The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1597 of the Chapter 1597 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, a blue white figure is suddenly flashed, it is a poker.

The Pkaho's lightning, chasing the ball of the night long, and then directly brought the ball into the empty door of Dongbang Academy!

3-3! The night is just the ball, but the ball is passing, the ball is behind!

"Ball! 3-3! The wonderful cooperation from South Gejin combination, the gold combination is resurrected!" Dechuan Justice accidentally, he did not think that night long-winding actually arrived in front of the door, such a good chance will also choose this. Pass.

Just now, the night's long wind occupies an absolute favorable position in the air. If you choose to shoot the "three zero seventh", 90% can complete the delicious drama of the alone.

However, the night-long chose to believe in their partners, believe in the poker.

Pass the ball into the other party, this is the landmark goal of Nange team attack storm.

"Great, Tailang!" Nange Fair is rushing to the Pkarang, Pkarang and Night Help.

This instant was also recorded by the media reporter outside the field, and later became a very classic photo.

"Okay, chase it!" Nange fans who have been holding the fist on the stage at this time are also boiling, they stand together to sway.

"Before going! South Ge! Reverse Biography!" The entire national owner has changed back to the home of South Ge.

"Their cooperation seems to be faster and more smooth!" At this time, there were many players who were defeated by Nange before the TV in the country. "

Night-hard winds currently want to do the state of mobilizing other players in South Ge, which is to let Yamaro find confident and let him play.

Such Nange's gold combination can be very good to launch other frontal players from South Ge.

"Really ... really there is this! It actually uses this way to go into the ball!" If the Island, the Toyama, the Tangbang Academy, does not work.

"Can not be evil! No chase!" The day, Xiaolang stood in the same place, the fist was gripped, and the blood bubbled in the chest was more boiling.

"Night Longjun is in reading the game and controlling the game, he is indeed the same as the general player!" The VIP has commented on the coach.

"Ah, some people are born for football!" Tongmong ignited a smoke, smoked a bite, slowly spitting the smoke ring, "The next game should be more interesting!"

"Ax, Pkarang and Night Changshi player are equal to the South Geka. This ball is significant for South Ge, not only to pull back the score, but also mobilize the morale of other players from South Ge. Football is originally the movement of eleven people, not alone! "Dechuan Justice as an unconpected person, and the eyes are also unique.

The competition continues, and the Dongbang Academy is temporary.

Just now, the defense of Dongbang Academy has not had any mistakes. The command of Sansi is sharp, replaced by others, and the night-long wind energy organizes attack to let Nan Ge team shine into a slice.

Because there is a three-scent, there is no way to take the first half in the hinterland of the Dongbang Academy in the first half.

At this time, Sansi also did not lose winners, in the plan of the three, the night's long wind did not match, but he would always be tired.

As long as the Dongbang School is constantly moving, so that the night grows in a high-load chasing situation, Sanyi believes that the night length wind is able to drag the night-winding to the stage without strength, to that time, South Geka will not be .

Snapped! After the competition resumes, the San Shi will all give the ball to the big air wing.

The big air wing did not take the ball, but the ball was distributed to the small pool of the sidewalk, and Xiao Chi broke through the right side of South Ge. It flashed the well, and passed the ball back to the extremely fast island wild.

After the island wild, he was surrounded by Nange's dragon and his students, he did not choose to force breakthrough, but mobilized the scallion of the ball, and passed it to the feet of the three sides of the court.

The Passage of Dongbang Academy is very fast, showing the strength of the king of the country for many years, in the truth, their players are on the top of Nange players, and the Dongbang Academy is in addition to the core. It is a first-year birth, and other players are almost two or three years.

Their physical quality is better, and the physical fitness is better.

All players from South Geka are born a year, because Nange Middle School Football Department is the fishing team before this year, and even the county conference will not participate.

Island Ye's ball is very good, and pull the South Ge's line of defense open.

The left foot of the three is unloaded, and the right foot will start high-speed running in Nankai halfway. Soon came to the left side of Nange half.

At this time, the three big king cards in the Dongbang Academy can also be said to be the golden trident day of the Dongbang Academy, and the murdion and the big air wings are just in the racket. It is a pour three. Angular, and South Ge Defightship is a centralized ban.

Night live wind is not a good way. Originally, you are looking forward to Siki and high-spirited people to defend these three big king players are unrealistic.

At this time, the night's long wind returned to the half of South Ge. He began calling Nan Ge's players to transfer the defense line. In fact, a trick, shrinking the line, which is the tactics of Sancei

Although this trick seems to be too mainstream, the effect is still, at least the day of the day and the Tang-machi is not so easy to ban the ban on South Ge. There is a ball in the area.

The finals of this national contest hit the first half of the past 20 minutes, and the three of the three players were like two top chess.

Different is that there is a pile of good chess pieces in the hands of the three, and the night grows can only use the layout to limit the fall of the three.

! At this time, Sanjia 1.4 .

He passed the ball to Nange Dazhi. At the foot of the large air wing of the district, the big air wing took the ball, and immediately attracted the attention of all people in Nange.

Because the large air wing has a killing skill in the sky, his range is still far away, and Nange team has to prevent it.

bass! At this time, the big air wing did not start the door, but started the horizontal bans in South Geo.

"The big air wing players are landscape, is he looking for an angle of shooting?" Dechuan Justice Analysis, "It seems that the anti-attack tactics of South Geka is also a certain obstacle! "

"Remote shooting!" At this time, Siki and high-defense middle guards launched to rush forward to block the big empty wings.

"Ishiqi, high dried, come back! Let him shoot!" The night is very hot, so that Ishiki and high-spirited are stunned.

1618 chapter, countless


South Ge's defense continues to shrink in big ban. In the area, there is no big empty wing.

"Nange team doesn't have a player to block the big air wing player?" Dechuan is a bit surprised, "This is completely given up and defensive long shots, in order not to let Dongbang Academy to be banned. District?"

"Come on, there is something to shoot directly! It's better to shoot with your curve!" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

After 20 minutes of fierce battle, the night growth has basically founded the routine of the Espebon Academy.

First of all, the entrance to the Tongbang Tuoy is initiated. The point is the three-day, the main attack is always the day, and the Tang-machi is the type of player in Polaum, Pastea, Capricia, Purchase, in front of the door A player who has just opened a chance.

In short, regardless of the passing of the Esbech Academy and dazzling, the final ball will definitely go to the feet of Xiaolang.

Because the grasp of the goal is the greatest, he is the strongest striker in Japan.

At this time, at this time, the night-hearted wind personally brought to the top of Nankai. District Command Nange's defense line, he allows Siki and the high to close the day to Xiaolang, so that Pudi is a tree in Sangshi-machi.

There is no overhead. The large air wings and three in the district are all in front of one meter in front of them.

20 "I am evil, is it seen by our tactics by the stinky kid?" Dongbang Academy was a bit anxious.

The situation of the Dongbang Society has been very good, and it can expand the trend of scores.

But two people in South Gejin tear the whole line of the Dongbang Academy, so that the two teams returned to the same starting line again.

Then, this time, the night-lived wind has chosen to participate in the defense, it is clear that the Dongbang Academy will keep the smooth offensive rhythm.

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