The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1460, Chapter 1460, Chapter 1460, Chapter 1460

In fact, the night's wind is brought into the small world along with the giant tree.

Snapped! The night-long wind that exhaled in the small world is already dying, vitality overdraft, the power is exhausted, and the left and right arms are completely broken, and the spiritual power is also hit hard.

In this state, even if there is a gene in the night long wind, it is unable to return to the sky, because recovery is also a lot of power, and now there is no power in the night.

The awareness of night long wind is gradually weakened, almost will disappear.

"Super ... super-god system ... with lottery times ... Fix my body!" The night is exhausted, he also can't take care of the 10 lottery times, once died, no .

"Yes, the owner!" The super-god system sound still does not bring a feeling of feelings.

bass! At this time, the night long wind weighted the golden liquid [body] Hung Cheng a ball and lifted at night.

The number of lottery prices in the night-length property list began to shrink, and the body of the night, including mental strength is constant.

The feeling of golden repair liquid [body] is actually very good, the night is a breath, and the eyes are slowly closed.

On the other hand, the giant tree on the purple platform that is unintentionally brought into the small world is on the small world, and the gods of the small world will be pulled back, and then the rotation of the return.

Is the source power, -050-Dragon Ball World's own power!

This huge giant tree contains the source of the seventh universe. Although it is only the power of the universe of the 12 universe of the Dragon Ball, the Dragon Ball World has to go through the nights. The world is much higher.

The level of this source is also much higher.

At this time, the giant tree began to shrink, and finally turned into a golden long flow directly to absorb the huge giant gods in Xiaohe.

The god trees in the small world are huge, soon the absorption of all the source power.

Bang! The small world that has not changed for a long time began to change, and the land began to crack, and the gravel flew.

"After the repair is completed, the number of lottery results in this repair is six times!" The suggestion of the superhen system sounded in the night growth.

Night winds simply come to pay more attention to their lottery, because the small sky under his body is turning down.

Night-hard wind knows that God is absorbed by the source of the Dragon Ball World Seventh Universe. This kind of thing is in the hot world, the night grows, but the night is not thinking that there is such a big vibration in Xiaocheng, and the previous spread completely different.

"Don't you say!" The night is bright and bright. "Xiaocheng is finally upgraded?"

Boom Lung Long ... At this time, the vibration in Xiaocheng is getting more and more intense, more and more ground fission.

After a few breathing, the earth broke, and the small trees of the Xiaodiandi were a golden pouring platform to rise slowly.

The vast ground around, but the boulder soil is automatically gathered into a huge asteroid in a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers in one (CACB).

The small world is still a chaotic, the ground is not there, but it turns into a dark starry sky, the god tree is like a huge star released the golden light in the center, while more than ten asteroids are run around him.

"Is this?" The night's wind is completely treated by the picture in front of him. This scene is exactly the same as the scenes of the Bruce, just a little bit.

The night-long wind calls out your own attribute list, look at the items, the name of Xiaocheng has changed, quietly turned into a middle world.

"Good! Sure enough!" The night grew in the double punch, the heart of the heart turned, and returned to the Dragon Ball World.

"You dare to come back, the courage is good!" Kar Carlot was still on the purple platform, and looked at night long winds coldly.

"Of course, I didn't kill you, how can I leave!" The cold light in the eyes of the night.

"Just relying on you?" Kar Carlot's mouth revealed, "You are not my opponent now, since you are back to death, I will not be polite!"

Bang! Kar Carlot Zhou Zhou is boiling, this time Kartrot never wants to give the night long-winding, he wants to kill.

Although the night is completely repaired by the super-god system repair system, his strength is still far less than Kartrot in the Super Saiyan SS.

However, the night-long wind has already thought of a fight, like Kartrot, night long-lived does not want to drag down, who knows that if the Kartrot is left, will not go to other universe, then If the night is hard to find Kartrot's trace.

And the final task is time-limited, if you drag too long, the super-god system will be permanently dormant, and it is undoubtedly the most deadly for the night, will be trapped in the Dragon Ball World until the old death.

"Medium heavens to add!" The night is very cold, and the heart is turned, and it will be directly integrated into his body directly in China.

puff! Such a result is that the night length is directly spitting a blood, and he does not have a way to support.

Xiaomih has a function of integrating into the host in the Evolution to Zhongtiandi, but the premise is to have enough fit, now the small world has just evolved, and the night is still in a hurry, and the world is completely fit.

He forcibly urged the integration of heaven and earth, and spurting the lottery in the night, the wind, the whole man's hair, the eyes and eyebrows became a colorful.

"What state is this?" This time I was idling in Kartrot.

At this time, the night's wind is actually the source of origin. It is the power of the world of the world. The power of the world is not known as much as possible.

"What do you want to do?" Kar Carrot fed out a lot of sweat for the first time, a nervous look, he felt that the night length has been completely unique.

"Oh, how? Are you not invincible? Are you afraid?" Night long-lasting horns slightly, "it is late!"

"The fire of hope!" Night wind opened his hands and drunk. The power of the origin in the body was crazy to operate in accordance with the skills of the imaginat.

With the power of the source of the source forcibly unlocked the super skill of the idienship, and his body began to poured a lot of flames.

These flames are white, the god fire in the high world, the fire is immortal, and the wild is ember!

This so-called flame can burn everything, even gods, legend this is the flame that will appear when the universe is destroyed and born.

"What?" Kar Carlot suddenly surrounded by the vast fire, and everything was melted, including space.

At this time, the body of the night's wind began to melt, and the fire is no different attack, and all those who have been burned by the gods and things will be ashes.

It is just that the night's relationship is a bit more than a little longer. He is gamble, and the night is firm, and the night is believed to have a longer time than Kartrot.

"Ah, ah!" The smashing of the white god burned, the surrounding everything was burned into ashes, only the night length and Kartrot, the two were constantly screamed.

Time seems to have been pulled in this moment, and I don't know how long. When the night's long wind felt that his soul had to be firing, he finally felt about the supreme system's tips.

"Hey! Congratulations to the owner to complete the final task: kill Kartrot! You got the power of the world! Now start to transfer the countdown ... 10 ... 9 ... 1 ..."

"Start transfer! Do you use any door to decide to transfer the world?" Superning system continued to remind the way.

"My CNM!" The night cost is burn, and the super god system is still asking questions, so that the night's long wind is going crazy.

"Do you use any door?"

"Use! Go!" After the night's heart flashed a thought, finally disappeared in this fire.

Only a little bit, the soul of the night, will be burned into ashes.

Next moment, the night-lived wind has lost awareness, his body has been burned, only the power of the soul is incorporated by the superhen system into the transfer channel!

"System! I ri you!" After the last awareness, it was completely in the dark.

PS: Some rush of this copy ends, all book friends forgive me. Next World, I think the old book friend should all know, I have been dragging the world of blood. I believe it will be very exciting!

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