The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1592 of the Chapter 1592 of the Prince of Tennis

"It's great, the captain!"

"Perfect goal!" Nange front field rushed to the night length of the body, came to a stack of Rohan, four or five people put night long wind pressure. Under the body.

1611 chapter, curve shooting

"I kao! You want to kill me!" Like the night, I took the five people on my body.

"Captain, you are so powerful, I have never seen it!" "" "

"I have never seen it yourself!" Night wind shrugged, big hands, "Go back!"

"It seems that Nange team blows a counterattack, in the past game, once the South Geka is falling in the past, and their ace, the night, the wind, will stand up, today's finals are no exception. Ah! "Deichuan's justice gradually recovered calm, and his mouth was turned to keep it.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" The viewer who saw Nange began to cry in the name of the night, and responded to the entire national owner.

"I have already said, this guy is not a middle school student to block!" East Amater in the east is also watching the finals before the TV.

"Just a ball is too exciting, half a long-distance rushing, then in the Baby Academy of Tongbang Academy. There is no one in the district, and the two big king cards and goalkeepers in Dongbang Academy are turned." This is the sigh of the flower brother and husband.

"Next, it should be a goal battle!" Supata muttered in front of the TV.

boom! At this time, before the Dongbang Academy Ball Door, Jujinjian smashed the grass in front of it, "it is evil! His movement is too fast, and he is going into the game!"

"If the island is a small child, if I have a strong rotation, I can say it out of this!" The night's long turns back and sweeping a bit of Jijimujian. Just now, if the island is actually jumping, there is a ball.

However, the ball is too violent, and if the island is not so bad in the air, it is not possible to block the goal.

"If Shimin, it is a pity, just a little bit, you will have it!" The sound of Xiaolang's voice sounded before the island's fitness.

"Captain!" If the island is headed up.

"Standing quickly, the battle will continue, the game has just begun!" The day, the fire in the eyes, the more burn it. "

"Yes!" If the island is slowly standing, the expression on his face is completely different.

"Even the two people in the Sanhu and the wings can't resist the footsteps of the night, the next game, he will definitely go to the ball again, I only kick more than him!" The day on the medium line thinks in Xiaolang.

The game continued, the big air wings allocated the ball to three pieces of Sanqi, Sanhuo stopped, and swept a front game.

After the goal of the night-catching, the south of the south, and the strong strength was also improved, and the frontal players of the Dongbang Academy were guarded by one by one.

despair! Sansi will only choose the ball breakthrough, and the two people in the air wing do.

This time, Sanhuo is particularly careful, and he has always gained a movement and location of the night long wind.

Night wind did not force the three-year-old, three sings have noted him, once the night is on the front, Sanhui must pass.

Even if the night grows, even if it is too powerful, it is impossible to completely block the passage of San Shi, and the high player of Sanhuo, which is not too realistic, and the night cost is too lazy to waste physical strength.

Other midfielders in South Geka will not be able to resist the advancement of Dongbang Academy Gold Middle Field. The two will pass each other, and there is no effort to advance to Nange Dazhi. More than 10 meters away from the area .

This area is already a range of peer range. After the ball, he looked up at the two trees and days of the East-Tangboxiao, and the two were bustling in Nange. District attracted South Ge A lot of attention.

I didn't choose to choose the ball at this time, South Gearda is not a fool, and I can make Suspei to pass the threat very large down ball.

! Tri-squatting right foot comes, the ball wiped herbs to the feet of the border island.

After the island wilder, immediately broke through the bottom line on the right side of South Geka, and the crowded offensive space was suddenly opened.

This is the commanding capacity of Sansi, and he is very wide in the field, and it is very reasonable to distribute the ball. At this point, the big air wings of the Etiend's Academy of Academy are also difficult to do this.

"Still in these two, Dongbang wants to pass!" The Emperor of Senaki is solemn from South Gate.

·· ▉ ▉ · ····

In this moment, South Gearde has flocked to the two trees and days to Xiaogang, and two people are banned. There is no doubt in the district. The air of Nange team has caused huge threats.

bass! Everyone is expected that Islando has not chosen high hangs, but the ball is brought into South Ge.

"What!" South Gearde was surprised to watch a black figure to welcome the ball.

Is a big air wing!

At this time, the big air wing is shining. His speed is raised to the limit, wait until the moment in front of the ball is directly, and then directly is the foot of the foot and the foot of the foot, the big empty wing is heavy. Turning the lower end of the ball.

bass! The ball was fly at a flash, flying directly to South Ge's goal, and quickly crossed the pine head of the district.

.. [.....

"Senakaki!" Ishi Siki returned, and the Emperor Sansaki has already rushed out, and it is high jumped, and the right hand is holding into a punch, ready to use the fist to hit the hazardous area.

"Not good!" At this time, the night's greetings saw that the shot of the large air wing was not simple, because the ball rotation was very violent.

Sure enough, in the next second, it was originally flying to the south of the gardener, suddenly falling, just like a deciduous.

It is a deciduous ball that is accurate in the world of football, and it is the curve of the large air wing.

Yes, the big air wings have developed his killing skills. In the front game, the big air wings have always hidden this must to send a gift to Nange in the final.

"Ni!" Flying in the air of Senaki, the fist of the Emperor of the sky, his eyes watched the ball from himself, but there was no way, but he did not have any way. There is no martial arts tip of the anti-sky without a scorpion.

2-1! Dongbang Academy is again leading, from a beautiful to the large air wing, and the regional curve shooting.

"Ball! After the South Geka night long player goals, the battle brand of Dongbang Academy is immediately responded, which is a wonderful thing!" Dechuan Justice praised. " In the previous game, the big air wing player has never used this shot, it seems to be ready! "

1612 chapter, attack non-stop

"Can be evil ... and have been smashed by the boy!" Sanjing is very angry into the toilet, "I am really useless, the two-year empty window takes me absolute confidence, oleas!"

Sanjing just entered the toilet, came to the casual pool to prepare pee, Andxi coaches actually appeared in the three wells.

"Ah! Anxi coach!" Sanjing was shocked by Anxi coach.

"Oh, it is a three well classmates, it's really clever!" Axi replied.

"I will come to the toilet today, how can I encounter an Anxi coach?" Sanjing heart doubts, no urine.

"Sanjing classmates, just see that Color is the list of the scene of the mountain industry!" Anxi suddenly said.

"Ah, just haven't come to see it yet!" Sanjing replied.

"They seem to have specially changed a person to play the position of the guard!" Anxi coach continued.

"Only my opponent change people? What is going on?" Sanxi Shou was shocked.

"Today, I was replaced with a first lineup, called a warehouse ... He is a 31 defensive expert in the national middle school community. No matter which aspect, they have the projection capabilities of Sanjing classmates. Very careful! "Anxi coach explained.

"This ..." The three wells listened to Anxi coaching, but it was more nervous.

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