The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1452 of the Chapter 1452 of the Prince of Tennis

After the energy of the small stellar violent, after entering the night-long wind, constantly destroy the body of the night, and the night grow is half-sound, but the mouth is a smile.

The strongest match in the night-long body (good) Asian blood is completely activated, the night's long-term spirit is constantly improving, and it is not the end of the world, and there is still a more horrible existence in God.

"It's too easy! Wow hahaha!" The night long style is laughing, compared to the blood fusion, to resist Bruce's small star attack is simply as simple as drinking water.

The large amount of power of Bruce gathers is directly absorbed by night long winds, and there is a lot of winds between Night, and the night is a lot.

This is a little weak, and it has become a weakness, and since he became destroyed, this is the first time.

bass! At this time, the night length of the wind disappeared in the original place, his right hand, and directly embedded in Bruce's neck, and then raised.

"What's wrong, destroy God? It's not so fast, are you not very arrogant?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Bruce, and the red light is overflowed.

1446 chapter, battlevis

"Please let go of Rusians!" There has been no action, Vissen is finally moving. He suddenly appeared in front of the night length, and he looked at the night long-lasting wind, it would like to be general.

At this time, the night is back and looked back at Vis, and the red light flashed. "Do you finally don't help?"

"Kid, you ... is dead! Vis is my servant, but it is my teacher ... He is the first person in the universe!" Bruce stared at night long wind, no mouth .

"I hate someone to threaten me!" The night length of the wind suddenly turned the right arm of the neck of the god.

! The neck of Busus actually reversed directly in this moment, and the powerful to extreme breath actually disappeared in an instant.

"You didn't hear what I said?" Weis saw that Bruce was killed by night, and the face of facial paralysis is finally changing, and the brow is crumpled, and Vis seems to be ambiguous.

"Come on, there is something to show it!" The night length image is throwing away garbage, throwing the bodies of the Bruce back to Vis.

bass! At this time, the Blu light in the eyes of Viscina passed, and the body of Bruce suddenly parked in front of Vis.

Snapped! Vis turned in the hand in his hand and then at the empty spot, and did it.

bass! A circle of blue apertures diffused in the cads -343-, bringing Bruce, including the night.

"It's this kind of feeling!" The night's heart is tight, and there is an uneasy.

bass! At this time, the circular purple pour pyramid platform begins to recover the speed visible to the naked eye, and it is in the way that is destroyed, it is like a movie.

"It's really time and space!" Night wind looked at Vez widened his eyes.

At this time, Vissen flew to the air, it was a double-eyed, and the Bristol was slowly opened his eyes, and the injury on his body flew.

"Viste, is I die?" Bruce looked at the movement of Vissen.

"Yes, Bruce. You take a break, let me pay it." Vissen said.

"Ox!" Bruce cleared the double punch, and the angry turned to look at the night, and the double boxes had to be bursted.

"Bigus adults!" Vissed also called.

"I am mad at me ..." Busse finally slowly released his fist, quietly retreat to Vissen.

At this time, the night is still in the shocking, he has long guessed the ability of Vis to reverse the time and space.

Migrants, different results of each milliseconds are likely to be different, not to mention it is three minutes.

"I hate you the ability!" The night is cold and coldly looked at Rans who is standing.

"You are very strong. Maybe your talent is the strongest in this universe, but you shouldn't be so dangerous. I have already told you to let go of Rusians." Viscoon replied.

"Joke! You kill Berga threaten that when he wants to kill his family, he did not use the dignity as God. As the universe, the mortal can't go, you are really enough." Night long eyes Red light is surging.

He knows that Visby is much more powerful, and there is a reversal of time and space, but this does not mean that the night long wind will retreat.

From the moment of the challenge task, the night-lived wind has no way to retreat.

In order to become the god of the Super Saiarity, the night cost has consumed all the number of lottery, but also consumes a valuable number of reasons, which is for this final battle.

Either win everything, or die, there is no third road to choose.

"Since you say this, I will not be polite, come on." Vistened, his black sphere on the stick of his right hand, and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Vissen took his hands behind him, and even the courts were collected, it was obviously not placed in the eyes of the night.

"Then I will be welcome!" Night live wind is too lazy and Wisi, first fight again.

boom! Night long-term winds are surging. He is directly rushing to Vis, while he is directly on the string, and at the same time, the sword of the two blood gods appeared again in the left and right hands of the night.

!!! The night's hands flew down and down, and kept slashing the sword to Vissen with two blood swords. Two light swords were doubling two residues.

Even if the speed of the night is so fast, Vis is still easy to refund, while dodging, it is dodge all the attacks, all the movements of Vis are like in the air. general.

"It's fast!" The night's eyebrows were browned, directly pinched the bloody sword in the hands.

!!! After the two blood swords were exploded, the swordshed the extremely bloody darts to cover the extremely speed to Visse.

bass! And Vissed still did not shoot, he used his hands to be in the top of the night length.

"Do you only flee?" The night's long-winding weighing will boil again. He poses the trend to the ultimate, directly near the vs, not stopping punches and kick, this is the best way to fight the night. .

"See how you escape!" At this time, the night grew in the corner of the mouth, then figured it in the air, "Serious Series - Continuous Jump!"

The night-catching wind began to run a continuous speed of rapid speed around Vis, and the air differentiated from dozens of night-long winds, surrounded by the Version Group.

"Death!" The night is cold, and all the figure will bounce with Visse.

The blue light in the eyes of Visted passed, he turned, and the right arm suddenly erected.

boom! After a loud loud, Vissen is a fist that is easily free to hold the night, and instantly remove all the boxing in an instant.

More than Bruce's crude battle, Versic battle simply describes elegance, he is not like fighting, but is like dancing.

"You really thought that you blocked my fists, unloading my boxing?" The night is cold and coldly looked at Vis, and the mouth suddenly tightly.

boom! At this time, the chest of Vissed suddenly suffered from a hush, as she bombarded by a hammer, directly flying out.

"Well!" Visa walked in the air, and the pupil in the eyes suddenly contracted, he exposed a shock expression in the first time.

"I am in the hill, I am not bad." Night long-lasting horns smiled, "I took out your statute, and my close fight, you only have a dead road!"

"What is the move that is just now, it seems that it doesn't belong to this world." Vissed suddenly opened.

! When you don't have the right night, you will be in front of the left, I will pick up a happiness, "this is called the essence of the soul - inch! Let's continue!"

1447 chapter, devil's wings

"Interesting!" The Visce's mouth was slightly, it seems to be very interested in the state of the night's style.

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