The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 127 of the Chapter 127 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

There is no realm, the night grows opens the ultimate limit. Night winds don't want to play with Zhenfei. Triada believes that this game is just warm, in fact, there are not a few goals just in the night's eyes, just feel a little bit of rain!

"2 goals!" The night grows a absolute forecast.

The true field is a cold, hey! Jumping, serve!

This time, not only I can't see it, even tennis can't see.

"The ball disappears? You think this is useful to me, take out the real thing!" There is already the ball and angle of this ball in the night-length brain.

! The night length wind is stronger to the right hua, the arm rose a lot, and the wave ball in Hua moves instantly.

"Fifth style wave ball!"

boom! Tennis instantly incorporated into a fire dragon, and directly put it out directly.

40-30! The night-length wind is directly scored, this ball is just the second ball.

"Ni! This is the limit of a door without my realm!" Zhenfang Singno also knew that there was no realm, but he did not expect the first grade of Qingxue to make such advanced skills.

The true fields have a look, and they started to raise red black flames, and the rain falling instantly turned into.

"Oh, finally is it true?" The night is laughing, "Now I started to hang or not put my brother in my eyes!"

"Hey! This is my seal of the printed ! "The true field summond voice was frightened.

Intersection is like a fire! The real field finally made the wind and fire!

Tennis is like a fire, the ball is always in the same day, the ball is completely unable to say, and the combat power rises straight!

"Still two goals!" The night's wind screamed, and the gas glow was sent to the limit, and the white brilliance was more prosperous.

This is far from enough. It is a difficult to understand that it is actually a certain amount of curbing effect on the extreme limit of the talented glow.

! There is a moment between the heavens and the earth, and only one of the golden body is the cold body.

The night-length wind is mad, the field of wind, the kingdom of the wind, plus the original talents.

Three stunts were integrated together, and the aggression of the real field became a slag.

"You have no flaws in the whole body, and the emperor is just a joke!"

! The invasion flying in the racquet of the fire, was hit by the night's wind.

The night is winning, score 1-0!

Still two goals! Absolute preview is still not broken.

The true field is suddenly blank at this time, just the ball he has already collected the heart, complete full absolute effort, it is hard to know the talented talents, is it difficult to do?

And this night's live wind actually will also handcuffs the domain skills, which is what he didn't think.

There is also just return, the real field actually feels that he is completely complete, only to see a light, then the ball is behind, it seems that the weakness of the whole body is the same as the opponent.

What is this?

The true fields have countless doubts at this time, but he can't manage so much ...

In front of the opponent, it is impossible to be defeated without having to be defeated. It can't control what seal, it is completely expanded.

The momentum directly improves a grade!

Throwing, jumping, stretching, the night long wind strongly pulled the body into a giant bow, then instantly became a arverse bow!

A ball into the soul, soul into one goal!

Boom, at this time, the fastness in the night's heart is a super long dragon, and the long dragon lifts to the real land.

The real land is big, and the whole body has taken electric light. When moving into the right side of Ju Dragon.

Thunder: Moving like Thunder!

Triada hands holding, just like holding a sword, the sword is surrounded by lightning, a sword waves!

A huge lightning flashed, Ju Dragon Head!

, the dragon is shot by this lightning!

boom! This is not finished yet!

The lightning is instantly incorporated into a lightning light column, shots to the half of the night.

! Lightning catering the huge thunder between the heavens and the earth, and hitting the body behind the night.


The racket of the night is waving!

"Ni! What is this?" The next side is surprised, "The trajectory of this ball is like lightning, completely eloquent!"

"Well! This strike seems to be the same for the field skills!" The hand is flashing in the eyes.

"Useless! Useless!" Triada three goals, every ball is like Thunder.



Tarium wins, score 1-1!

The stadium is filled with the electric light left by the lightning, and the water in the venue has been evaporated.

"Is this your stunt?" The night is cold and cold, "it's just so!"

Chapter 113, the fear of true field

The rain is getting bigger, the water is almost a line, but the two have not stopped.

The competition continues, the real field tee.

Wind: It's like wind! Triada is like a fast ball!

boom! Tennis with a venous wind to sweep the night long!

When the night is long, wait in the wind, the wind blows the rain like bullets, and the night is not moving, and the face is strong as iron!

Melong! The night long wind raises hand is a strong return!

boom! In the true field of the Tennis, the tennis in his head came to his head, and a tennis suddenly had hundreds of division, covering the sky, denseness, as if the rain is broken!

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