The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1603 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

But only because of the night's wind, the night-catching wind has exploded the East-Tongbang Academy attacked both.

The three giants of Dongbang Academy have a little less, and the strongest gold medals in Dongbang Academy play a good power, but it is difficult to play a true power under the limitations of the night.

For the Dongbang Academy, there is a very bad news.

That is the first half of the island, the island is too desperate, especially when the last shot is defending the night, he hits the ground to hurry up, and did not pay attention to his left arm and have completely silly. Cyan.

"If Shimin, what happened?" The careful precaiced Tian Ji took the pain of Island, Zijinjian.

"I seem to be hurt ..." If the island is painful.

"Team doctor, come over!" The day, usually, it seems that it is indifferent to Dongbang, but when he heard the island, it is the first to rush.

"Captain, I am fine! It's just a little slightly injury. You don't have to worry!" If Island, the island is rushing to smile to Xiaolang.

"You are really nothing, if Island," Sansi also walked over, browbing crumpled.

Now that the Tongbang is very disadvantageous, relying on the magic of the island, if the island is replaced, Sansi can't imagine that consequence.

Night-winding and Pkarang have a strong long-range ability, especially the night growing, even if the island is the best, the night live wind can kick out the sky.

If it is the island, this game is really difficult to compete with South Ge.

"I am fine, you don't have to think too much." If Shimazujian turned to look at Tian Ma Leari, the expression is serious, "the coach, don't let me go down, I can fight! Today I have lost too much ball, I I don't want to lose a ball again, say anything to keep the door of Dongbang! "

Between the finals, if Island, Zup Jian maintains a small record of the group's knockout, is the best door to the most popular people in the country.

In the face of South Ge, Johor Bajinjian has been pushed into five into the ball, this is what is is is completely unacceptable.

He has already thought that he has grown, and he should not kick the ball in the night, and this strong is not willing to be in the heart of Island, let him fall into memories.

Before a month before the national contest, Jujinjian's home.

If the island is a narate, his father and his grandfather are famous karate masters in the country.

Especially his father, once the champion of the karate world contest, the wind is a moment.

If Island, the father of Island has always hopes that the island is able to inherit the family, inheriting the karate style of their house.

"Jian, you have not practiced at home in the past few years!" If Shimin Jian's father blocked, it was preparing to practice the ball.

"Father, I don't have time to practice the empty hand now. It is the national contest. I have to put into football in my heart." If the island is a good father.

"Mixed boy, what do you say! When a primary school student, I think other sports is also useful to practice the hand, so I have to take care of you. But in the year of the middle school, you talk about how many times have you been?" Father Some of the attitude of Island is dissatisfied.

"Father, how many times I said. I prefer to play football, football is my favorite!" If Island is a bit helpless.

"When you have a primary school, you will say this, what should I win the national champion, the result, your Ming is completely defeated? Jian, believe me. You are not suitable for football, you are a natural karate champion Only practice your own hand, you can become a world champion! "The father took the shoulder of Island.

If the island is, he can't find a father's words, the fact is that his Ming and FC have really fallen to Nange selection team.

In the karate, there is no exception to the championship without exception of the game.

If Island, the nachet of the island is indeed a super-current existence, insisting on training, as long as there is no injury, the world champion is almost a pouch.

"Okay, I know!" If Island, I am so angry, my face is unpreceden, "Father, I promise you, if this time I am, I can't dominate the country, I will stop playing. Gradually practice the empty hand! "

If the island, he has not seen such a solemn look, it has not seen such a solemn look.

"Do you like football?" The father shook his head, "Good! Just set it this, as long as you can get the national champion, I will support you playing football!"

"Look, my father, I will become the country, no, the world's best goalkeeper!" If the island is surrounded by his father, push it directly.

The lens returned to the seating area of ​​the National Competition, Dongbang Academy.

After the island is remembered, the fire in the eyes is more boiling.

He can't afford this game, it is a major competition that determines his football career and fate.

"Ajian, why are you still hurt?" The day is anxious to watch the team's medical bags for the island.

"What is painful!" If Island, Zhajun looked up at the day to Xiaolang, "Captain, this game, we must win! Our Tongbang is the strongest!"

"Ah!" The day nodded, the cold light in the tiger is like a blade, "Give it to me!".

1625 chapter, start again (fifth more)

South Ge Middle School Rest Area. ""

The mineral water that night long-lasting passes through the team manager is done directly, and Nan Ge is also uses respective methods to cool down and supplement moisture.

"Changfeng, what tactics we have in the second half? Dongbang should be against it!" Pastelang didn't worry.

The night-long wind shrugged and shocked the mineral water bottle in his hand. Solid: "Tailang, you let go, now what tactics are also useless, next is the contest, who will Strong force, who is the champion! "

After the fierce competition in the first half, the players of the two teams were like washed a sauna, and physical strength came to the limit.

Originally, the night's long-term wind is to make Dongbang Academy struggle to consume physical strength. In the second half of the Tangbang, but kick it in the second half of the first half, the night long-term wind discovers the physical fitness of Nange players.

Although the night grows, South Ge is always trained, but it is just a born in the country.

Many players in the two or third grades compared to the Wan Bangtue School, the physical fitness is better.

But now, in fact, the two teams are almost the same, the temperature is too high, don't say that I am full of running on the court, just sitting on the court to let the general people sweat, not long.

The first half competition is very exciting. It is the strength of the ball, tactics, and the highest level of the national middle school students. In the second half, it seems that it is full of mental and willpower and physical reserves.

Leading a ball is nothing, laughing to the end is the real winner.

Ten minutes from the past, the two team players play again, even the master referee is also revealing the hard look, the old man seems to be joking with the players on the field, and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

"The audience from the scene, the audience before the TV, the second half is now going to start. The next 30 minutes will decide to finally dominate the national championship team, let us cheer for them!" With German Sichuanzhi 's nephew.

"South Ge! Strongest! South Ge! Wins!"

"Dongbang! Invincible! Dongbang! First!" The two teams on the stage were more enthusiastic, and this hot air-day momentum made the temperature of the National main course rose again.

On the field, the middle of the South Geki is served, and the night grows and the Pkalang are standing after the ball.

! At this time, the referee looked at the watch in his hand, then he raised his right hand and blows the whistle of the end of the next half.

"Boat, Dongbang! Chase a ball!" The game opened, Dongbang's day is a big scream.

"Oh!" The people in Dongbang Zhongfang Qi Qi rushed to the night and the pole, and the morale was very good.

"Ah, the player of Dongbang Academy seems to be eager to pull back the score, they have active defense!" Dechuan Justice was surprised.

"Be careful, the captain!" Jing Zele defeated and the students reminded the night's wind.

"Stupid goods!" The night long-faced face did not change color, and the ball was gently allocated to the Pkairo.

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