The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1462 of the Chapter 1462 of the Prince of Tennis

"Well! It seems that I am still a mighty, I am almost when I leave the black basket world." The night's wind nodded, and I looked for a while, and I didn't have a very empty unique area.

"Still first, look at the superhen system, there is any change in your body!" Night costs Directly decided to escape classes in the first day, joking, and told him to go to the small six lesson to kill him.

If you come back, the night's wind has experienced the Japanese countries and high school courses. They are bored, with him to think that the attributes of the school is found at all, this elementary school is the sixth grade course, "June 1 "Night live wind also knows that it is boring.

Come to a flower of the luxury community [], it is also empty, and the night is just looking for a bench and then looks around the environment.

This flower [garden] is also quite big. At this time, you will be in the season of school in the beginning of the school, the whole flower [] The bird is fragrant, and it is full of spring.

After confirming that there is no strange person, the night is in the heart and begins to perceive your body.

call! After a few seconds, the night floating is a breath, he is completely perceived that the strength of his body is not in the Dragon Ball World, the feeling of the universe disappeared.

Slowly hold the fist, the night grows, there is no one who can boke a planet, and the body's strength has disappeared without trace.

"Superning system, what is this TM?" The night did not hurt the mother. He did not easily cultivating the realm of it. This made a very hard crazy.

"Do you say because I came to the world of football, was it compressed by space?" Night Changshi thought of a possibility.

"No! Master, you have forcibly integrate China Tiandi in the Dragon Ball World, resulting in serious damage, and then you have been burned again, and mental strength has also been severely trauma." Super god system cold voice The lounge is ringing in the wind.

"I kao! Then you don't have to turn me into primary school students!" Night long-lasting looks at your thin arm thin leg, the height is up to about 7, and the exaggerated muscles have also become streamlined muscles. And he just passed through the world of the black basket.

And the big uncle, who has been full of vicissitudes, has also become a pair of right faces, watching their faces in the pool in the park, and there is some difficulty in receiving the night.

Of course, the night-catching wind is now in primary school students, even if there is a little student, few people can grow to the height of one yield, especially in Japan.

And at this time, the age of the system design night is twelve years old, which means that the fastest growing age is the old age, and the night is certainly longer.

However, the night is now not very concerned about these problems. He is concerned about whether the strength of the hardship is still able to recover, and only three opportunities for any door, and the night cost has been used once.

He can't always stay in the low-alive world. If you are transferred to a slightly stronger world with the current body and strength, the night length is only hanging.

"System, can I still recover?" The night is soaring.

"Yes, you need 32 times a lot of lottery, you can recover all." The hyperincidence system's answer almost did not die at night.

"My God, where do I go to the 32-two lottery!" The night is long and muving, "the system, there is no other way?"

"The owner is the fire burns of hope. After you can complete the final task of this world, you will get the seed, I hope that the seed can restore your body, and it is equivalent to the effect of Nirvana." The hyperincidence system answer Spiritual earthquake.

Nirvanic transcruitment is the effect of only nine turn to Xuan Xuan, after reincarnation, the user's talent body will grow substantially, and how many times do not know how many times.

Generally only the super high-end genius can be enrichment, and the chance of successful reincarnation is still very low.

"This is said, I am blessing this time!" The night is laughing, he does not exclude the low-alive world, especially the experience of the world, and there is a special meaning of the night.

He missed the feeling of running on the court..

But the night-catching wind also knows that he is still constantly stronger, and his ultimate goal is to detach the control of superhen systems.

There are two chances of any door, plus this football teenage world, and the night-length wind has enough time to collect enough hope seeds, and then Nirvana.

After the reincarnation, the night grew is tribute to a new step again, and the talent is completely in the same day.

Now the most important thing in the night is the ultimate mission of this football teenager. It is obviously in the world of football, and the god of the football is the ultimate task of this world.

"I know that I chose a basketball world!" The night was very windy, although the night's wind did not have the flesh power of the sky, but in the basketball, the night long-lived self-considered technology is still, as long as training. Become this world's top level, or a thing of water to the streak.

But the football is different, and the night long is also a football fan before crossing. Before the TV set, it also gave a point in the river, and the truly arrived on the game, this guy couldn't.

The first is that there is no ball, the night long basketball ball is still, the football ball is almost zero, you must know that people's hands are far flexible, night long wind is in front of the football field, it is a battle five Slag.

Generally, when the goalkeeper is a guard, how can I have a miserable word.

"Well, I have superhen system 0.8!" The night long turned to think that he was also a colorful goods in the world before crossing the Wangwang world, and finally, finally, heard tennis. God.

So night long winds or confidence can complete this seemingly impossible task, and the night grows at the last crisis, think of football teenagers, because the night is very long, and the world is very long.

When I was a child, the night's first thing to go home every day is to open the TV to see the football teenage. Look at the movements of the football teenagers, and the night is always excited.

"I don't know if the football player in this world is really exaggerated ..." The night's style has a big dragonfly, "Forget it, let's take a look at the change of the property ..."

"Superning system, open my attribute list!"

1459 chapter, polarization attribute

bass! The night long style is justified, and his eyes show a huge translucent box, which is a list of properties.

The list of attributes already has a small change, and the whole is light, and there are some white long vertical lines, the entire background is a football field, and the bottom is still written with the words of 'superhen system 4.0'.

After a few worlds have experienced a few worlds, the superhen system has entered the 4.0 era, and the system is obvious BUG and vulnerability, the system seems to be increasingly evolved.

It is followed by, the night is very fast, and the attribute is very fast.

"Nima, this is my current attribute?" Night live a little speechless.

Users: night long wind

Height: 170cm

Weight: 60kg

Level: Beginner (amateur, football rookie, professional player, domestic stars, international stars, king superstars, ball king, football god)

Title: Super Shen-level slaughter (100% in vivo), legendary players (strength addition 50%), Tu God

(Exciousness Addition 90%) Gold Badge owner (Exognity Addition 10% 20)

Converted points: 0

Draw number: 3 times

Having skills: blood in burning (this goal technology)

Special skills: standing on sleeping god level, cooking god level, musical instrument god, unrealistic

Has items: any door (2)

Comprehensive ability: 95

Kill (Key Ball): 0

Shoot: 50

Crop: 10

Pass: 15

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