The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1560

Elevator ball, better skill than the gliding force, so that the ball is like the elevator, the power is very powerful.

Carlos vigorously arc the ball, this does not have to say more, the golden left heavy gunner's stunt can kick the magical goal against the principles of physics.

And this strong arc shot is also one of the fastest shots of the ball. It is a very attractive shot to the night growth.

In the last two or last, C spend on the body of the body and the tricks of Messi Mei ball king.

After watching the plaid on the disc, the night is very satisfied.

This change in the lottery is not very large, but the new skills are very good skills, basically there is no skill of potholes..

In addition, the skills of some of the auger superstars that I want to smoke before. Of course, there are still a lot of awards for night growth, and they are not willing to draw.

Even if you take the night, you will choose to gamble.

This time, there is no doubt that the night's best wants to smoke, or the big prize, you can get three exceptional lucky draw chances.

This is the best award for the night length of you want to take all skills.

In fact, the night long weather wants a buzzing killing skill, the flame shot, the beast shot, the agricultural cannon shoot, the wings, the ball, and even the anti-speed cannon can.

Then there is a skill, and the night-long wind has now had the shackles of the dawn goddess, but this cannot be used continuously, so the night is still wanting to smoke the wind.

Most wonders or Ice princes, want to say gorgeous, or this is the most gorgeous.

In addition, the right angle is fake, leva turns around, cattle tail, bicycle step, Marseille cyclone includes a bell swing too much.

As for the Messi disc, this award can have any effect, it is not necessarily.

If there is a hundred percent of Messi, it is undoubtedly the best skill, but the night is not thinking that the superhen system will be so kind, will definitely be restricted.

As for free kick skills, the night length has already had a round moon curd knife, and the demand is not very large, the elevator ball, strong arc ball, and even the gliding striker is good.

The rest of the C-Luo body, there is a vulture pass and 3S shooting, these night long wind demand is not very high, the night's body is going against the sky, after the moon bending knife, the vulture passed the ball and 3S shoot on the night Some of the long winds seems to be.

In the end, there is an Ibrahimovich's scorpion tail. This trick is the stunt of the center player, and the night is still in the middle of the game, so the practicality of this trick is not very high.

In general, the change in this lucky draw system is to change to a better direction, and useful skills.

If these skills are all in the night, it is of course invincible, but this time he only has three lucky draw, so the night is going to the award.

1573 chapter, Liu Diagram

"System, start the lottery!" The night long-lived breathing breathed a bit, and after a little calm, slowly.

"Yes, master!" Super god system voice, the loud light disc appealed on a huge gold disc, which immediately turned quickly, and the heart of the night was tight.

"I want a grand prize! Grand Prize! Grand Prize!" The loud noise is like a reader.

And with the night's long, the light on the disc is gradually gradually slow, getting slower.

When the night length is thought to be a spot, the spot is suddenly stopped at least on the disc, and it is still moving.

"I kao!" The night is dark, and the position where the light is located is exactly the bottom of the disc and the blessing awards are over 100,000 miles.

"Hey! Congratulations to the owner to get the tank ball (master), the number of lottery you left is two times, is it a gambling?" The prompt of the hyperincidence system sounded.

"It is actually the tank ball of Renren!" The night's mouth is a mouth, this time the skills make him slightly disappointed.

Although Rentian's striker is strong than the day, it is mostly the top of Asia, and there is also a distance from the world, and other various kicked skills on the 20 discs are not better.

However, the night grows still thinks that this tank disc is very suitable for his sphere, and it is just a master, and there is a room for growth, it is also a good skill.

"Will it gamble?" Super ç system asked again.

"No!" Night winds eventually did not choose gambling, the last two consecutive gambling success is very stressed to night long wind, generally speaking, the number of gambling success is continuous, the next gambling does not care how to fail regardless of the character value .

So, unless the skills that are completely useless, the night cost is not intended to gamble.

"Continue to draw!" The night's face is more nervous. The first lottery is not very satisfied, which makes the night growers more eager to the award.

"Grand Prize! Grand Prize! Grand Prize!" Night wind looked at the spinning spot on the disc, and started to read.

This time the spot is like heard the call of the night's wind, the upper end of the gold disc gradually stopped.

Seeing that the light is going to stop in a few plaids, and one of them has a blessing award, which makes the night grow like a chicken blood is as excited.

"Laozi wants a big prize! System!" The night is not yelling, crawling over the three plaids in front of the spot, and eventually stopped on the lattice in the grand prize.

"Haha ... too ..." On the face of the night, there was a rider, and the next moment, the night did out.

After the TMD spot stopped, it was still desperately moved back and finally stopped.

The superhen system seems to be interested in making the night long-term wind and a big prize.

"Hey! Congratulations to the owner to win the skill Messi disc (high), the number of lottery you left is once, is it gambling?" Super-system cold sound made the night grows very unhappy.

"System, I ri, your uncle!" Night long winds rose the gold disc.

"Is it gambling?" Superning system can continue to be asked by the night's strength.

"No!" When the night was looking for, there is still no gambling.

Night wind is estimated that Messi's disk is raised to himself, and the disc is one of the weak technologies of the night, if you can practice Messi's discs and even gods, night long The wind believes that he can greatly enhance its integrated attributes.

The first two draws, the night-lived wind draws two distinct skills, just a soft, looks some contradictions.

However, the night is not given to what star template will be given to himself. He wants to build himself into a menstruck, the body and the play skills reach the top, so these two skills are good for night growth.

"The last chance, smash it!" This last chance, the night's wind is no longer reported to the award, from today's skills, the night long style feels that his character value should not be high, sure Close your eyes, let the light freely rotate on the disc.

"Hey! Congratulations to the master to draw the grand prize, you have obtained three lucky draws." After more than ten seconds, the prompt of the superhen system is first long.

Then, the night length opened his eyes, and the light spots suddenly stopped in the plaid on the top of the gold disc.

Is a grand prize! When the night cost is completely lost, it is harvested award.

This is called the heart of the flowers, and there is no heart to add Liu Ying. Superning system seems to be deliberately given a lot of no big jokes.

"Cool!" The night grew fist, and the vibration arm cheered.

Long-lost prizes, night long winds have been forgotten, so people are so happy.

"Do you continue to draw?" The prompt of the god system sounded.

"Use together with the three lottery!" Night-length wind rolls will be natural, you can pumping into the big prize. Today's character value is good, and the night is very hard.

! The night long-term wind is just fell, and the gold disc on his head has emerged three expropriated light spots, and then starts rapidly rotating on the disc.

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