The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1482 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Ah!" The audience was exclaimed.

Although this ball is very lucky, South Ge's fragile rear guard is revealed.

1483 chapter, night arc

! At this time, South Siege is not over. The danger of the district has not ended, and the sings of the teachers directly entered the small ban on South Ge. District, the speed jumped, then the football bounced back with the head suddenly, the football once again changed again. Southerry the goal.

! At this time, Nange Guardians, a short figure flew directly, and it was unloaded with the football head in the future.

It is actually a big air wing that is coming from the front scene. He has just reached a better position than the night, so it is directly blocked, and there is another one-time ball.

"It's a small wing!" Nange all people are relieved.

"Kao! The large air wing is a long time to go to me, I didn't know." Night's mouth.

"Nange's 10 is also very powerful!" The audience on the stage also noticed this relatively short "nine zero" small player.

"I am evil! I will take a point!" I was very annoyed and shook his head, and then hooked his hand to the middle of the building, indicating them.

Because Nange's guard line is too fragile, and Zhe is determined to attack.

"Grab his ball!" The coming of the people and the dragon and the dragon and two people grab the big empty wing, I want to break the football at the big air wing at the front field.

The big air wing once again provoked the football directly, and then passed to the night cost of the reaction.

despair! Snapped! The two have passed a continuous feet in the midfield, and then return it. In the way they have been in the middle of the wall, they will break the guard lines directly.

"Good and powerful cooperation!" The audience at the scene was accommodated in the town of each other and the big air wings.

"What is the stinky kid?" If Lin Yuan three hit the double boxing, he was very dissatisfied with the defensive defenders of the Tsuichine. A breakthrough.

At this time, the night is a person with a ball in the middle, the big air wings and the pole Lang are in the left and right sides of the night, and South Ge is shocked.

At this time, a low-level ball in a low-plane ball penetrated the football, and the last two defender players passed to the big air wing.

"I want to shoot!" The big air wings wings the left foot and the left foot, then the right foot is in the back, ready to force the door.

"I want to go into the ball!" At this time, the fastest rushing speed is back from the middle field, then in anxious, the back is a slider.

"Be careful!" The night's wind shouted, and the slider behind this is very dangerous.

In the eyes of the night, this is already a category of playing ball. It is good to listen to the iron blood, saying that it is not good to hurt people.

Snapped! The big air wing felt the wind behind him, and he jumped directly, and made a protection action in the air, but it was stied in the ground by the dragon.

"Ah! It's a good danger!" The audience at the scene exclaimed.

beep! The whistle whose referee did not hesitate, and then gave it directly to a yellow card warning, South Gessa got a big ban.

"You are fine? Xiao Wings!" All South Ge's players are surrounded, and the night-long winds will pull up the air wings.

"Oh, it's okay!" The big air wing is still smirk, and it is still a very happy look, and the night is very happy. As long as the big air wing is a pair of money on the court. expression.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" Long Yi also ran over, he didn't intend to put a shovel shovel, just an urgent action.

"Later, do this action, violate the spirit of sports!" The night's cold reminded a sentence, his most hate is the dirty action on this stadium.

"Captain, who is the main penalty of free kick?" Ishiqi put football was banned in Feng Zhe. Put it in front of the district and asked.

"You all go back, this ball is to deal with!" Night live wind waved in Nange everyone, Nange Zhong took a nodded, directly withdrew half.

Forbidden. One person in the area is not put, and the night's wind is in order to shoot directly.

"Hone Wall! Take the right!" If Lin Yuan San Jiaxiang began to adjust the position of the repair of the philosopher wall, he knew that the feet of the night's wind was very powerful. He slightly didn't pay attention to a small seam, it is trouble.

Even if the first door will be in the country, it is impossible to see the high-speed ball in the blind spot. He is not God. He is a person, not to mention the height of the future, now he is just a national A strong primary school students in the range.

"Is it useful?" The night grew fucked again, and then looked at the goal, and the golden light was flash.

The wall of the polaries in front of the polar, the average height is around six or so, it is almost similar to the night growth.

call! The night's wind is deep, adjusting the rhythm of breathing, then suddenly started, after the two steps, the night, the night is suddenly lifting the ball.

"The moon bend!" The night is light.

! Football flew up after being kicked in the night, rotated in the air high speed, and then bypass the people wall of Tuiet.

"It's coming!" If Lin Yuan three like the enemy, facing the football flying to the ball, began to move to the right.

"Ah!" At this time, the audience exclaimed.

Football actually suddenly changing the direction, rotating in an anti-direction in the air of the forest.

"Oxual!" If Lin Yuan is called, then it is actually choosing the right foot of the right side, then flying back to the free kick of this flight route.

! In the end, if Lin Yuan three still did not encounter football, football actually wiped the top left corner column of Xiu Zhe drilled into the ball door, absolutely dead angle!

Unplantable perfect free kick!

Night arc from the night, the moon bend!

"Going!" The audience of Nange is boiling. The game has just opened ten minutes. The two teams have become very fierce, and the rhythm is very fast, and at this time, South Ge is actually taken with free kick.

1.9 and still so beautiful oriented, Directive, the door of the Tuiet's gods, Linyuan three is also unable to return.

You must know that the gate of Tuxing last year is a ball, and this time, South Ge is first broken, and how can I not let Nan Ge's audience crazy.

"Going! South Ge! South Ge! The strongest!" South Ge's response group crazy waved in South Ge's banner, and Shangren, South Ge, all rushed to the night.

The night's hurricane quickly opened the people who fly, then rushed to the standing platform where Nange audience, then came directly, and the scene was also a jubilant. Everyone shouted with the name of the night. .

This is one of the favorite goals of the night, and the landmark celebration of German players Klose.

The night-hearted wind dedicated this action to his first goal in the world of football!

1484 chapter, against the battle

"How is this possible ..." At this time, the players of Xi Zhe were stunned in place. They didn't come back to God, and the audience fell into crazy.

"It's too beautiful, the captain!" Ishigosaki ran and shouted with the night.

"It's really powerful!" The poker looked at the night of the night, he couldn't kick himself as soon as this quickly and beautiful arc goal.

This kind of ball on the strength and the degree is too high, and the primary school students cannot be completed.

boom! At this time, if Lin Yuan three climbed from the ball door, suddenly a boxing on the door column, his face was full of remorse, "this ball, I should rush!"

"Captain!" Zhe Zhe people, especially the dragon face of the foul creation, showing a self-confidence, between the time, the morale of the polaries falls low to the bottom of the valley.

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