The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1605 of the Chapter 1605 of the Prince of Tennis

bass! After a moment, the night-lived wind came to the ball, the whole body was completely stretched, bent into a long bow.

Then the right foot bow is hit in the lower end of the ball, this time the night costs make a lot of power, kick it. The bit is more close.

! The result of such a kick method is that the ball is fiercely rotating at night, and the usually elegant and fast round moon bend swords are different.

Before the fierce rotation of the football, the trajectory of the flight was very strange, and the ball quickly kicked out with a round moon bend before any night.

"It's here, the night long player kicked out the corner, Nange and Dongbang's players at the same time. Jumping in the area!"

! The next second Zhong Dechuan is a sudden contraction of the pupil, flying to the front of the door, actually rotating inner inner, and its direction is turning to the upper right corner of the Dongbang Academy.

"Not a pass! It is a shot! The night long player actually shoots directly in the corner, this goal is too powerful, the rotation is really exaggerated!" Dechuan's excited stood up, this kind of ball is in his explanation for more than ten years I haven't seen it in the football career.


"This is also?" The 50,000 fans on the stage were some happiest.

Dongbang Academy is banned. Sanshen and the day in the district jumped high, but it did not come to football at all, because they have a distance from football.

"How is this possible!" The position of the Sansi standing clearly clearly can see the ball to go to the Dongbang ball door. If there is no accident, you can wipe the door column in the upper right corner and the corner of the beam. Garden's goal.

"This kid can kick this kind of ball, how much how to rotate can have this kind of ball!" The VIP has seen the coach's surprised station.

"I have seen this kind of ball when I played in the Brazilian league. I didn't expect to see today in Japan!" The chronological voice of the side is also very surprised.

"I have said, the second half, you don't want to enter!" Just on this thousand of hair, the Dongbang Academy door did not worry, he was the first reaction, and the speed of the ball The side runs, and immediately jumped.

! If Island, I am in a surprised look, actually to start her hands and hug the ball. The night's wind kicks out this ball and rotationally, and it is still turning it in the island, and the fierce Mo rubs the island. Junior gloves.

If the island is also surprised, the rotation of this goal is beyond his expectation, he only sinks the body's gravity, and use the whole body to die on the grass.

"Wonderful! If Island Jinjian players rushed to the ball! It's too powerful!" Dechuan Justice was surprised in the explanatory room. .

1627 chapter, the battle is glued (second more)

"This can also be thrown, the reaction is too fast?" It was also surprised to see the fans of Nange. ∞ ∞ σ ∞ ∞ ∞

"If you do it, it is our words, I have already been scored two goals!" The two people in front of the TV are also watching the ball.

"It's a pity that if this ball is entered, it is inevitably one of the top ten wonderful goals in the national contest!" The VIP has pushed the glasses on the rhinar.

"It's good, Jujiu!" Beibang Academy is in the seating area of ​​the Tongbang Academy once again stood again. If the island is so good, her eyes have ignited the hope of turning over the eyes.

"Sure enough!" There is no disappointment expression that is not disappointed by the night length of the island.

Just now, the night of the night is only trying to test whether the moon bend can kick out the effect of the Barro will kill the 3S shooting ball.

The result is completely feasible, but it takes a lot of exercises, and this angle of shooting is too small. Generally, experienced goalkeepers will easily judge after the first experience.

"If the island, the guy is as if you know what I want to shoot!" The night's wind sweeps a dead and pressed the ball of Johor Bazhai, and then took the South Gen people to turn back.

"Everyone, counterattack! Raise the score!" If Island, I was hurt, and I directly opened my best to the midfielder.

I just puff it to the sun-speed moon bending knife, he originally hurt the injured arm, and I have lost my consciousness.

"Oh! This is off-attack!" The day, Xiaolang rushed to the forefront. He jumped high, and he gave the sky in the middle of the sky.

The counterattack of Dongbang Academy, as long as the island is able to grasp the ball, his original offensive shortcomings become an advantage, directly from the goalkeeper to start attack, this offense is very high.

At this time, I ran to the frontcourt before the high pine, and his speed was relatively slow, so I haven't been able to go back to the defense, and South Ge is empty.

The large air wing is unloaded with the left foot, and the right foot of the right foot will give the ball to the continuous San Shi.

Night wind is faster than their speed, but he can't stop the mutual transfer of the big air wings and the two people in the middle field, and there will be no retraction, and the number of people who will not have many people in South Ge.

Dongbang's golden midfield quickly advanced in South Gearda, and in front of him, there was no one, and the night-long wind let all the defensive players in Nange half have come to Nange Dazhi. District, standing into a line .

bass! At this time, I was eager to go to Xiaogutang and the anti-Miki-machi two Tou Dongbang's sharp knife directly into the Big Board of South Ge.

! Just at this time, the big air wing of the left foot is directly flashing in the brain, and the ball is rampted with the right foot.

A beautiful hanging ball, the ball flew over the top of the South Geka, the top of the crowds, South Ge's line of defense seemed to be too agreed.

"Beautiful pass!" Dechuan Justice is amazed.

Snapped! And the bans of Nange. The day in the district, the small Dark Lang is very sensitive to unloading the flying ball in the air, which is directly exhausted.

The leather ball is on the lower right corner of the ball, and the Emperor of Senaki is not moving. The speed is too fast, he can't move.

"Enter!" Tongbang people just wanted to cheer.

! The main referee whistle sounded, and the side of the front is high.

This ball is actually a baseball!

"Ah, it is the moment when the big air wing player passes the moment, the day will be in the position of the player, it is a pity!" Dechuan Justice looks at the back of the screen in front of the screen, the day is indeed beyond the back of the South Ge's A body.

"Ni!" Tongbang people were stunned.

"Oxual!" The day, Xiaolang, is very unhappy, kicking the turf in front of the kick.

"It's a trap! We are upright!" Sanhuo's eyes blunt, "This is the tactics of Musashi, I didn't expect Nange team to learn, the commanding capacity of Changfeng Jun is really amazing!"

"The day, this guy is really fooled!" The night long's mouth is slightly tight, selling such a flaw, how can two Dongbang strikers that can be pulled back to the score may not be fooled.

What is a real good tactics.

That is to use the most appropriate tactics in the best time, this is the extreme.

Of course, this night's night is still a few risks. Because Southern San Guards have not so high, if there is no nightly command, it will not be able to create offside traps at all.

In other words, this offside trap cannot be used, especially the other party, the master character of manufacturing offside traps, Sanhuo.

The more trap is a double-edged sword, it is well used, it is unfavorable, it is not easy to use, can only let yourself be robbed ...

On the field, the game continued, and the backfront of Nange team was free.

The second half of the game, because the two team players are very consumed, the rhythm is significantly slowed down.

Although the rhythm is slow, the competition of the two teams is more intense.

After the night, the ball is directly opened to the midfield, and the Pkarang took the ball, and the three mid-scene players in Dongbang Academy were surrounded.

The status of the next half of the Pkaro is much better than the upper half, and his flexible left and right foot will return to the ball, and did not let the Dongbang midfielder steal success.

"Give me the ball!" At this time, the night-lived wind rushed to the midfield from the back. At this time, the physical reserves of night long winds showed.

He is almost the only person in the court to maintain the rhythm of the last half. It is necessary to know that the usual training of nights is ten times that of general middle school students, and its physical reserves are very amazing.

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