The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1516 of the Chapter 1516 of the Prince of Tennis

The ball speed falls on the grass and then rebounds, flying from the flower round goalkeeper with faster speed.

4-2! Within two minutes, connect two goals in two minutes, South Geong's strong attack power is suffocating the flower players.

"Is this the real attack power of South Ge?" The player in the field is also surprised by a cold sweat.

Two balls before spending, the night lengthy winds did not participate in defense, and after this night's live wind participated in the defense, South Ge's ability to defense immediately rose several grades.

This is the so-called soul ball (good money), once the game, his move will affect the direction of the team and the situation.

At this time, only five minutes left in the middle of the game, while the players of the flower wheel have shown the tiredness, and the playersides of South Gee have been driving, the status started.

Especially the night's wind is once again showed this blushing, and South Ge's momentum is a straight line!

"South Ge! South Ge! South Ge!" At the scene of the South Ge Yinggu Group, the two people brought the brothers again, and the game continued.

This time, the two brothers gathered together, and started a continuous pass to break through South Ge's midfield.

However, they are obviously a small look at South Ge, after more than ten minutes of adaptation, Nange Zhong has completely figured out the rhythm of the two people.

Snapped! On the field, Jingze is easy to break the oblique ball of the government to the husband!

It is also the counterattack of South Ge!

Chapter 1521, head name

"Broken, Ze!" Long Yi and the two people showed the color, after Jingze won the ball, the lower awareness gave the night-lived wind.

After a few games, South Ge players have been used to getting the ball first looking for night wind, night long wind is the absolute core, the team's engine.

After got the ball, naturally want to cross the ball to night, which has become a conditional launch of Nange selection team players.

despair! After the night is on the ball, pull the ball directly, then it is a ball to break through the midfield.

Two Huayou's defensive midfielders wanted to stop the night, they were directly squeezed by the night's ball.

"You can't let them go into the game, if you go into the ball, we will finish the wheel!" The backfield in the back of the flower wheel.

"Oh!" Hua Wheel players should drink, and quickly put the iron bucket.

This time, in the iron barrel of the flower wheel, the night long did not choose forced to kill people's tricks or breakthroughs, but passed the attack of South Ge.

At this time, the three people in the front field of Nange, the birth, Long Yi and Jingzhishe state recovered, plus the Baro and Night, and the five people came back and forth soon broke through the two defense lines of the flower wheel. The big ban on the flower wheel.

Snapped! At this time, the night length wind is in the ban. District, the ball, the last line of the flower wheel is all attracted by the night, and his long-range ability is too strong, let the -343-there is a flower player Has have to be blocked.

At this time, the night length of the left foot was pulled down, then followed by the right foot, and the football came back to the polelang behind him.

The poke a few steps forward, and after adjusting the body's focus, it is directly anger!

"Hey!" As the Pkarang drunk, the ball rotated, and then the air was high-speed and flying toward the flower ball door.

The spending goalkeeper struggled, and this ball suddenly drilled in front of his body and drilled into the goal.

5-2! Yaro scored a messy goal.

"Enhance!" Parlary was excited and frightened at night.

"Hey, how did you see how the ball is going?" The audience outside the field is exciting, and the route of the ball is very strange.

"I see it seems to be suddenly fallen?" There is a viewer who is not very certain.

"How is this possible?" Onlooked the masses a big hairdress.

"This ball should be the prototype of Tailang's killing skills!" The golden light in the eyes of the eyes, and the eyes were glaring and glared in the Pkarang and Nange everyone.

At this time, South Ge is already a leading three goals, and the players of the flower wheel have no fight.

"They are too strong!" The flower round players lamented in their hearts. The two brothers were also dedicated by Nange players in the front field.

Although the two people are fast, but tactics are too single, and it is just two people's attack, it is simply driving international jokes.

It is necessary to know that Nange's guards can be more than the fish, the squad, the high and the sideline, and the western sail and others are the top guards of the future professional league, and they are not as good as the team I encountered before. Deal with.

beep! When the referee blows the whistle that ends in the first half, South Geye Night's wind is also entered into one goal, 6-2!

After the end of the first half, the game has lost his suspense. South Geng changed the night-long and poker, replaced two replacement.

As a result, the second half, the South Ge team still scored four goals, including the one and the well-definition to fight a ball, and the labeling is big, and it has entered two goals.

10-2! South Gessa won the victory of the third game, in this group of three battles, the net winch is also exaggerated.

Next, two groups, South Ge encountered the fishing team, there is no accident, Nange all won the two-digit big bit.

After the end of the group, South Ge 5 won the won by the team's head name, and the Ming and the last big score defeated the flower wheel, and the second place was wandered in the group.

Among them, the performance is the day and the day to Xiaoli, and the day, Xiaolang is starting to perform a crazy brush in the fishk team, and each game is more than five.

At a time, (CAAI) The nickname and the Weighing of the Tiger began to circulate in all teams of the national competition.

Sanzhan County, Ruo Linyuan.

At this time, Johinden is already a video of South Geki Group, this video is the registered city of Lin Buto Nan Ge leader.

When Lin Lin saw the air wing injured, the direct excited stood, the expression became dignified.

And when the night's wind moved to lead Nange to win the underworld, Ju Lin was excited, blood boiling.

When the Lin had a group of South Ge, he turned off the TV and then can't suppress his excited mood.

He wants to participate, we dominate the country with the night, not to stay in the South Ge City Hospital.

"Source three, you have to calm. Your injury is not complete!" See the coach reminded.

"Coach, I must participate in the national contest, even if it is best!" Ji Lin cleared his fist, burned the flame of the fighting spirit.

On the fourth day of the National Competition, all teams of the team were finished, and the national contest officially entered a cruel knockout.

A total of 16 teams scored the final knockout, and they will bother the final champion in this competition.

At this time, all the promotion teams were all concentrated from the organizers of the National Competition to the dormitory next to the reading and writing, which was convenient for unified management.

Before it is a team of participation, too much, so that the hosted party is weak to bear the food.

After going to the knockout, the organizers finally made all the players concentrated together and assume all players to eat and live the training.

In the cafeteria.

After dinner, the Yaro's news to leave Nange City after the national contest, told Nanka Choice.

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