The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1578, Chapter 1578, Chapter 1578 of the Prince of Tennis

In general, this national competition is also a scene of Nange and Dongbang two male hegemony. Of course, Fu Liangye Middle School and Ming and Middle Schools don't want to just a background, they also want to dominate the country.

After a day, the four four stroners came to the National Master Stadium early.

In the dressing room of Fu Lianghong Middle School, the coach is laying the tactics of the semi-final today.

"Songshan, South Ge is really better than we strong, but as long as you can hold Nan Ge's night long style, our rich wild will have the opportunity to have a chance to turn to Songshan positively.

"Yes, you can rest assured. Everything will give it to me, I have hit here, I will not easily accept it!" Matsuyama's eyes flicked.

On the other hand, Nange's locker room, Nange all people came out of the player passage directly, and the first Middle School of the semi-finals has begun.

beep! The referee has just blown the whistle, Ming and Middle Schools directly launched the offensive. The fans of the Ming and Middle Schools are very much. It is like fighting at home.

"I am, Ming and can't lose!"

"Ming and! Come on! Ming and! Come on!" The cheers of the scene of the tsunami gave a great encouragement of the Ming and Middle School players. They faced any fear of the king of Dongbang Academy, and the continuous transmission ball broke through Dongbang. The midfield line of the park.

At this time, San Shi, who took the town defensive midfield, began to play his power to defend the ability and began to direct the back line of Dongbangology.

"Is this this trick?" Jin Guang was flashing in the eyes of the night.

The defender on the Tongbang Academy suddenly launched Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi, and the strikes of Ming and Middle School did not realize that they have already in the offside trap, and they are still running forward.

beep! At a moment of passing the ball in Ming and Middle School, the side knocks raised the offside banner, the main referee bottleped the in-line fouls, and the Dongbang Academy won any kick opportunities.

"Fast Attack!" Sanshen is directly free to send the ball to the midfielder wings.

The big air wings show strong controlled power, the three players of Ming and Middle School rushed to the big empty wings, and the big air wings were still highlighted, and the ball was stuck, and it was passed to the Dongbang Academy. Current captain. One tree in Sangchi-machi does not demonstrate the players of Dongbang Academy last year.

He is very good, the left foot stops, the body is started, the right foot is in the right foot, and the Tang-machi is directly into the Ming and the ban. District, then directly the foot is angry!

boom! The ball runs through the defense line of Ming and Middle School, and the upper right corner of the ball door is very beautiful.

1-0! The Dongbang Academy has just opened ahead, and the on-site watch and the second school responses suddenly.

"¨` ▉ , Dongbang Academy! "Pugang looked at everyone on the court.

"Well, very good offensive formation!" Night lived is nodded, and the entire lineup of Dongbang Academy is entirely a line from the back.

In the back, there is Rujinjian, there is a three in the back scene, there is a big air wing in the front field, and finally the Sangshi Tree, every position in Dongbang School (Qian Zhao) is in Ming and Middle School.

"Today, the status of Dongbang Academy is also good!" At this time, the rich wilders came out from the player channel and ran to the appearance battle.

"The day is still not on the game, what is the coach of the other party?" The night grew well, while sitting on the troops, the Tang-machi is also a good, but the day, Xiao Lang compares to a grade.

There is no Japanese Academy of Xiaogang, which is not the strongest Etobang.

At this time, I was sitting on the court at this time. He looked at the stadium coldly. After stretching behind the bench, he was holding into a punch, and the pinch is a sound.

"The semi-finals began, the next game should be more exciting!" The VIP took the tongtue.

"Yeah, if you don't accidentally, this final is the strongest confrontation of Japanese pro boy!" I saw the coaching point on the side.

1595 chapter, the rich wilderness

"The 24 players going to Europe will be set off?" Tong suddenly asked.

I saw the eyes on the ridges on the nose, and my light replied: "Almost, I am worse."

"Yes?" The film has a smoke, "Yes, about how to deal with Xiaolang, how do you plan?"

"The North Ji of Dongbang Academy is conceivable. He does not know the potential of the day, and of course it will take him to Europe, and as the main center!" See you slowly.

"Seeing Mr., there is a knowledge, and I think it is the same!" The tonggy bank turned a smile.

On the court, after the Ming and Middle Schools turned behind, began to be crazy.

The players of Ming and Middle Schools are dominated by two or three grades. Their strength is still, but it is always unable to break through the defense line of Sanhui organization, only in large prohibition.

The quality of these longjections is also good, but in the biggest best door of this session, the popular people will choose the shot of Island, and the Ming and Middle School.

At this time, if the island is the high-tech high-profile and grabbed the highlights of the Ming and Middle School, then directly launch counterattacks, the big foot opens the ball to the front field.

The large air wings directly use the chest stop in the middle field to unload the vast ball of Island, the fast counterattack of Dongbang Academy.

This time, Sanhuo also plugged into the half-field of Ming and Middle School, the gold combination of Dongbang Academy, the big air wings and three people pass each other, and the wall-oriented cooperation broke through the defense of Ming and Middle School.

"Good combination!" Song Mountain in the game couldn't help.

"How to become so powerful!" Ishiki is also a big surprise, from the speed and feeling of the field, the Group of gold in Dongbang Academy is not weak than South Ge, and two people are Have an excellent ball, attract a large number of defensive players.

After the Ming and Middle School, the defense line can only be lost in the moment, and the three-scholar will receive the air wing of the wings. He has broke through the Ming and Middle Schools.

At this time, the puzzle on this court showed a lot of powerful personal offensive skills, and he was banned in Ming and Middle School, and continuously with the ball.

The defender of Ming and Middle Schools want to steal the ball under the feet of the Sanhuo.

Sanhui finally used a beautiful picking ball to send the ball to the goal of Ming and Middle School.

2-0! After the game, CADG entered the festival of Dongbang Academy, the front field of the Dongbang Academy kept bombing and mid-school goals.

At the time of the end half, if Shimin Jian also showed the style of the offensive door, directly took a free kick, and put the ball into the door of the other party.

3-0! The whole half, Ming and Middle School have almost no power.

"Awesome, is this the strength of the King's Dongbang Academy?" All the people in Fuliangye were in the field. "

Since the strength, Ming and Middle School are not weak, Qi Yumi County is the football county, the football is very high, and their player's ball and skills are good.

But compared with Dongbang Academy, their strength is very poor, directly hit by Dongbang Academy.

And there is no doubt that if Lin Yuan goes out of the country, Ji Island is completely growing in Japan's first door, and if you want to bombard his door, it is too difficult to understand the Ming and Middle School.

! The player of the Tangbang Academy in the second half is Open, and the goal of connecting, with the referee blows the whistle of the end of the game.

8-0! The Dongbang Academy continues to be hidden by the snow in the day, still wins and secondary schools, and the final finals of the national competition will be taken. Just one step away from defending.

"Dongbang is easy to win!" The VIP took the tongs and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand.

"The strength has a gap, and the Dongbang Academy can make this lineup should be a lot of mind!" See the glasses on the nose.

After the first semi-final, the fans of the two teams on the stage were separated. After an hour, Nange and Fu Liangye were immediately started, and the fans of South Gehe and Fuliango gradually fill the game.

South Geng and Fuliangoo two team players have entered the court at this time, and the entire main venue is in an instant.

"South Ge! Win! South Ge! Strongest!"

"Fusiango! Come on! Fuliango! The high!" The two schools on the stage were more powerful, and the sound of the on-site waves were overwasy.

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