the night-catching party saw a head in a black hat, looking a bit like a magician's old woman sitting in a crystal ball floating in the air.

"They are coming!" Mengbi introduced the road.

"Well!" The old woman is the dinemire of the Turtle Cactus.

"Oh! You are all very young!" Once the mother-in-law, "said, what do I have?" (DBCD)

"Oh! I want you to help us find something!" The night grew well.

"Yes! Divination, you need to pay a thousands of deposits!"

"Wow! I have to pay!" Clin was shocked.

"And the light is tens of millions of deposits!" Yaqi tea has been a robber for a few years, and it will be less than 500,000 a year, and this divination mother-in-law opens the deposit of 10 million.

"We have no money!" The night grew is simultaneous, and there are some jewels that are seized from the Red Silk Army. However, he has been directly throwing the god system store to redeem the exchange. .

"Oh, I have long known that you have no money! So I am taking me!" The divination mother took the crystal ball and turned to a huge round station.

The night long wind rushed with Clin and others directly followed.

"What about it now?" Everyone came to the round platform, and the night's wind was asked.

"You and I sent the players to compete here, a turn around. If you win, continue to fight the next player, if you lose, you will change people!" As long as you win me. Five players, I will die for you for free! "

"It turns out that those people are lost!" Yamu tea finally understood why the group of strong men was already got to leave.

"Very good, fight is! This is good at!" The night is laughing, "I hope your player should not be too weak!"

"Hehe ... young people are very confident!"

"Hey! Wonderful ... We have three people to achieve good results in the first martial arts in the world, the long wind is still the champion!" Kling did it.

"Is it? That's more interesting!" It flashed a golden light in our eyes, "But I advise you to give up!"

"We won't give up!" Yamu tea handed his hand, this time, it is coming again! "

"Yes, this is very interesting!" Jelin nodded and.

"I will not martial arts, so I can only watch the battle!" Flying in Purdao in the air.

"Oh! So, you plan three to five!" The divination mother laughed, "You are too confident!"

"Don't talk nonsense, get started, if you are a grass bag, how much it is useless!" The night grew away.

"Okay! I will say good rules first, turn into the lake, it is enough to lose!" The divination of the mother-in-law swept a three, "So start now, who will come first!"

boom! Kelling hands shoulders, jumping directly to the past, "I will come first!"

"It is good! Look at what you have to grow!" The night's style nodded, with Yamu tea and Pooleneck.

"Hey, long wind! Not only you have improved alone, I see that you have no chance to play, I can knock them all five!" Kelin began to do warm-up exercises on the field.

After the hot-fitting, the Clin is confident with the fork, "the old woman," , , there is a feeling of returning to the world's first martial arts ", really nostalgic!"

"Go out! Batman!" The divination mother shouted directly to the architecture behind him.

"Batman? Strange name!" The night long style was not falling.

... Suddenly, a bat flew.

"What is it, it is really a bat, is I want to play with this kind of thing?" Ke Lin came up with his head.

A sound of the bats suddenly changed, turned into a strange blame Boxer.

"Ah! Is it a monster?" Klin was shocked.

... Batman has always issued a strange voice.

"Hey ... I don't seem to, my body is not a muscles, I have to be with pork ribs!" After Kulily surprised, it was directly on the feet and put on the ground.

"Good! The game begins!" The divination mother-in-law announced the game.

"First test his strength!" The Klin body started directly, and the foot quickly kicked to the bat male.

"Oh!" The bat male jumped highly, escaped the Julin attack, and turned into a bat in the air.

"Ah? It turns back again!" Klin was shocked.

"What a plane, what is going to change, what is going to make trouble!" The night is disdainful.

The bat male is up and down around Clin, and it will not stop it, and the speed is very fast.

"Bastan! It's so fast!" Kelin's four watches, can't capture the trajectory of bat male flight between bats.

1092 chapter, one wearing two

Snapped! At this time, the Batman suddenly broke into the body of Clin and then became human formation from behind the neck of Clin.

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