The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1373 of the Chapter 1373 of the Prince of Tennis

It is Oderat to move!

In an instant, the night long wind was directly moved by the two lottery times, and the night-length wind was re-occupied.

boom! Metal Guula feels nothing, look back, the night long's fists are directly bombarded on the forehead of metal Gula.

"Serious Series - Continuous Ordinary Boxing!" The night is very hot, and the body begins to continue using Yaderat instant.

Night winds just exchanged Oedrat instantly moved, and the photographs said that a practice time can be fully grasped, but the control of the night-catching wind has reached the micro-grade, and I have used Oidrat instantly. Move, It is already fully grasped.

boom! boom! boom! Under the rain, all the shocking metal Guli's weighing is a sound of the sound of the cosmite.

Under the bonus of the twenty times, the night is finally left in the metal Guula's body, and it is hitting metal Guula.

"Being good, long wind, come on. !" Klin saw that it was bloody.

Turkks, on the side, is even excited to dance, or if there is Kelin to look at it, maybe it will be joined to the war group.

"I instantly reversed the situation, and the night's live guy is too strong!" Bike Headmarks a breath.

"You actually move moments!" Metal Guula's eyes became more cold, he has resumed it from shock, and the road punches on the body are also instantaneous recovery.

Silver light is overflow, and the metal ancient Raulong is completely recovered, and then it disappears directly in the air.

!!! Huge boxing collision sound begins to resounding the entire new US King, everyone can't see the figure of the two people, only a circle is fluctuated, letting the new Meixing star under the thousand meters. Explosion can make everyone determine the approximate range of the two.

In the fight, the metal Gula and the night length of the wind do two people use Yaderat instantly, and who can't do anyone.

When the number of times when the long wind moves in Yardratt, the gap gradually appeared, the gap in the talent determined that the night long winds made Oderat instantly moved more than metal. Pull it better.

Snapped! Suddenly, the night length of the wind captured the body movement of the metal ancient Tula, and the first step directly grabbed the right foot of the metal Guula.

"You!" Metal Guula's eyes were surprised.

When the night's wind did not send, the metal Guli moved directly to a mountain, then the lightning was dropped vertically.

Boom Lung Longlong ... Metal Guula is straight to the night, the whole mountain, the bride, and the whole new Meik is shaking.

bass! Metal Guula moved again. Suddenly, it suddenly went to the night length of the body, followed by the lifting wind that turned around, the metal Guula suddenly lifted the knees to the lower body of the night.

Snapped! At this time, the night-long wind single-handed, she raised the knee attack of the metal Guula.

"Well?" Metal Gula once felt that the strength and momentum of the night long winds were completely different.

Looking up at the night, the metal is stunned, the night long-term hair is inverted into gold, and the eyes become green and proud, the blood color of the whisper is also involved in the body.

It looks cold and quiet on the surface, and Metal Guula feels extremely dangerous.

That's right! Night Changfeng opened the full-power state of the Super Saiyans in this moment, playing so long, metal Guula also hardly eaten a lot of attacks.

And these attacks don't seem to have much effect on Metal Guula, and I don't know what the metal of Metal Guula is, it is very easy to remove these huge damage to Metal Guula. .

Change one person, such as Saru, I don't know how many times have been thrown by the night.

This way to correct it, the night is not impatient, and the index directly opens the super-Saiyan model and directly solves the metal Guula.

"This feeling ... is it!" Metal Guola glareded his eyes, and the pupil in the eyes contracted to the limit.

"You are not going to see it, Super Saiyan!" The night is cold and coldly looked at metal Gula, and it is full of cold atmosphere.

"Super God ... Super Saiyan! This is the legendary super-seizure!" Metal Guolan eyebrows wrinkled, originally he thought that the Super Sai Asians were just a legend, and now he finally witnessed the one. legend.

Metal Guula can determine that the night growers is super-seizure because he smells a very dangerous signal.

"How! Guula, are you afraid?" The night long-faced corner is up.

"What is it!" Metal Guula recovered the calm, his mouth is also (Zhao Zhao) is a smile, "I am honest, I am very surprised, but if you don't, you will not be ignored!"

"Just! This is okay to decide who is the strongest of the universe!" Metal Guula stared at the indifference of the cold.

"Oh ... You are too high, the universe is the strongest? Let me say it first!" Night long wind to the metal Guula's words, even the night long wind himself did not dare to say what the universe was the strongest.

And the people of the Flizza always hang the universe in the mouth, the universe is big, especially the universe of the Dragon Ball, only the night grows, who knows that the universe is extremely Strong.

If you can schild your current night, you have never relaxed.

Want to become the universe of the universe, super offering this dragon ball world, obviously not relying on a mouth, but the heart in the heart.

1346 chapter, among the battle

"The arrogant guy!" Metal Guula was aroused by the night, and the springs whispered.

bass! Metal Gula once again disappeared moment movement came to the night length of the body, and then his right hand.

boom! Night wind was pushed to high altitude, and the metal ancient dragonflied, and the two started crazy.

After opening the full-power Super Saiyan, the strength and speed are all surprising, and the metal Guli gradually can't keep the rhythm of the night, and is kept hit.

But the defense of its strong silver metal is still not broken, and will move against the night long wind from time to time.

"Nima! I don't believe you!" The night's wind is also coming. The whole body pure golden vitality is poured out, and the night-catching wind gives up the full power state, but the speed has risen sharply. .

Bang! The pure golden vitality of the night long-standing body was sprayed out, he turned into a golden electric light, double boxed to the chest of metal Gula.

!!! The explosion continues to rang, and the night is all the way through the sky, which is directly the air pressure-637 to a continuous explosion.

Metal Guula felt the danger, but it has not been used to use Yaderat instant to move, but the body is biased with the body.

! The night-length wind is like a Thunder, directly instantly running the right shoulder of metal Guula.

! Metal Gula's right shoulder parts are scattered in the air, and his face is distorted, his eyes are round, the metal Gula's right shoulder and the right arm are bolded by the night long boxing!

"Good!" Kelin saw that the night's wind finally broke the defense of Metal Guula, excitedly called, and the Bike on the side is also bright.

! After turning over the body of the metal Guli, the ground falling in the night is a gravel splash.

A sound, metal Gula back, did not turn around.

The night is cold and coldly looked at the broken arm of the metal, and the pure golden energy is inaccurate, and the super-power state of the super-seda people will recover.

!!! At this time, the thing that made everyone got a stunned, the left shoulder hole of the metal ancient rules, suddenly stretched out [out] a lot of silver thin lines.

These thin wires are gathered together in (DBBH), which turns into the skeleton of the right arm, and immediately seeps a small nanoparticle on the metal ancientus, and the right arm of the metal Gula is recovered by the ultra-fast speed visible in the naked eye.

Several breathing between the metal Gula's silver right arm is completely restored, and the light is as new.

"Well, broken arm reborn?" The night grew well, watching the movement of Metal Guula, a slightly frowned.

!! Metal ancient ports holding their own reborn right hand, cold channel: "The ultra-high-tech computer that Boxda Star has repaired and reinforced my weakness!"

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