The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1648 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Wow, it is Marseille back to the sky!" Some people on the stage exclaimed.

The Marseille cyclone used by Dians has been very handsome and extensive, showing the superb ball of South American players from Xiaoling.

And when Dias, a person broke through the big ban on the Chinese youth team. When the front of the district, Xiao Junguang blocked him in front of him.

In the face of Xiao Junguang's defense, Dians took the ball in the landscape, and suddenly got rid of Xiao Junguang's blocking.

"Hey, what is the Chinese dragon god!" Dians got rid of Xiao Junguang, directly to launch the body, put the right foot, and heavy on football.

At this moment, Xiao Junguang suddenly flashed in front of Dias, and the lightning movement of Lightning and Dians, whether the frequency is still exactly the same.

It is a reaction to the speed of race.

China Dragon God Shangjun is finally the first time I have the opportunity to make his own stunts in the international stadium.

bass! The football shot from Dias flew up, and it was very strong, and the rotation of this ball was very strong. Dians kicked out is a super-spagged door, which is a must. Kill the door.

boom! At this moment, in the eyes of Dians, China Long Shen Xiao Junguo has not fully fled in football, which is actually forcibly bombing the football!

For a time, a dazzling golden race has passed from Dias! .

1676 chapter, among the fierce battle (first more)

"What is it?" Everyone of the Argentine young team has grown his eyes, because they actually saw a lifelike Jinlong speed crossed their head. Σ ∈ ∈

Between the blink, the golden light in China is in the Prans Stadium, and the dazzling is eye-catching, and the audience on the stage can't look straight.

Jinlong passed through the audience, eventually flying into the ball door of the Argentine youth team, the antennae of the Argentine Youth Team, did not respond.

! After the golden light is exhausted, there is a big hole on the online door, and football is on the billboard after the goal, and it has split it into a ring hole. It is very exaggerated.

twenty one! Chinese Dragon God Shang Junguang uses a stone broken sky-shocked anti-speed tuning to make the Chinese youth team have achieved leading at 20 minutes!

"I saw it, the dragon is beautiful!" After the goal, the night grew to the front of Xiao Junguang, and the two fierce.

At this time, the reporters who are shooting the game after the billboard, especially those from China, are stupid.

"This impact is too horrible, and even the billboard has been a big pit. He is really a minor adult?" The reporters did not stop sweating on their forehead. Obviously, the ball was scared. Not light.

After watching the audience after staying for a second,,, especially the fans of China, they fell into the ecstasy.

Because the Chinese team not only has a war of war, there is a dragon god Xiao Junguang, and two people are national treasures of Chinese football.

They also appear meant that the Chinese football super gold era has arrived!

"There is such a powerful trick, bounce back Dians, but also go to the ball" Pascale has not returned to God.

The Chinese team is Qi Qi to Xiao Junguang, and everyone jumped, and the Chinese team gave the arrogant South America.

There is no impossible on football field!

On the field, Xiao Junguo scored this incoming goal, the coach of the Argentine Youth team didn't sit again. He revealed a defensive midfield, replaced an offensive striker.

This is the meaning of fighting the battle with the Chinese youth team, in this, the night is of course happy.

The competition continued, and the Argentine Youth Square was served.

Pascale brought the football to Dias, the fire of the fighting spirit in Dias is getting more and more prosperous, and the character of Dias is the case. It will not be easily admitted, even if the situation is very good at the scene. unfavorable.

Because of this character, Dias can stand out from the Argentine of talents, and this Argentina player similar to Dias Technology is actually a lot, only he is a peerless genius.

"This ball is my responsibility, I have to take it back," Dias high speed with the ball, Pascale just followed Dias, he knows that he must provide to Dians now Help, let Dias can explode his true strength.

Dians' discs are still gorgeous, and Wu Junren, and Ma Mingyu, the midfield are completely unsales.

Very fast Dias came to the Chinese youth team. The frontier of the district, and China Dragon God Shang Jun once once again blocked in front of Dias, and the two teams attacked a direct dialogue again.

This time, Dians already knew that Xiao Junguo had a stunt such as a reaction to the speed of race. So he won't choose long shot. He only had a road to go, just overdo Xiao Junguang.

On the other hand, Pascale was retired by the Chinese team, and Hao Hao east killed, and did not respond to Dias's space, and said that Dians must have the ability to pass Xiao Junguang.

bass! In the first moment, Dias moved, he did a fake action that broke through the left, and immediately broke the right.

Dias is short, flexible, Xiao Junzhi is high, the movement is not slow, but it is still a lot of tidy.

In this moment, Dians almost lost Xiao Junguang.

"This guy!" Xiao Junguo knows that it is not anxious. If Dians breaks through the big ban. In the district, it is dangerous.

Because of the two behind him, the two of them want to block the genius Dians is almost impossible.

Xiao Jun's light flashing, the night's diving diving boat-style defensive movement gave him a lot of inspiration, suddenly, Xiao Junguang tilt down, double. The legs are very powerful .. ... .

On the field, Xiao Junguang made a similar submarine-style defensive action, and the feet hooked the football at the foot of Dias.

Although this action is not standard, it is very ugly, but it is very practical, Dians took the ball to be tripped, and the football was flying to the high space. Dians was a heavy fall, Xiao Junguang made this After the means, it is also lost balance and falls.

Now Xiao Junguang finally knows how difficult this diving boat-style defensive movement is, and there is no strong talent and physical fitness. It is also easy to be injured.

Otherwise, this genius of Jiji's football is a world, and there will be only three people will move this. Of course, the big air wings can only be considered, and there is no perfect.

bass! At this time, Pascale opened Yao Xia and Hao Haidong's clamping. He jumped high after Dians, pulling the air in the air back to his feet.

"Dry well, Pascal!" Argentina Youth Team frontcily player spirit.

"What!" Xiao Junguang was surprised by the color, and Pascale's speed and get rid of the ability were stronger than him.

In fact, the role of Pascale in the Argentine youth team is not less than Dians, and has been covered by Diasca's light, which is not forgotten by Pascar, which is also a genius-type person in Argentina. .

To say that Pascal's characteristics, he and the poker are some similar to the auxiliary player, but the attack power is more stronger than the pole.

bass! After the light shot, Pascale is already a big ban on the Chinese youth team.

Only in front of him, Li Yifeng and Sun Jihai were left in front of him, and the two were rushing to Pascale and accurately hindering his shooting or breakthrough.

At this time, Dians climbed up, and his body was short, and it was rushing to the side of Pascale.

Snapped! Pascale's right foot is dialed, and the football will return to Dias feet again.

"Not good!" Xiao Junguang is not good, and the Dians has no one in front of Dias, only the door will be Dalei.

"Shoot, Dians!" At the stage, the fans of Argentina were angry! .

1677 chapter, night goal (second more)

"Well, that's it!" Argentina's young team is also a joyful, and the gold combination of Argentina finally played power. ⌒ § § ⌒

Just when everyone thinks that Dians wants to shoot with a shot, Dians actually passed the ball.

He attracted all the attention of the Chinese team gate to Dalei, and then set football to the side.

A slamming, the Argentine Youth Team's striker rushed to welcome football.

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