The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1502 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Who is that guy?"

"South Korea is not affordable? Self-madness!" The whole reading and writing stadium suddenly looked.

"As soon as everyone challenges, it is really the style of night!" The day, Xiao Lang's eyes, watching the gods of the night.

"Cough ..." The organizer of the scene is a bit embarrassed. The organizers have cough two times, and there is a lot of nonsense, "the following is the lottery ceremony ..."

"Changfeng, call you up is to swear, what do you do?" Nange leader Chengshan is almost very cold.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we all take the championship. They naturally have no words." Night long style did not want to participate in this boring admission ceremony, these formatting things seem to be in the night. Just waste training time.

"Haha, it is the captain. Too great!" Ishi Siki still smiled at the side of the smile, and was taken directly after the night. {

"Hey, good pain! Captain, why do you play me again!" Ishigosaki revealed a vocal influence.

Next is the grouping lottery ceremony, the team, and a total of eight groups.

This time, Ziro scored a group of South Ge SC, and then went to the four groups of thousands of leaves, and the beginning to the seed team of the national contest.

In order to make the strength of the team more balanced, the Assembly will separate the seed teams and do not let them meet in the group.

As a result, Nan Ge is unexpected is that Ming and FC, Ming and FC's last national contest did not play a qualifier, so they were not a seed team, and they were drawn in the second round.

On the day, Xialairo actually pumped a group where Nange selection team is located, and it is a group of B, South Geyu is a set of A.

That is to say, the first game, the Southern brother selection team will be the same and the FC game!

"Johere me!" The day, Xiaolan glasted his double punches, showing satisfactory expression on his face.

Nan Ge's selection team is a different expression, very exciting, "We act in the first round and play!"

Although Ming and FC are not the seed team of this national contest, almost all teams know that Ming and FC are not good to deal with, their exquisite battle is also a big bit of breaking opponents, and is very strong.

Moreover, the core character in the team is also a small mood in the country, and the people who know the day will be much more than the night.

After the lottery ceremony, all teams returned to their own hotel, quietly waiting for the coming of the national competition.

The noise of the wealthy night is also specially rented a private stadium near the reading and writing, so that Nange people can have an opportunity to adapt to Tokyo weather and adjustment.

The next day, the Ming and FC people have changed their jersey early, ready to start.

"¨` ▉ coach, time is here, we should go to the court. "The day, Xiaolang turned his head to a middle-aged uncle of a bean.

This middle-aged uncle sat on the straw, holding a large bottle of Japanese wine in his hand, not stopping in his mouth, looking at some and wretched.

This seemingly awkward uncle is the coach of Ming and FC, and it is also the key to Ming and FC to rush out of Qiyu County in just a year.

His name is Yiliang, and the famous name is also resounding the country, and it is the feet of the Japanese national team, a generation of legendary forward.

"You go first, I will drink some wine again." Ji Liang put his hand.

"Yes! Coach!" Nodded at the day.

"Right, Xiao Lang, this game must win." Jiliang rose his thumbs up to the day, "Victory is all of the football!"

"Well, I know, coach!" The day, Xiaolang, shilted, and everyone, "Are you ready?"

"Ready (promise)!" Ming and everyone should be in the same time.

"Okay, let's go!" Ming and FC all the fish spurred out of the hotel, directly running to read and write.

Read and write a football field.

Today is the first day of the group, all the teams have played in the court next to the main venue. At the beginning of the 19:00, each team has time to practice the venue.

Southerng Chowed team, because of some adjustments have been adjusted yesterday afternoon, the status of the player looks good.

The team of the team is a day of play, which means that a team has a game in the morning and in the afternoon, which is also a small test for the player's physical strength.

Especially South Ge Ming and, they will encounter a powerful enemy in the first game.

When the two team players warm up, when they came to the 13th court, Nange Zhong was a bit surprised, and the court was even surrounded by the crowd, and Wu Wei was a big man.

1506 chapter, the first game

"My God, I am just a group match, how can there be so many people?" Ishikasaki and others were surprised to open their mouths.

"This kind of thing, in the history of the national contest, the first time, the group game has so many viewers, there are many other teams who have no competition today." The organizers of the field meeting were also treated by this town Living.

"I have a good place to grab a good location!" A viewer in the first row of the field is proud.

"Yeah, this game can not be missed. South Geka is the top seed of the national contest, and the captain of the front team is directly to come to the champion!" The audience on the side is also excited.

"Ming and FC are also weak, their Lord will be the hopes of the hope of the football weekly, which is said to be the finals staged in advance, but it is never missed!" Onlookers the first game of this national contest The game is very expected.

In the field, Nange Zhongnie has just admitted, and the little friends of the Yaro began to cheer.

"Yunjun, come on. We will help you!"

"Haha, you are also coming. It's really lively." Yaro touched his nose.

"The Ming and the day, Time-557-Lang is also a strong enemy. After this game, I knew who was the biggest hindrance I won the road!" Sange

In addition, the fat cats and two twins encountered before the night are also coming to the appearance, which can be said that the team without the game is almost all.

This leads to there are no few people in other stadiums, and the 13th racket is all human heads, which forms a distinct contrast.

"Long-lost, South Ge!" The day, Xiao Lang suddenly ran to the middle of the midfielders who were driving the ball.

"Little Lang, don't come in a hurry!" Night wind looked at the day, his mouth slightly forsake.

"Hey, this time I must do you to wear you guarded the door!" The day, Xiao Xiaolang pointed to the night-length wind and war, he thought that the night length is the main door of South Geehae.

"That is impossible ..." The smile on the face of night is getting more and more strong.

At this time, the day, Xiaolang made an amazing move, he gave a right hand and scratched into a punch.

"The National Competition is our Ming and FC! The victory of this game is also our!" Caba has made an oath of all the audience and the team, and the tone is more exaggerated than night long wind.

"What? Who is this guy, actually so mad?"

"You don't even know, he is the king of Xiaolang, Ming and FC!" The audience outside the field is turning.

"I am evil! Actually, I will provoke us!" Nange Zhong was angered by the day.

beep! At this time, the referee had a whistle, the first game of the National Competition, South Ge SC officially began to fight the battle and FC.

The cold gambling is in the cold, and the South Ge Selection team selection the ball, the middle line serves.

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