The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1458 of the Chapter 1458 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

Snapped! At this time, Kartrot was moving, he actually broke away from the evil eyes of Sali, and stretched against the nightly growing fist. [] Left hand, in this Hold the fist of the night long wind.

boom! boom! boom! The continuous explosion sounds, and the night long winds three-in-one super boxing is in a row in Kararot left arm.

Blood color Thunder lightning [around] Caarot left arm, destroying the strength of the Catrod left arm, as well as invisible natural force to divide Calorot cells.

At a time, Kararot's left arm was corroded by the speed of the naked eye, and he also exposed an angry expression for the first time.

Kar Carlot originally thought that this is only a general punch, and he did not think of the mysterious power hidden in the boxing.

! Between several breaths, Kartrot's left arm is directly turned into a dark, and when the boxing wants to continue spread to Kartrot, Kartrot is sinking, and the left shoulder crazy sprayed out boiling. Shen Li offsets boxing!

"Very good! You are doing very well!" Kar Carlot once again looked up at night long wind, and the red light was overflowed.

"Oh, how is it?" The night is cold and cold, and the situation seems to change quietly.

"Hey, you really thought you won!" Ka Carlot's mouth, his left shoulder sprayed, gathered into a new left arm.

In the first moment, Kartrot clenching left fists and recovered.

This is one of the benefits of walking into the king. Once you have stepped out of the gods, the whole body organizers can be re-condensed by the power, that is, as long as the power is not exhausted, the spirit of spirit is not destroyed, and the people who become the god will not die.

"Actually, I will follow the three-mock one of the paradise gods, and here is the space of the gods, he should be suppressed by the power of space!" Night long wind brows, he felt the card Carot seems to be hidden..

It can be defeated with the main god of the universe world, and it doesn't have a special ability to say it.

But now the night is not returned, and the final mission he must be completed, and now he is still good, and the angel of the moon, Sandali, provides him with a small help.

As long as there is Sandali, the night long wind is equivalent to unlimited.

"Since the three-fashioned one is not in, then ..." The Shenle of the night's wind is once again boiling again, and his right arm is in the back.

At this time, Sandy Ye Head will take the initiative to shoot golden light to the night, and the power consumed in the night-long body instantly, at the same time, the situation will be upgraded again.

"The seventh style of the paradise!" Night Changfeng is after using space development, after the body of Kar Carlot, in the space of the nature, Kararot is limited, he does not Capture the night length shape, and the night is on the back.

This is a punch for the night, the seventh style of the heaven, the seventh style of the paradise is also the first time in the night. The legend has been able to use this type of boxing to scream the universe chaos, created a new one. Era, his fist is open to the earth.

It is stronger than destroying and thunder!

! When the night grey fists fell on the back of the card 5.4 Carot, Kartrot was directly worn by the boxing hole.

puff! A blood was sprayed from Kartrot, which became a generals of paper paste in this moment of powerful Kartrot.

"Ah!" Ka Carlot called, angry turntable, his hands and lightning [out] dead, the right arm of the night growing.

"What!" The night was shocked. In the case of unpacking, the seventh style of the paradise is unsatisfactory, but it is only a big hole.

Originally, the long wind thought this fist is enough to directly bombard the whole body, kill him, and at least seriously injured.

Now Kararot is forcibly flipped, and holding his right arm.

"I want to kill you!" Kar Carlot looked at the night long wind, and the murder is boiling to the extreme!

Chapter 1454, Super Saiyan God SS

"Ha!" Just at this time, Kartrot was drunk. He was filld by the gods that were shocked by the night, and immediately recovered.

The night long-term wind is directly forced by Kartrot to throw the sky to the top of the nature.

"Ah, ah!" Kar Carlot began continuous madness, and the power of holding his twin punch, and the throne of his whisper is actually starting.

The night is in the air to steadily and stabilize the body shape, and the eyes are burning, watching the brain, which is more boiled, Calorot.

At this time, Caarot has gradually converted from bright red to blue, and the whole person boils in the blue flame.

