The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1450 of the Chapter 1450 of the Prince of Tennis

Such a stable space, actually has a rapid current, and the space becomes extremely unstable!

At this time, Visted right hand raised the stick in his hand, and a circle of purple energy spread in his cornee in the black sphere, and quickly spread to the edge of the entire purple platform, and the space suddenly Stabilize it.

And the night grows and the Bruce are also more than one more, each retreat!

The night is still in three steps, and the destruction of God is at least hundreds of meters, which is the gap on the strength.

"Come again, do you do TM not destroying? Hahaha ... but so!" Night long wind hooked his hand against Bruce, then smiling, hero!

"I am evil! I am angry, I am really angry!" Bruce has never been so highly seen in the universe, his double boxing, surrounding the ground instantly fragmented.

"Death!" Bifus fiping, the whole person rushed to the night long style as a purple javelin, he wanted to use the head directly to wear the belly of the night.

At this time, the purple gods surround the Brews, and the sound of in the air, the purple power is really condensed out a long [gun].

The red light in the eyes of the night, he is not a fool, which is almost desperate attack he can take it, but he doesn't have to hard.

A sound, the night long-lived feet, flew to the high altitude of the purple platform.

! Bussea seems to know that the night long wind will fly, and it is still moving directly to the night.

"Space ... crack!" At this time, the night's wind is also gathered on the right arm, and then the night's wind is full of bright red right arms, the right hand is a knife. Come down.

! A blood color crack of a sky is shot directly from the night length of the wind, and the Bruce is giving.

At this time, the night long wind full of spatial cracks, the power is completely different, and the space around it has been reinforced by Vis, but the night-catching wind is the moment, the whole purple platform The space above it is broken.

! Black lightning emerging, a huge crack is like a pull-opened pocket. Generally crazy absorbing everything on the purple platform.

"Blend kid, do you want to ruin my temple?" Bruce could not be in the form of holding a javelin, he only opened his hands, support himself from spatial cracks.

Although he is not afraid of the universe, Bruce doesn't want to be cracked by this spatial crack to the unknown world.

Bang! The various forest trees on the purple platform are not so lucky. They are upstaked by the suction of the spatial cracks, trunk, stone, and water columns are all inhaled in the spatial crack ..

At a time, the original calm bird floral in the Taoyuan world was messy in the night, and there was a broken scene everywhere.

"Vis! What are you doing!" Busia turned to Wiz shouted, "Quick Rehabilitation here!"

"Yes! Bruce!" Vissen flooded in the hand in his hand and gently knocked the ground.

For a while, under the eyes of the night length, the spatial crack instantly closed, and the entire purple platform began to recover the previous form with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Night winds only feel that they have a strange energy in their weeks, and they can't stop Vissen.

"What is the power? Magic, God, or?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, and several breaths, Vissen repaired everything, as if it was a time.

"Maybe the guy is true!" Night is ignorant, and jumping like a angry dragonfly, but it is still a faceless Vissen.

bass! At this time, the night length wind shaped flashed, came to a lake on the purple platform, he would like to try to kick the distance of Bruce and Vis, and the mysterious power of Versi did not say, if two If a person is working together, the night grows does not think that he can defeat these two masters in one breath 1.2.

"Kid, do you want to escape?" Destroying God Borus came up, and the night is standing on the lake, "Now, it is late, you are angry!"

"Oh, is it? I am afraid of being dead ..." The night is sarcatic.

"Blend kid, you don't be mad, I just make it a 70% power! Don't think that the God of the Super Saiyan is really invincible, I am the strongest destruction of the universe!" Bigz grasp The right fist is demonstrated to the night.

"70% power?" Night long-faced mouth, "I am sorry, I have made 30%!"

"Well, talent 30%?" Bruce first, then the forehead green tendon raised, the completion of the face became gloomy, "You are too arrogant, the Saiyan!"

Chapter 1444, Star River Broken

"Then I have to see if you can keep up with me!" Bruce is complicated with purple power, and then stepping on the water, rushing over the night long, speeding a few times faster than before!

"The speed is good!" The night grew in the corner of the mouth, but stepping on the water and rushing to the destruction of God.

The two people exchanged in the center of the lake, and then they were a continuous punching feet.

A drop of water beads fell out of the moment, the night long wind and Bruce have played hundreds of tricks, the two speeds are getting faster and faster, and the lakes that have been surrounded are calm, and they can't react it. .

The speed at this time is already surrounding the range of peripheral spaces, surpassing the category of ordinary people can understand, this is the battle between God!

With the speed and rhythm of the two, the advantages of night long wind fight are getting more obvious, and when the long wind starts using Yade, the Bruce is continuous, Screams.

boom! Night wind turns suddenly in front of Bruce, after transiently moved to Brewers, a knife born on the back of Bruce, Bruce was directly bombing 20 to fly to the air.

"Bastard!" Bigus is forcibly flipped in the air to the night's wind is a continuous sway.

Bang! Countless purple solid-state energy groups, the sky, the sun, the night, Bruce gave up the near-body fight, and started the distance.

"Hey! Don't you dare to continue?" The night grew mouth, bright red gods flooded to your arms.

bass! The night is both hands to condense two bloody long swords, it is a sword of God!

Two long swords are red, and the golden electric light is surging around the sword, and it is not a million product.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Bruce did not pay sarcasm of night long, or continuously stabbed more purple energy groups against night growth.

All the times, these purple energy groups were instantly in front of the night length, and they gathered a purple big net that covered the sky, and the night-long wind avoided.

"It's good!" The night grew and drinked, and the body began to twist, and then jumped.

In the first moment, the night's wind fell out countless body, and each body was waving like a bloody sword in his hand.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Countless purple energy groups instantly have a bloody sword, and then break the open.

At this moment, all the purple energy groups that Bruce were in the air, and the purple powder was like a raindrop, the purple powder is a purple platform.

The whole battle scene is just like a beautiful oil painting!

Just in this oil painting center, the night is suddenly behind Bruce, and the two blood swords in the hands are unlimited for a while.

! The red light passed, and the two-color long sword was forcibly into the belly of the Bruce.

"Ah!" Bruce screamed, the whole cat's face was twisted together, and then he took two-handed blood sword that penetrated his belly.

"Yeah!" Bigus directly crushed the sword in his hand, then the hands of the hands of the hands.

Bang Rynard! The purple energy group that is more than just now, is in front of Brews, just like the water beads sprinkled out of the water truck, the number is exaggerated, and the speed is also n-fold than before.

!!! For a time, I just had a lot of purple platforms, and the night-lived wind was also hit by this Budus's sudden outbreak of the Bud, and the body hit the purple platform. In the jungle.

The entire purple platform environment was destroyed with the complete destruction of God, and the four corners of the pyramid of the pyramid began to break, and they fell in the universe.

Destroying God can only play the greatest power when it is destroyed.

Night wind is also swallowed by this destroyed energy, the whole purple platform is covered with a purple shroud, Vis and Bruce's crazy faces have been picked up.

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