The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1414 of the Chapter 1414 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"I want this and that!" The night grew fell to fly over two cards in front of him.

bass! These two cards immediately flew to the night windy wind and arranged a column.

"There is still a card." Super god system reminded.

"On these two, I only smoke twice!" Night wind slowly, "system, turn over the card!"

"Okay, the owner." Super system discourse, two cards in front of night long floors.

"Congratulations, the owner won the golden body!" When he heard Jin Peng Demon fleshy, the night's face was happy, "Jiu Tuan Xuan, come!"

"Congratulations, the owner won the super ghost ghost!" What is the second card is not a nine-way Xun.

"Kao! It is a little bit perfect!" The night did not hibernate.

"Is it gambling?" The superhen system reminded again.

"No!" The night's wind swayed, rejected the gambling proposal. Today, the long wind felt that his character value was general, and he did not want to draw.

Although the attraction of Jiu Turn Xuan is big, the night is not thinking that it is so lucky, if the two gambling fail, it will be big.

"This lucky draw is over, welcome to come back next time." With the supper of the superhen system, restore it again under the foot of the night long, the world, there is no night, there are two huge days in front of him. Platform.

"Received a lottery item!" The night's wind is right.

bass! At this time, the two playing cards shine, one of the playing cards made a golden light into the night long eyebrow, and another card is golden, and the moment is turned into a dozens. Mi high giant flesh.

"This is the so-called super ghost ghost!" Night long did first notice it or drill into the golden light of the eyebrow, Jin Guang is the information of the super ghost ghost.

Because the skills drawn by the lottery, the night-long winds directly instantly passed the super ghost ghost box, and fully understood the use of super ghost gods.

"I don't know how the effect is, I don't feel very strong!" Night live wind is some dissatisfaction with this mysterious trick.

"Well, at least a trick!" The night grew the spirit, and then focused on the huge flesh in front of it.

"This is the flesh of Jin Peng demon, it is huge!" The night is still very good.

The whole Jin Peng demon flesh is at least 50 meters, the whole body is full of muscle X, and it is also very tough, it is not like a demon, but a warrior of a flesh power.

Obviously, this Jin Peng demon is already an adult, which is already evolved to human form.

At this point, this Jin Peng Demon's flesh is a round big hole, the kernel is taken away.

"It turns out! It seems that the Jin Peng demon kernels I have smashed before and this Jin Peng Demon's flesh is one!" Night long-faced eyesight.

This means that the night length of the Jin Peng demon's kernel has been absorbed to absorb the flesh of Jin Peng demon, and there will be no rejection.

As we all know, the most essential part of the demon is its kernel, which is a crystallization of the demon.

But for Jin Peng Demon, its flesh is equally strong, because Jin Peng Demon is also a demon of the practice, and it is very valued for the body's strength.

Therefore, Jin Peng Demon's flesh is also a very good treasure in the high-level face world. It can be refined as a magic weapon, and it can be refined as a medicinal medicine. It is a lot of cultivators.

Of course, some people or demon can directly swallow the golden demon flesh, these people or demon is undoubtedly more powerful than Jin Peng demon flesh.

Otherwise, Jin Peng Demon's flesh and blood is not so good.

Previous night long winds are also the transformation ability of Xiaocheng Shenshu to absorb the kernels of Golden Peng Demon.

Of course, the night-long wind does not fully utilize the King Peng Demon's core power, and those strengths are stored in the depth of the blood of the night.

This time, the night-hearted wind got Jin Peng demon, he had decided to use his strength to completely refine the flesh of Jin Peng Demon, and completely activate Jin Peng demon genes in the body.

Simultaneously, further lighting the power in the body, the gods of the night, the gods of the night, the best, the best, the strength, the power of the dragon icon.

The Super Saiyan's vitality is also against the sky. It can also urge idle icon to be incense, but the effect is definitely not as the level of the dragon icon, and the night's long wind has long hoped to increase his own flesh power to and The same level of the super-seizian vitality.

The two are balanced, in order to achieve the fighting force of the night long.

In the time of the spiritual time, there is still three years, the night is completely unfunitive, and there is no small world of God, the night long style is rich in Jin Peng demon, but must be careful, and there must be any horse tiger.

Call ... call ... Night wind spurious a few mouthfuls (money Qian Zhao) turbidity, will slowly adjust the neurotransmond adjustment because of the lucky draw.

When the face is, the night is still driving the legs and sits. At this time, the night is full of golden light, and one thousand and five microparticles of the night long wind are all shine.

"¨` ▉ ▉ ▉ ! "The night is light, and the hands are all in one, between the two palms, a golden Dan furnace gradually appears.

Boom, the night's long-term wind is full of golden light, these rays come together, become a huge Dan furnace to completely cover the flesh of Jin Peng demon.

"He!" The night grew and slammed it.

The golden Dan furnace in his hands flew directly into the huge Dan furnace!

Bang ... Between a moment, the fire of hell begins to boil.

After half an hour, Jin Peng Demon's flesh is actually a streak in the fire of the bears hell, and there is no change!

1396 chapter, forget me to practice

At this time, the night length of the wind slowly opened the eyes closed, and his eyes were straightforward.

"It is a flesh of Jin Peng Demon. It is just a non-nuclear body. There is no soul and any energy support, and the light can resist the fire of hell in nearly half an hour!" Night long-happened to think The monster flesh is not that simple.

But I didn't expect such difficulties. I want to refine myself in a short time, it is obviously unlikely.

Fortunately, there is still a three-year time in the spiritual time of the spirit, time is complete enough, and then to improve efficiency, let the fire of hell more.

Originally, the night's wind wanted to fire, but he is currently in the spiritual time house, there is no heaven and earth here, so you can't use the fire of heaven and earth.

The power of one thousand and five hundred dragon icon is obvious enough, the night long wind is full of pure golden vitality, whispered blue electro-optical circle, he directly opened the top of the super-Saiyan two, and then put the pure golden super competition in the body The Asian gas is running crazy in accordance with the spirit of the gods.

Bang! Time, the night-long wind shot two dazzling golden lights in front of the huge furnace in front of the huge furnace, and the fire of the fire in hell was boiling, and the fire was at least more than ten times.

This is the power of the super competition-923-Asian vitality of the night, which is less than a few more than his flesh energy.

This is still not finished, in this spiritual hour, the white vast sea is not exhausted, and the night's wind does not have to worry about the exhaustion of the vitality. He once again enhances your own vitality.

The blonde of the night-catching ground is constantly extending. The whole person is more exciting, and the white electricity is more exaggerated, it is the super-semi-three.

At the same time of the night-hard wind, the pure golden vitality in the body has risen again. At the same time, the energy of the night-long wind in the hell furnace is also doubled.

Boom Lung Lung ... Hell's fire bears burned, put Jin Peng demon's flesh, the temperature of the flame is also getting higher and higher.

This is already the limit that the night grows can do. The strength of the flesh power and the Super Saiyan is the ultimate. The fire of the hell is like a big gloss, which is like to burn this spirit.

At this time, the scene in the spiritual time is very grand. The night length is a raging furnace, which is nearly 100 meters high, and the space around it has some distorted deformation (CADF) because the temperature is too high, and the night length wind is on top It is a huge white vortex vortex at least kilometer.

The vast white sea firms are directly in the top of the night long wind to maintain the huge energy consumption in the super-semi-three state.

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