Bang! The space of the entire gods begins to tremble, and it seems to be afraid, and the night growing only has only forgive power of mobility to maintain the stability of the pure land of the gods.

! At this time, the shape of Cartrot's whole body changed, his whole body muscles, it was originally the redhead inverted in the super-seizian God to become a blue hair, Unicom eyebrows and eyes became Blue, surrounded with white electro-optic times hidden.

"This is a 20 feeling!" Night grew up his eyes and stared at Kartrot that demonstrated a new state.

"I have long said that you and my strength is different, no matter what tricks used, it is useless!" Kar Carlot turned into a transformation, ¡¡¡ å.

"What state are you?" The night did not hurt.

"Haha, you are now afraid! Do you think the God of the Super Saiyan is the limit of the Saiyan?" Kar Carlot's mouth, "It's unfortunately, I broke through the super Saayan God. The realm, I am now the super-seizure of God SS! "

"Super Saiyan God SS? Sai Ya's new limit?" The night grew, turned into a super-Saayan god, stepped on the gods, and the night's wind thought that it has reached the world of Dragon Top peak, Saiyan's bloodline does not have a stronger state.

Now this Saiyan from the twelfth universe shows the super-winning SS, the gods of the super-semi-costly, and the strongest state of God.

"Is it true that there is no limit?" Night Changfeng remembered Brole, Brole and Night Great, and the route walking in Bergiita is different, and now the kara Rotte can reach this super-semester's god SS state, and it is necessary to practice the way.

In other words, the Saiyan did no limit, there are countless possibilities!

"Tell you a secret, I have seen people in this state ... all die!" Caarot didn't look straight from the night, and the tone was very cold.

"Don't you forget this is my space!" Night long wind energy felt that Kartrot's realm is much higher than himself, and the nature of the land has not been able to press Cartarot full, but the night is still windy or Forcibly motivate the space of the gods, the power of the pure land is not pressed against Kartrot!

bass! At this time, the blood colors under the feet of the two began to release the red light, and the red light was irradiated on the night long body, and the night's spirit was spaghettically large, and the red light was irradiated into Kartrot, but there was constant. Electro-optical surge, continuous explosion.

"Hey! Do you think you can trap me in this area?" Kar Carlot's mouth smiled scornful, and then instantly double his foot, double boxing. {

"Ah, ah!" Kar Carrot has begun to yell again. The fire of the blue power he whispered is more instant to spread.

! The space of the gods that have just been stunned, the space of the gods, started to sway strange, and the top of the bloody is cracking, starting around Kartrot crazy to rotate.

"What is the power !!" Night live winds have come to the chest, the impact of Kartrot out is actually directly pushing the night's wind, and hit the nation of the gods. The outermost chaotic wall.

Bang Rynard! At this time, the Shenle of Kartrot is still boiling, he is still crazy to improve his realm.

Oh, you! Finally, the space of the gods will never withstand such energy outbreaks. The energy explosion exceeds the critical value of the nice space of the gods supported by the night. The whole space is broken, like a broken glass, soon it is cracks all over. .

"Broken!" At this time, Kar Carlot was drinking.

! The space of the entire gods is broken, Kar Carlot and the Night Wind have returned to the purple platform of the seventh universe center.

puff! At this time, the night-lived wind is crazy, the space of the nature of the gods is forcibly broken, and he has been severely anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-, especially the mental damage.

"Hey ... It's amazing ... this is the power of the super-seizure of the gods!" The night grew in the eyes and shouted, which is the long-awaited force he looks forward.

Cough! The night-length wind is full of cough blood ... The body is injured can still restore the power, and if the mental force is damaged, the night grows difficult to continue to fight.

bass! At this time, a golden light was irradiated on the night-catching body, and it was the fallen angel of the month.

Sali leaves are the battlefield super nurse, at this time, it is just that the moonlight will be used to treat the moonlight. This moonlight can not only supplement the power of the night, but also repairs his mental strength.

"Do it, Sandal!" The night is standing again, and the brain is surging, it seems to have recovered.

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