The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1554, Chapter 1554, Chapter 1554, Chapter 1554

Jiliang is a legendary center in Japan. Under his live command, Ming (Wang Zhao) and the attack tissue become smooth.

On the day, Xiaolang is again in the ban on South Ge. District, thereby stopped the ball.

"Not good!" Nange's defender and others were surprised.

"I am a striker, I want to go to the ball!" The day turned to Xiaolang, the left foot put the ball forward, then the whole body is completely comfortable, and the right foot will raise the right foot, "Ju Lin, pick it up!"

"Despite it!" If the forest is on the foot, the look is serious, "I will not let you go in the right foot!"

boom! The ball is flying in the day, and there is such as the shellflow. At this time, Simi Shot actually appeared in front of the day, and blocked the day to Xiaolang, this plan, vigorously, and consaiment.

"Ah!" Ishiki screamed, and his face was drawn.

"What!" The day is very shocked.

"Ishikaki!" Ju Lin is also a little worried about .

Chapter 1565, shocked

"South Geka's fourteenth player Siki also fell on the ground, will he become a player who has been replaced by the third injury in South Geka?" Dechuan Justice is also living by the stunt of Shiji's face ball. .

"Hey, this kind of power is not good, it is much smaller than the captain's shot!" Ishi Saki actually stood like a businessman, although his face was pumped with monkey PI shares.

"This ... this kid!" The day is anger to Xiaogutang is angered by Shiji.

"Ishiqi, good seal!" Nange defender was infected by the spirit of Shiji.

"Siki's guy ..." Night's mouth is slightly tight, because of the blocking of Ishikoaki, he has time to return to Nange's half.

"It's evil! He replain!" Ming and FC's frontcourt players saw a tall night-hard work station in Nange. District, I was discouraged.

Ze Takong will raise the ball in the side of the side. He now only thinks that a thing is to give the ball to Xiaolang.

Ze Tak quickly sent a side ball to teammates, and teammates returned to Ze Tak.

Ze Tian Yong began to take the ball at high speed on the right space of South Ge, and the head of the head is still a slut, I want to steal the ball of Ze Tak, it is easy to over.

"For the sake of Ming and the victory, kick the ball into the -520-door, the captain!" Ze Tiao Yong suddenly pushed, and the ball was shielded to the top.

"Good Ball, Ah!" The day is a flying ball, just like an emptiness.

"The chance of Ming and the opportunity is coming ... ah!" Dechuan's rigid voice did not fall.

A slam, the night's wind is attached to the day to Xiaolang, the two people in Nange. There are directly on the foot.

The strength of the power, the night length is never lost.

This time the ball is directly pressed against the two people.

"The ball is still in that ban. District, dangerous has not been released!" The situation on the field is too fast, and Dechuan Justice has a kind of explanation.

bass! At this time, the game on the night and the day of Xiaoxun jumped at the same time and wanted to fight the ball in the air.

The ball speed and bomb jump in the night, and the moment, he is on the moment, and the day is still rising in the air.

"Can be evil!" The day, Xialai, biting his teeth, wants to hit the night, so that the night is in the air.

But this hit, Xialairo felt that he was hit on a steel plate and was bounced directly.

Snapped! And the night long style is to give the ball back to Ruolin!

"Goodball!" If Lin Yuan has a steady hold of the ball, South Ge's counterattack is coming.

bass! After the night is falling, it is completely around the situation, and a person is flying forward.

There is still less than ten minutes from the end of the competition, and the night is driving directly on the king invincible.

At this time, his whole body attribute increased by 30%, and the speed of the night is raised.

"It's too fast! The night long player is like a half of the whole South Ge!" Dechuan Justice couldn't help but launched the speed at this time, in his opinion, the speed of the night Like a professional track and field athlete, it is simply an alien on the football field.

"He is not a planet, but an alien!" After the nuclear warhead, Dechuan Justice gave the night long-lasting wind-alien.

"Caring, Changfeng!" At this time, if Lin hugged the ball, it was directly on the front.

If the foot of Johind is still as fine, the ball is accurate to the top of the night, and the night is unloaded with the left foot.

At this time, the latter line is empty, and only four of the four Ming and players in the whole half.

"South Ge's counterattack is coming, Ming and danger!"

"Run, South Ge !! Run, super night long!" In the joke of Nange fans on the table, the night long wind speed with the ball forward.

He is like a long arrow of the string, and the speed is so incredible, the whole person's momentum is completely different.

In the case where the king is invincible, the attribute of the night-catching wind has reached the attribute value of the professional player, and the midfielder players who want to catch up, but the distance is getting farther and farther.

"Not good!" When the day, when he looked back, he could only see a blurred back.

"Now is three to one, if you let Nan Ge goon, the game is over! This ball, I have to block anyway!" If the island is in the face, he is waiting, waiting for the night long wind. The moment of ban.

At this time, the four players left only from the FC rushed to the night length, and the four people were completely surrounded by the night.

"Ah! Long wind! Look at you!" The view of Shang South Geography was shouting.

Night wind is high-speed with the ball, and the spherical sphere of the Sanhuo and the Barlang is not very high. Although it is 30% due to the invincible state of the king, it is still not superior.

Night wind is currently not a way to stick the ball to the foot and the feeling of the football in the feet.

The ball of the night, the ball is speed, while the body's reaction, and the famous star alien Ronaldor in the forefront of the night.

At this time, four Ming and players did not take their feet around the night, because they were afraid to have a vulnerability to be found by the night.

Night winds, no matter how much, directly put the ball forward, then squeezing the two Ming and the back of the two in front of the past.

It is also this kind of quite unreasonable way, and it is still just that the straight line is straight.

It is important to know that the body's strength is very strong, plus the increase in the invincible state of the king, and can say that the power of four or five Ming and players do not necessarily block the footsteps of the night.

When the night's wind is again in the Ming and the big ban. When the ball is in the district, there is only one of the Island, and one is in front of him.

"Finished!" The fans on the stage were in their eyes, they had already fallen into desperation.

bass! At this time, if the island is not hesitant, this time, in order to prevent it from being covered by the lightest goddess, he has prepared it.

At this time, no one thought that the night's live wind was actually looted, and he looked at the right foot.

The ball directly brushed the top of the island, and then fell to the mutual goal.

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