The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1464 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Okay, let's try your speed!" When I got a community, the night's wind was starting to sprinkle the legs on the vast street.

At this time, the night is like a light blue dress is like a wind, which is very fast, and the speed is very fast.

Night wind, you can also feel the winds of the two sides, very happy,

This is definitely not a primary school student should have a speed.

Just when the night's long-lasting, he heard a dramatic quarrel when he was a outdoor course from South Geography.

The footsteps of the lifetime of the night, looked at the stadium, is a group of primary school students, all wearing jerseys and football shoes, which looks very professional.

"It's a Japanese, the basic conditions are good, the night is very strong, and the night is very strong before crossing. The Japanese football culture is very strong, and there is a stadium everywhere.

Japanese eight. In the 1990s, he opened the football model of the way of the way. It attaches great importance to youth's football education. Everywhere is a stadium.

Moreover, students have a regular competition, including primary school students.

What is the gap, this is a gap!

A genius that will receive regular football culture and education will have achievements, and it is hard to imagine at night.

But so many reserve talents will always have a lot of masters. These power of these generations cannot be estimated, especially in the world of football, and Japan has born gold generation.

Of course, these are not related to the current night, he is now just to complete the guidance task of superhen systems, and finally strive to surpass the god of football. As for the strength of this world football, it is insignificant.

"Hey, what's it?" It's the side of the night, and several lovely primary school loli sisters are pointing at the school students who argue in the court.

"It seems to be South Ge Primary School and Zhe Primary School to quarrel with this footage!"

"Yes, they seem to have been quarreled for a long time!"

"South Ge, Tunge?" Night Changfeng heard several little girls after talking about Nange, the golden light was flashed, then directly jumped out of the court, he knew that the opportunity to join the South Ge football team came.

Soccer field.

"You can be evil! Ishi Siki, they also have a country to be born!" The first thing to wear a blue-white team was turned up.

"Last match, are we not winning your South Ge Primary School? According to the agreement, it should now be a place in repairing the primary school. Please leave!" Tight, the other party leads a red hat with a red hat I have a message, it looks some angry.

Night winds quickly noticed that there was a little boy, his height is also quite high, it seems to be a primary school student, and his hat is too conspicuous.

Night long winds can almost determine that this guy is one of the most powerful people in the football teenager.

"¨` ▉ I hate! Do you not have your own stadium? Why do you have to grab our stadium! "The opposite of the opposite of the bomb is smoked, loudly, he is more angry than if Lin Yuan.

"This guy should be Simi!" The night is laughing, these two people are too good to recognize that the big voice of Ishiqi is a deep impression on the night long.

"Hey! We are the national champion last year, so this year's players have more players. Our team is still useful. Here is the second army special stadium!" If Lin Yuan three pressed the baseball cap on his head, face Some hostility.

"My kao! A primary school football team also has the second army ..." The night grew is also a while.

"You are called Ruolin, don't think that you will kick the ball. This is a small grade classmate. You are old and old. (? Zhao Zhao) Don't blame us!" At this time, Shiizaki A group of relatively high students came out and looked at Nange Middle School.

"Less waste, this stadium, we will not make it easy!" If Lin Yuan kicked the grass in front of the kick, "But I can give you a chance!"

"Come here!" After the night, the wind stood behind two groups, looked at the familiar scenes in front of him, can't help but laugh, "It's a classic!"

"What opportunities?" The leader of the country gain.

"We contest, the ministers of these communities can participate, whether it is football, handball, what is the ball. As long as you are banned. District, no matter what the ball, I can catch!" Three pointed at yourself, proud of there is no big voice.

"I will tell you who is the site!" If Lin Yuan's three face confident.

The night's smile is more strong, "It is a good thing to be, domineering! Haha!"

1461 chapter, don't be afraid! I am also a primary school student

"I accept your challenge!" The right hand held a rugby country to stand up, "I have to see if you are famous for the natural goalkeeper."

"Oh, then you will try it!" If Lin Yuan is in the horns, it is not a waste, and it is directly turned to go to the goal.

"Please pay you, the seniors!" Ishi Siki gone like this. It is not angry with it.

"Big ban. There is no solution outside the area ... Interested!" Night wind looked at the captain of South Ge Rugby House came to a big ban.

The regular football field is a big ban. District is 16 meters, at this time, the stadium where the night's wind is located, but at least ten meters will be opened.

This is very far, but you have to know that the goal is very big. The distance from ten meters is close to the distance of the regular stadium. Moreover, the other party is not football, but a football.

People who have played rugby know that football is elliptical, if it is not often practiced, it is difficult to catch.

"Come, as long as you have a person to shoot, even if you win!" If Lin Yuan three patted his hand, the body was soiled, opened his hands.

Night wind, this is noted that the army of Linyuan three is much higher than him, as a genius - 643-door, if Lin Yuan three natural talent is not bad.

"Radiant! I dare to look down on us, what is your primary school born!" The football captain angryly naturally put down the football in his hand, and then on the banquet. The ball in the district suddenly kicked.

"I am going ... this technology ... Is this product really a football team?" Night lived on the trajectory of rugby flying, and did not fly to the goalkeeper.

To know that the rugby goal is very high, even more power and precision than football, and this ball is very bad, even if the night cost, this line is also seen, the team leader of the South Ge Rugby should not How.

Snapped! At this time, the rugby scored a pen arc in the air, just on the grass in front of Linyuan.

bass! If Lin Yuan three according to the experience of football, directly rushing to the football, just putting the rugby, directly confiscation.

Snapped! At this time, after the football landed, he actually played forward in the opposite direction of Linyuan three to the direction, and it was greatly unexpected.

"Haha, idiot! Football is not a football, the direction of his play is uncertain!" The football team smiled.

"Little means!" If Lin Yuan three times, the right hand is supported, and then it is turned to the opposite direction, and after a rebound passing, the football kicked the rugby out the range of the goal.

If Lin Yuan, this is a lot of light, so that the night length is bright, this reaction speed and the body's coordination are not like a primary school student, many high school football do not necessarily do such preciseness.

"Ah! Actually blound!" The current onlookers exclaimed, especially Simi Siki rose big mouth, everyone thought that this ball will enter.

"Next!" If Lin Yuan jumped up, patted the dust on the body, and a gas sterling look.

"I am evil! Let me come, the ball's goal must be several times more than the hand, if this goals can't enter, it is the shame of the handball!" At this time, the Minister of the Southern Handball rushed out, his hands Speed ​​shot a handball.

The size of the handball is originally smaller than football, and the handball goal is super small, so this minister seems to be confident.

The hierarchy of the handball is on the ban. The area is jumped, and the body is unfolded in the air, then the right hand suddenly throws the handball in his hand.

The strength of this handball is still, the angle of shooting ball is very drilled. ≮ Alternative:, the lower right corner of the handball ball door is an absolute dead angle.

Snapped! At this time, if Lin Yuan three is a flying jump, the whole body is completely comfortable in the air, and then it is even more than the ball.

"Ah!" The minister of the handball is completely stupid. He is in the same place, and he can't believe everything you see.

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