The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1184 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"The big magic hide, you are nothing?" The three of the Bike's hand and Pilaf were scared.

"Xin Baru is killed ... how can this be! This world actually has a person who can kill my magic warrior!" Bikermite patted the epitaxial episode.

! The extension of the throne instantly is shredded!

"Xin Balu is killed when he seizes this dragon ball, then people killed him are people who have this dragon ball!" Bike refers to the spot cold channel on the globe.

"No matter who it is, I dare to violate my Broad Devil, I must let him know that my power!" Bik ran out his own index finger, pointing to his own temple.

"Let me call Tamarelli, let him solve the guy who has Dragon Ball!"

At this time, the monster Tambare is hunting the martial artists of the world's first martial arts, he is already a continuous killing of five martial artists, just flying towards the sky, wanting to hunting his sixth object. When Yamu tea, his mind sounded.

"Tanli! Tangali!" B ± ≮ Alternative:! Bamboo

"Ah! It is a big devil!" Tamari stunned, directly in the air, "I have progressed smoothly, I have killed five people, I am looking for the sixth person's way!"

"Good, Tanli! This is a good news, but now there is a bad news to tell you!" Bike cold voice, "Xinbalu went to the Dragon Ball when he was killed!"

"What? How is this possible!" Tamari was also surprised.

"You immediately go to kill the guy who killed Sinbaru! Although you are better than Sinbaru, the identity and strength of the opponent are unknown, you have to be careful, I will tell you the position right away!" Bike cold road, "Location is ..."

"I understand! I will go now, I will find the reason and solve it! The big devil, please rest assured!" The magistitute Tamare is directly rotating, speeding to the area where the night is located.

At this time, the night is not moving, but the legs sit in the ground, he knows if it is a Bike, he will send it to the door.

"Wow! This guy's meat is really delicious, I didn't eat enough!" The savage warrior has eaten the entire monster's body.

······ Flowers ······ ·

"There will be some will, you are waiting for you!" The night's wind slowly said, "Yes, what is your name?"

"My name is Mi Mi Lang soldier!" The wild warrior's old reputation, he is a thorough service for the strength of the night.

"Mi Silang soldiers? The strange name!" The night is in a hurry.

At this time, a green figure appeared in the top of the night, and the top of the Downteni.

"Come, really come again!" The mouth of Mi Shu Mingwei flowed.

"You are two! Sinbalu is killed by you!" The migraril is slowly falling.

"I thought it was Bike came back, and the result came a little!" The night is cold and coldly looked at the monster in front of him. "Is Kllin not killing?"

[...... [.... ▉.

"Klin? What are you talking about, there are too many people who have killed, I don't remember!" The magist people smiled, "I hurry to take the dragon bird out, then I can leave you a whole body!"

"It's a small little bald head, is it you kill?" Night long wind asked.

"Oh! You said that, when I grabbed the dragon, I killed a murderous little bald head!" The reliection of the Magic Tamburi.

Just when his voice just fell, the night cost has come to him.

"It is your guy killing Kedlin!" The night's eyes are full of anger. "There are not many people who can make me angry. In order to reward you, I will let you die gorgeous!"

"You!" The mismuth Tamburi suddenly found that he couldn't move, and the vastness of the surrounded was uniform.

Snapped! The night's wind suddenly opened his hand, then shot on the top of Tamare.

! The vitality of the neighborhood flows into the arms, and the current above 100,000 volts is generated in the night length.

"Ah!" In the scream of Tanli, the night long wind made 100,000 volts current spread the full body of Tamarelli.

Every bone of Tanli, every muscle, or even every cell is torn, such a pain, such as the suffering of the Earth.

And it is still unable to spread the nerve, so that the receiver can't be syncope, can only have to endure.

On the side of the Mi Sang soldier guards, "Don't irritate this kid ... Otherwise, you will die very bad!"

Chapter 1123, Battle

"Ah, ah ..." The body of the Magic Tamburi has been trembled for more than ten seconds. Finally, the whole body is full of explosions, and the ground of the night-catching and Mi Silang's guards is dyed.

"Oh, I am sorry, I seem to have a big big!" Night long wind turned his head and smashed his eyes in the same place, Mi Shu Wei, "You will not mind I will destroy your lunch?"

"No! No!" Mi Silang's head shakes with the row, the body is not a continuous retreat of autonomous.

The lens is transferred to the aerial fortress in which the Bike is located.

"Ah!" Bik suddenly screamed.

"Dawn, what happened to you?" Bike's hand was shocked, "it won't be ..."

"Dead ... dead! Even Tamarelli is also dead! Who is the other party?" Baccown.

"Tamarea" eight-year-seventh "people also died?" Bike's hand is very shocked.

"This is actually a person who is more powerful than that guy?" Pilarier also scared his face.

"Piraf! Put the spaceship to Tamarelli them to be killed, this time I want to go to the horse personally!" Bike angryly screaming.

"Yes!" Under the driver of Pilaf, the air fortress turned around in the air.

The Bik is nice, obviously anger to the limit. "The two soldiers who have been giving birth to a good life have been killed. I have to see what the opponent is coming to unrestrained me to the big devil!"

"Ah!" Pilar was suddenly called.

"What happened?" Biki wrinkled.

"It's strange! There are four dragon balls to gather, and they are moving to the nearest dragon ball!" Pilaf shocked.

"Well! It seems that in addition to us also collect Dragon Ball!" Bike cold channel.

"Ah! What should we do? Under the big magic hide!"

The lens turned to the turtle fairy, and they had successfully collected four dragon balls. After all, Tianjin rice, and Ya Tu tea, the funeral, the fighters, which were quite powerful on the earth, the speed of collecting Dragon Ball is also very Fast.

"The next step is the fifth dragon ball, maybe the Dragon Ball killing the Kings of Clin!" Tianjin looked at Longhuareng radar.

"That kind, it is the time when the Bike is breaking. This is also a thing sooner or later! But if you use us with us and Bike hard to hard, we must see the dragon ball, then call the dragon to let Shen Dragon destroy the Bick!" Turtle fairy phone.

"Can I only do this! I hope to defeat the Box of the Box!" Tianjin rice frown.

"It's hard! I don't know how the long wind chase is. We have the opportunity to defeat the Bike here.

The lens returns to the air fortress.

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