The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1527 of the Chapter 1527 of the Prince of Tennis

"Tanaka, you have to shut me! Be sure to let our players hear our responses!" The big sister to fight the banner of South Gee.

At a time, the views of the South Ge Xijun group began to kill the drums, but their voice was quickly drowned by the screams of the Sanhuy Female Fans.

Because the Swan SC in the field is playing with Musashi players, the entire read and written master is boiling.

"Wow, their people are too much!" Ishiki swept a man's sea.

"Your kid will not be a good morning?" The night is deliberately said.

"Which!" Ishiki laughed two, and the stress in my heart gradually slowed down.

"Okay, play!" The night's wind stood up, took off the jacket on his body, or first stepped into the reading center course.

"Let's make these noisy guys when you run away!" The night is running on the court and starting to lead Nange people to warm up before the game.

On the other half, Musashi SC's San Shi is to convene all people and enclose a circle ..

"Everyone listened, today's opponents are different!" Sanhui sweeping an eye, the face is solemn, "they have two major main force can't play, but their strength is still very powerful. They have The strongest offensive combination of the national contest! "

"So ..." Suspent suddenly, "" this game, I will fill the whole game! "


"Captain, do you really have to make a full game?" Wuzhou SC everyone glanced, they didn't know the things of Sanhuo's heart disease, but in their impression, San Shi also attached other opponents, the game I didn't start, I said that I have to fill the audience.

"Yes! I will fill the whole game, here is reading and writing, is Tokyo District! You look around to watch the audience of our game, today, we must work harder and desperate than ever!" The war is in the eyes.

"Victory must belong to our martial arts!" Sanmei stretch [out] The right hand, all the players of Musowang SC will be put on the right hand of the three shovel.

"Oh!" All the players in Musashi shouted, throws hand to the sky.

"Musash! The strongest! Musash! Tighs!" With the two team players warm up, the moment of reading and writing is more amazing, and the cheers of the fans of Munzang have to overturn the entire read and write main venue.

Although this game is just a semi-final, this momentum and attention are simply different from the career competition.

"Two team players, please come over!" The main referee walked into the midline of the stadium and waved the two team players.

Musash SC and South Ge SC players came to the middle line, each is arranged, and each other is standing.

I haven't started the game, the nervous atmosphere is filled on the court, and this feeling is neither in this level of student league.


"Please advise!" Two team members have saluted each other, and they don't have to engage in these spossils before the game, but because of the live broadcast of this competition, the organizer requested that the two team players have made some heads, let the TV station have Put the time of advertising.

Immediately after the night growers and three of the three, other players are their own positions.

The referee stood in the middle of the two, throwing the coins of the left hand to the air!

1533 chapter, completely different opponents

Sanmin today is good, he guess the flower face of the hard disk, then select the ball.

The night-long wind is only selected, the South Ge's selection team from the right to left, the martial arts SC is from left to the right attack.

"San Shi Jun! I love you!" The female fan of Sanmin on the table was starting to scream.

! The referee blew the whistle started at this time, and the second game of the National Competition officially started, and Musashi kick.

Snapped! The mid-line martial arts will give the ball to Sanqi, and the three begins to take the ball into the half of the half.

"Let's disconnect his ball!" After you have rushed to the midfield, the two have formed a heaven.

"Started, the audience from the TV set, the game of Musash SC and South Ge SC began!" Dynasties in the Dynasty in the Tokyo District, the semi-finals of Dechuan Justice in a person to explain this national competition.

De Chuanzhi has also seen many three-in-law competition, so he is very understanding of Sanhuo, which is also high.

Today, Dechuan Justice is looking forward to the performance of Sancan 20, and he even in the previous program, the presence of Sanhuo is the future of Japanese football.

"The audience, now San Shijun will take the ball in the midfringing, the other players of Musashi SC are spread. Now the two players from South Geka are surrounding the Sanhuo players, we can look forward to the performance of the Sansi!" Dechuan The explanation of justice is obviously biased towards the martial arts SC.

! At this time, Sanhuo passed out the football at the foot, and the ball was smart from the past and the dragon was worn before and the dragon was worn, directly to the feet of Music Sang.

"Saso, quickly pass the ball to this room!" San Shi began to show the nature of his commanders on his field, and started to lead the players of Wushu.

"Can't understand, the captain!" After the player of the Musashi, after the ball brought the ball, he directly passed the ball to South Ge.

The winger is very fast to catch up with the ball, and his speed is no longer a dragon.

Wuzhou began to attack the side, and the room was high-speed with the ball in the right side of Nange half, and the three cents were run fast to the goal.

The game just opened, Musash SC put a look and South Geka played the ground.

"The opportunity is coming, the opportunity of Musashi SC is coming! The command of the Sansi Jun is too strong, and the martial arts have tearned the defense line of South Ge!" Demuguan Justice in the studio excited.

On the side, the high-speed brought the ball flashed on Simi Sikasaki, and then the ball will pass the ball to the South Ge's goal, it is a speed of half a ball.

"Remote shooting!" At this time, South Ge in the middle and defending high-spirited stared to the [] to the ban. District of the district, all South Ge players have known the core of the martial arts, as long as the stare Deadly dead, other people in Musowang, are insufficient.

"Triada, your chance is coming!" Sanhuo did not choose to take off, but in Nange. Active running in the district, taken the defensive players in South Ge.

At this time, suddenly a yellow blue figure kills from the three pine bodies, it is true!

"Worse!" Ishi Siki turned away, and the real land has been guarded.

boom! At this time, the true field directly took the fish, with the top of the height of the flying ball.

At this crisis, Nan Ge is banned. A tall figure in the district is forcibly squeezing from the true field.

"Ah!" The real field is called a hit, and the tall figure is the chest stopping the ball.

"Can be evil! Who!" The real field looks back, it is the night!

Night wind rushed from the midfield to return to his own ban. District, and prevented the head of the real field from attacking.

"When did he ran here?" Wuzhou frontcily player is a glimpse, they did not pay attention to the night's cold.

"Ah, it is a pity! This trusdom organizes Musashi's offense can be said to be perfect. But in the end, it was still destroyed by Nange's zero players!" Dechuan Justice flooded the information in his hand, "Well, this name" The player is called the night, and it is the king player of South Ge! "

Deichuan Justice did not watch the previous South Ge, so I didn't know much about Nange players. In his opinion, this night's live wind is just a good luck.

"The referee, he is foul!" Zhenfield is still sitting on the grass and complained with the master referee.

The main referee has a forward, and it is completely ignored to the real field, and the game will continue.

This night's night is really no foul, but it is too bad to fight against the true field. It is directly exhausted by the night.

At this time it is banned. The night long-faced color of the ball in the district is sinking, and the first time in Sanhuo is about to be fast than the rhythm of him.

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