The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1589 of the Chapter 1589 of the Prince of Tennis

The three people are very high, and the night growth is almost the same, about 75 or so, the body is somewhat, the second or third grade life, when the Dongbang Academy won the fight, the experience is also quite rich.

And this time, the breakthrough of the night's wind, the three veteran will be stupid in place.

Because of the live winds of the night, the four residues are differentiated, so that three guards are at a glance, only the stupid is alone, the night is too hot.

Shuguang goddess shackles!

The first time I saw this kind of trick is very difficult, although the front of the front of the Tian Ma Lei also explained the technical characteristics of the Dongbang Academy.

But I heard it is a matter, I have faced another thing.

The three people and other three people were completely played!

"It's evil! It's this!" Beibang Academy's rest area is very anxious.

At the event, Dongbang Academy occupied the wind in the middle of the field, but the night's live wind relied on a self-defeating to guard against the Attack of Dongbang Academy.

And the attention of the Dongbang Academy is also attracted to the night, which can say that the plan of the night is very successful.

If the Dongbang Academy is in a one-to-one personal ability, the night is absolutely confident in the East Exhibit Park.

Although the Personal Ability of Dongbang Academy is strong, not terrible, terrible is to integrate these personal abilities into a whole, so far they have not done.

"Breakthrough! Night long wind player broke through the big ban on Dongbang Academy. Is it a long-distance attack of his dragon?" Deichuan's excitement is full of red, long-distance attack, continuous Then go to the ball is a good play.

"Not good!" San Shi was going back to the middle of the midfield. It was basically chasing the night, he knew that once the night's wind entered the ban. The area is dangerous ..

The night's long weather is too large, once let him enter the ban. District, the wolf into the flock.

Snapped! When I broke through the Night Various Path, the last two Dongbang Academy's defender rushed up. They slipped together to the night, and they were killed. Angle, even if the foul is sentenced to the penalty, it is also at all.

bass! At this time, the night foot is on the football ball.

The ball is huge, and it will play directly, and the night is also jumped.

In the first moment, the night-length wind jumped into the air in a very imaginative way, escaped the double slip of the patron of Dongbang Academy.

"Beautiful!" The audience on the stage couldn't help but screamed.

"Go on the ball, the night long!" Nange's fans shouted.

Night live wind is in force and stabilizing the body, unequal balls, and the right foot is suddenly dried.

This shot was very sudden, and even Dichuan's righteousness did not respond.

However, if the reaction of the nerve superior, the island is also the most solid defense line. As the most solid defense line of the Dongbang Academy, if the island is in the air, the whole person suddenly started, the speed of rapid running. .

"Jujiu!" The day, Xiaolang, turned back, "Blocking it!"

"What is the ball speed, the tiger shot is fast than the captain!" If Island 3.9 healthy dynamic vision seems to have expired.

So near distance, the night long wind is empty, and it is very good, although this night's night does not use a ball, its sphere is not low.

There is no rotation of the ball, just rushed to the upper left corner of the Dongbang Academy.

"Jumping up! If the island will save the Tangbang!" Dechuan's eyes looked at the big screen in front of him.

If the island is jumped, the whole person pulls a line in the air, and the right hand has a strong elongation wants to take the ball out of the ball, but it seems less than the ball, and the night is too wind. , The distance of shooting is also too close, so that there is no chance to show his karate skills.

"It's good, we have to score first!" The frontcourt South Geye's well-being saw it clearly, and his face has exposed the look of joy.

1608 chapter, lost millift

boom! In the end, the ball of spectacles is heavy in the intersection of the left door and the beam, and finally flying out the bottom line.

"Ah, no!" At the time, Nange audience was sighing, and the fans of Dongbang Academy were long, and everyone thought it would be.

"It's actually not going!" The rancorn and Jingzhishe were surprised to rise.

bass! This is the Jizimin Jian station that fell on the ground. He bowed his head and looked at the glove of his right hand, and the middle finger was actually grown by the ball.

It is necessary to know that if the Island is only a new goalkeeper glove, this glove is also Adidas, the quality is very good, actually by the night long wind, the empty empty lottery is directly grinded.

It is enough to see the power of the night. If the island is still good, it is very good to practice the karate, the finger strength and flexibility are very good, or this is not hurt.

"If Island, this guy actually encountered the football of my great shot. It seems that this time is really good!" When the night's wind swept away from the island, it turned back to prevent.

Just now, the night-lived wind is aiming at an absolute dead end. Under normal circumstances, the ball will rub the beam and the door column to fly into the ball network, otherwise it is directly bombing into the ball 20.

If the island, the right hand is slightly touched by the ball, some micro-ball direction, so that the night grows will come and return.

"Help ... Almost get the ball!" The defender of the Dongbang Academy made a breath, and it was more taboo for the night.

On the field, if Shimazujian hugged the ball, looked up and looked up to the day of the front field, the two eyes intended.

On the day, I recalled Yesterday's scene. When I arrived in the evening, if Island Qujiang found himself.

"If Island, what's the matter?" There is some doubt.

"Captain, you let me try to fade out your tiger!" Ji Island is a sock.

On the day, I swept an eye, and the island is solemn, I finally nodded.

One night, both practiced shooting and saving in the practice field.

On the day, Xiaolang raises the tiger, directly on the door of the island, the door of the island, the door.

At the beginning, if the island is completely unable to fill the sun to the tiger shot, because the distance is too close, the speed of the tiger is rapid, and the power is enough.

Always practice until the night, if the island is the eye of the island, it gradually adapts the speed of the tiger to the tiger, and finally, it turned out to have a long-lasting tiger shot.

Going back to the National People's Venue, the day, Xiaoxiro looked at the firm look of the island, and he nodded. It seems that "if Island, today's goal is given to you!"

"Reassured, the captain, I will never let you down! I can fade out the tiger, you can fade the night of the night!" If the island is burn, the fire is burning.

"Changfeng, it is too sorry!" Yaro ran over and cheered at night.

"It's okay, the game has just begun, the real consolidation is still behind!" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

The first half of the game has been five minutes, and the score of the team is still zero.

"I am evil, I have to get football. If I go on like this, I am in trouble with the night's wind!" The day will not be calm in the front field, and he began to actively run.

Snapped! On the other hand, if the island is born, the ball is in the half of South Ge, and the big air wings remove the passage of the island.

Speaking of the pedicure of the door, if Lin Yuan is no longer, Ji Island is a national contest. This ball has also been very accurate, let the body are not a tall big air wing also received the ball. .

When the big air wings just took a ball, when it was prepared to break through, a tall figure blocked his way.

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