The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1581 of the Chapter 1581 of the Prince of Tennis

Snapped! When the ball returned to the lunch of the night, Southernga's frontcourts have all come to Fu Liangye's big ban. District.

Pugang and Jing Zeeh and the three people were divided into three lines. The three arrows were straight to the big ban. District, three people have the ability to go into the game, and the rich wilder has to send people to the three people.

More people are flocking to the night long wind that is taking the ball. They have seen the video of the night before the game, knowing that he has a very long-term ability.

In the face of the three defenders raised in Fuliang, there is still the back chasing behind Songshan, and the night is chosen. The ball wiped herbs, flew to the big ban on the area.

Pastelang's back to the goal, and he kept dialing the ball on the side of the ball.

! There is a ball-like night length wind shape, such as 20 lightning, killing rich wild. After the district, directly caught the ball directly, and get rid of the Songshan defensive and rich wild.

It is also a small-scale hit wall-style cooperation that Nange Gold Combination, and the night is once again taken again. There is only one defensive player and door in front of him.

At this time, the night is suddenly starting, and the ball is grouped.

The ball flew over the end of the defender, and at this time, the Pkarang appeared in front of Fuliango.

! The ball is drilled into the empty door!

3-1! South Geong passed the ball hard to born in the ball door, and only South Geranda in the national contest!

"Enter!" The fans of Nange in the table were boiling.

"Seeing there is no, Fu Liang, this is our South Ge's attack! The snow built a fart!" It is a fans on the Taihai, and the fans of the rich are.

Fuliangye's fans are silent, and South Ge's attack is too strong, and Fusiango is in powerless blocking.

"It's evil!" Songshan cried, clenched his double boxing, so far, he was in the confrontation of the night.

Speed, strength, skill, Songshan is full of night growth, completely following the rhythm of the long wind, and can't talk about death.

The strength of Songshan and San Shi and the big air wings still have a small gap, let alone is a night grow.

Originally, Liangye is playing a whole football, with a cooperation to overcome the opponent.

The game has just been taken to the tenth minute, South Ge is leading two goals, it can be said that it is quite difficult to play in Fukongo.

However, the player of Richye is still confident. After all, their avalanche tactics have not been crackd from South Ge.

despair! It is also a rich wild to make the avalanche tactics you are good at, a lot of players flock to South Ge.

However, this time, the night is early, he appears in the half of South Ge, and standing in the center of the center, no matter how rich wild, there is time to stop, his speed is after all. Too much too much in these middle school students.

"Ishikasaki, Taki, Pu Bian, West Tail, you have four stations, don't need to be feet, just follow their breakthrough to the top player!" Night lived starts to direct South Ge's line.

"Yes, the captain!" Nange Zhong quickly fanned on the court, this time, in addition to the three frontcourts of the frontcourt, everyone returned.

The number of people in Fuliango is gone, and the player is not as resolute as the first time.

Night long winds have almost unable to abolish the ball under the foot of the rich wild field. He is going to pass it to the mountain room, and he is seen by the night.

South Ge's counterattack, night long wind high speed with ball forward.

"Local is anti-grab!" Songshan drunk, all the rich wild players close to the night, surrounded.

At this time, the night shoulder stranded, and the whole person differentiated into five residues.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

Fuliangye's players stayed at once, and the five-year-old winds have broken through different directions and positions. They don't know who is going to enclose.

The night-hearted wind is relying on super skillful skills, and it is easy to bring the ball to the midfield.

As I said before, Fu Liangxiang avaled tactics had a very big hidden danger. When the night long windblast went to the midfield, there were three players left in Fuliango.

And South Geardians, Wells, and those who came to life, and the rush of the launch rushing to Fuliango.

Plus the night long wind, South Geng formed four major situations in the half of Fuliango.

"Fast rebellion!" Songshan took the players of Fuliangye, but the back of the nozzle jersey is getting farther and farther.

Night winds have just been suddenly banned from Fuliango. There are still more than ten meters away. He suddenly started, the left foot stopped, the right foot of the right foot stagnant.

Circular moon bending knife!

! The ball scored a large arc in the air, and then flew to the big ban on Fu Liang. Suddenly dropped behind the area.

Ambushing in Fuliango. South Geya bombard well in the area directly directly flying fish, and the top of the ball is topped to the rich ball.

The three defenders of the 790 Fu Liang did not respond, they did not realize that the passage of the night-catching ball suddenly dropped.

"Look at me to block it!" The door of Fuliango will fly desperately, and the right hand is strong. Out, it turns out the ball.

! However, the spikes of Jingze are rotated with a night long-term wind and moon bending knife, and the glove of the rich wild door is also flying into the gate of Fuliango, and in the net, it is still rotating.

4-1! The competition has just opened a fifteen minutes, and South Ge's lead has achieved three goals!

"Enter, Jingze!" After the birth and dragon, he rushed to Jingze, put him down.

"It's good, then I will enter a goal!" On the Taiwan South Ge Middle School, he was able to play the drums, and the entire national owner became a blue white ocean.

"Can not be evil ... Isn't it?" Songshan wiped the sweat of forehead, and his head towel on his forehead was somewhat out of the relationship between strenuous exercise.

Songshan has preceded the game with South Ge, but he didn't think that the first half was only half, his own goal has been taken into a sieve by Southern Ginsenasia.

Three balls are not a gap that is impossible to reverse, but with the state of the night and the prefare, the state of the front field in Nange, there is no difference in the score to the sky.

Chapter 1599, half a field

"Fusiango! Come on! Fuliango! Come on!" At this time, the rich fans on the stage began to fuel your team. Like the Fuliangye Middle School football team, Fu Liang's fans are also very stubborn, they firmly believe that their team can pull back the score .

"Well! How can I give up so easily!" Songshan recreated the headscarf on his head, and the flame of fighting in his eyes once again burned again.

Fuliango's players are also encouraged by their fans, after re-killing, Fuliango is still using avalanche, and this is more important, in addition to goalkeepers, all players rushed to South Ge.


"Don't lose confidence, we still have a chance!" Fuliangoo suddenly counterattacked sidelica.

They rely on the avalanche tactics, soon quickly sent the ball to Nan Ge Big. The foot of the Songshan District.

This time, I face the defense of Ishiyaki. Songshan put the ball to the right, then the whole person flashes to the right, and then it is directly robbed, heavy guns.

Songshan This foot will be strong. He has played a power in the foot of the snow, and the ball is swept in the upper left corner of South Geardians.

"Senakaki!" Ishiki called back.

"This goal is given to me!" The Emperor Senaki has been pushed into a ball very uncomfortable. This time it is an early attack. When the ball is not flying to the ball, it will fly, and use the double boxing to play the ball. .

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