The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1485 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

2-1! The night is two yuan in the middle of the wind, and the force will pull the score to 2-1!

"Enter! Enter! Enter!" South Ge's audience first, then ecstasy, everyone cheered, the waves covered a wave.

Night wind this ball is really too domineering, and there is no way to Linyuan three, this is the absolute gap in strength.

Too close, this ball is really too close to the ball door, and the power of the night is exhausted.

beep! At this time, the referee looked at the watch, and immediately sailed the whistle of the end of the first half.

The night is high, holding the right hand, grasping into punches, standing in the ban. Zone is like a good God of War.

"Too strong, is this new minister of Nange really a primary school student?" The audience on the table (Caad) was launched.

"Haha, it is a captain!" All South Ge's players ran to the night long, and they will be windy around, and start dancing.

"We actually lead the poet the end of the first half? It's unbelievable!" Nange's small glasses feel that you are dreaming.

"I actually made him into ..." If Lin Yuan is in the door of Tuxing.

"Team ... Captain!" The people of Zhe were also low, and the whole team's morale suddenly dropped.

It is also a sudden, the number of people, the scene of the Nang Ge Yingji Group, and the number of people are far from the wind.

The scene became a blue white ocean, and I didn't know what I thought is the home of South Ge.

Zhe Take the Rest Zone.

"Now South Ge has been different from last year, they have the top three strong sharp lines on the No. 11th, No. 10. In the second half, you can't play so passive, to grab the ball, take the ball. They take the ball. They The rear defense line is very weak, we still have the opportunity! "Xi Zhe saw the coach yelling at the player.

It was originally seen to be a more comfortable coach, but this time he was airstrip from Nan Ge. He guaranteed the victory of Tuxing before the game, so he was the first half of the South Ge, It is more anxious.

"Let's listen!" At this time, he stood in the three diaphrans who pressed the hat.

"Ah, the captain?" Everyone turned to look at the invincible captain, no one can go into the ball from him.

In the first half, the night long wind is a person who is two yuan in the middle, especially the first ball is completely personal.

It can be said that the first half is a person's performance.

"I have a request to ask you now!" If Lin Luo, the face is unprecedented, "I don't say anything to 50 goals, the second half, just enter the two goals! Please pay two points Let's give me all the rest! "

Trich people were first, in their impression, Johin has never been seen. As a captain, he has never said that he is not two, and there is no whisper and the players say it.

At this time, if Lin Yuan three, in order to win, it is already a dignity as a team captain.

He only wants to win, he just wants to be completely defeated!

So he needs a teammate's power, he is a goalkeeper, he must rely on teammates.

"Well!" Tuning is neither.

Jingze is even a shot of Lin Yuan three shoulders, "The captain, in the second half, I will play, we will help you!"

Seeing this scene, the coach is also the meaning of the look, if Lin Ji simple single sentence, re-cohes the repair into a rope.

South Ge team relies on superior three in the anterior scene, and the attack power is indeed amazing.

South Geo Rest Area.

Nange Zhongren are not stopping water, the first half and the national strong brigade, and the rhythm is very fast.

South Ge is very powerful, although they have a lot of physical strength recently, but they have been very far more than that of the cultivation of the big exercise training.

And Nange has no substitute to change, that is, South Ge must end the battle in the second half, dragging to the overtime game, South Ge is likely to crash.

"Let's listen!" The night's wind sweeps an eye, "" You can play very well in the first half! I know that everyone is very tired, but we can't relax in the second half, the other side has not given up, our second half is still going More balls. "

"It is not related to the opponent's goal, as long as we go into the ball than them, victory belongs to us Nan Ge!" Night winds into South Ge people in the idea of ​​campaign.

"Yes! Captain!" At this time, Nange Zhong is already completely trusting the night-lived wind, the leader of the night long style, but the temperament of his thousand hammer is.

The situation on the spot is the fragile fact of South Gearda. It is no way to reverse. Night wind does not have a good solution, and it is not as good as the turtle, it is better to attack every score. Opportunity.

As long as you actively run on the court, no one can go, nothing is impossible.

beep! At this time, the referee had a whistle, and the two team players appeared again.

The last half of the second half is about to begin. The audience has cheered in a sound, and the wonderful fast-playing competition in the first half mobilized everyone's emotions, the atmosphere at the scene excellent.

1487 chapter, score

The next half of the game began, South Geng and Xie Zhe were interchanged from the interchange site, and South Ge was served in the middle line.

Night-length winds directly brought to Pkiro, and the poke a ball, the whole South Ge is like the full line of the night.

For a while, everyone players almost concentrated in the half of the Tsuichian.

On the opening, the Tunch players run very active, and the team members want to get two points to the captain and achieve their promise.

At this time, Pkarang took the ball and met the defense of the two people of Jingze and the people who came to the ribs. The two movements were quite large. They were very eager to break the football rolled back and forth between the poles of the poles.

At this time, the super-stroke technology of Yaro, is reflected in the value. In the fierce fight against the philosophy, Pkarang is still safe to control the ball at the foot.

Although it is unable to get rid of Jingze and come to born, but the pool is passed to the night grows in the best time.

When the night, the wind, I just got a ball, and I immediately walked over, around, around and back, the four repair players put the night long windwliness.

In the second half, Xietiet does not want to give the night long-winding opportunity, even all the passed lines are blocked.

"If you play like this, don't blame me for bullying the pupil!" The night grew, he directly forced between the football to the polar players in front of the team, and then directly the people were divided.

Dang! The repair players on the left and right side of the night, want to block the night long wind in the body, and the result is directly hit by the night with the body.

"Ah, good pain!" Two to the end of the polar, they just hit a steel wall.

Within the country, the physical quality of Tsuichchy's players is first-class, but it is more than night, that is, the level of kindergarten, uncomfortable.

The night-long power is super power to simulate the effect of the straight line of Xiaogang, and the Tsuchie's players can't stop.

"Let's come back!" Tuning in the middle and defending high shouts, commanding the defender of Xie Zhe's defender to stop the players of South Ge, do not let them easily reincarrse. Zone.

At this time, all the relatively high players of South Geng rushed into the ban. District, there are two people who have attracted most of the attention.

Snapped! At this time, the night length of the ball will be divided into the sidewalk, and the south of South Ge players is unhappy, but the sidewalk is large, no one is defensive, he is very easy to bring the ball to the bottom line of the pool.

"Ball is coming!" South Gearde's winger directly took football to repair the ball door.

At this time, more than a dozen players in South Gehe and Xiu Zhe are concentrated in the ban. In the area, they also pulled each other.

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