The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1640 of the Chapter 1640 of the Prince of Tennis

When they returned to God, the night's body has long been with them, and the false passage is true, and the night's long wind will take the ball to the Italian youth team. District.

"Beautiful movement, the long wind is very good today!" The Pkarang on the stage sighed.

"Betting, can not let him be in our site for what you want!" Italy's defender turned to the chasing, and the remaining two defendings in the district, the left back and fans.

At this time, the night long wind shoulder began to sway at a very speed, and five residues were different in an instant.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

"What is that, is my eyes spend?" Tens of thousands of spectators on the stage were ignored Qi Qi.

Italy's recent Italian defender, which is closest to the night, is directly stupid, and the residuals divided by night long-term flexible, making different movements to different places.

The Shuguang goddess was used many times, and finally there was a need to upgrade. At this time, the night's wind used such a moving actions in the Italian youth team, and suddenly shocked the audience, including the standstight. Many European professional clubs of the European professional club.

"so amazing!"

"I like this China zero!" The Europeans who have been promoted, many of the night growth of the ball's ghosts and gods.

"It can actually make this action. What did he do?" The Genius player Dians on the stage was surprised by the eyes.

On the field, when all the remaining shadows of the night were once again a moment, he was already near the point in the point, only Hilnan Diz was left in front of him, a single knife!

Helninis is still very calm. It is not important for him that the night is too important. It is important that the night long wind will ultimately use the way.

bass! The night is still accelerating, there is no meaning of the shot, and the other side, Xiao Junguang is also breaking the past, and the defenders of Italy are desperately chasing.

Helninis finally attacked, he had to attack.

After two steps, the speed has been accelerated to the limit, directly on the front of the night, the long rushing, the two teams have the first time ...

Hairandon Diz expands hands, try to reduce the center of gravity, and seal the angle of shooting of night long winds as possible.

And let everyone think that the night-hearted position suddenly made a right foot shot. Finally, the football is followed by the foot.

The football rolled back to the big ban. Near the district, the night long wind blocked the sight of Haiernandi.

China Dragon God Xiao Junguang is a big bang in the football, and it is a dragon.

This time Xiao Junguo did not waste the opportunity. After the football flew, it was like shells to directly drilled into the dead end of the Italian Youth Team Copper Wall Iron Wall, absolutely dead angle!

10! The Chinese team has achieved leading in the fifteenth minute!

"It's amazing, actually under such a strict defense, there is a general control football in a leisurely!" The European fans on the stage are still very sensible.

They know that this goal must be reached on the night, and the night-long wind attracts all the defensive, and blocks the sight of Haiernandi, let Haiernandi cannot make judgments in time.

This ball is very embarrassed, he has not played out his strength, and only the eyes open, the football fly into his own goal.

"Good, Axha, great!" The player on the Chinese youth team rushed to Xiao Junguang.

Xiao Junguang is a big ban on the Italian Youth Team. There is a blind man in the district, which is captured by the media reporter outside the plane.

This photo is not a historic moment, and China's strongest combination shines the world!

It is still awesome, it has been completely turned off now, but it is a dozen China's international students. The cry is called, they have never been so happy.

Chinese football is too needed to win, too need to go!

"The Italian team is actually pressed, incredible!"

"The perfect goalkeeper has lost the ball, this Chinese team is not to be underestimated!" The players in other European teams on the stage began to pay attention to this Chinese youth team.

"This guy must have become the biggest obstacle that I won the road!" Dias, Argentina, looked at the night-hearted wind on the field. .

1667 chapter, perfect door will be (second more)

"Be evil!" Haiernand is turned to look at the football in the garde. It is a good choice, just that he was completely blocked by the night, etc., and Xiao Junguo has sent football into the dead end. ∠ ∠ ± ± ± ± ∠

Even if the Hairanese Diz response is fast, this is not big, and the relationship between the technology is not large, it is the laminate on IQ.

The most important thing is that the Italian Youth Team is known as the backwell line of the copper wall of the copper wall can't stop the footsteps of the night.

The game continues, the players of the Italian youth team are also a bit angry, but they are in Europe, which are smashed by an Asian team, still haven't heard the Chinese team, and it is really not possible.

The midfielder, the Italian player directly opened the football to the frontcourt, and it was clear that the Middle Field player of the Italian youth team did not want to correct and correct the midfielders of the Chinese youth team. Wrap, they are eager to pull back the score.

This time, the Italian Youth Squad of the Italian Youth Finals finally played their own routines.

Italy's high-sen Yanchal in the Chinese Youth Team. The football stopped in the district, and then it is turned to the empty emptiness!

This ball is very high, but only a pity that is slightly higher than the beam, Tarr isted a great opportunity to equalize the score.

This ball is not in the back line. The Chinese youth team immediately reveals the defensive vulnerability, which means that Xiao Junguang's importance of the latter line of the Chinese youth team from the side.

In general, the Chinese youth teams have attacked weak, Xiao Junguang is a very important ring in the China Youth Team Attack and Defense System established by the night.

After all, the Chinese youth team guard Wang Dalei is still young, and the world-class door of Ruolin, Haiernand is more than the gap.

On the field, Wang Dalei opened the ball door to the midfield.

Night wind turned to the midfield, and Gao Yue took the football.

This game, the night-lived wind has returned to the midfringing ball, mainly the buddhism of the Italian youth team midfielders, very motion, Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu are all incense, often knocked down.

Only night long winds will take advantage of the players in the Italian youth team to make football relaxed.

This game, the night's long wind gradually returned to the familiar mid-range position, flying and Wang Zhongming's two strikers also began to run fast to the Italian youth team, especially Wang Zhongming very fast.

Night wind is very easy to get rid of a midfielder of an Italian youth team, then directly put the football!

Circular moon bending knife!

The football screwed in the air, which has spread a nearly perfect arc, sweeping over the top of the Italian youth team, and then accurately fell to the feet of Wang Zhongming in the frontport.

"Beautiful pass!" The French fans on the stage praised that they had a lot of ball skills that have been sold in the night, and gradually liked this mysterious Asian player.

"I want to go to the ball again!" Italy's defender rushed to some short-term Wang Zhongming, ready to directly knocked Wang Zhongming to the ground.

At this time, Wang Zhongming's eyes were flashing, and then the right foot was dial, the left foot was turned, and two Italian defenders were turned off.

Is his stunt dragon tail!

"Awesome! The Chinese team's players are also good!" It was shining in the eyes on the eye.

"Good!" The flying in the side is also a spirituality.

At this time, Wang Zhongming is already a big ban on the Italian Youth Team. In the area, there is no defensive player in front of it.

Wang Zhongming directly chose the football shot, the football speed flew, and there was a heel of healed flying gates. Don't look at Wang Zhongming's short, his strength is still good, or Eunas will not let him play The position of the striker.

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