The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 165

"Of course, this is the intensive training of youth!" Hall a face despise the expression, "Do you understand it?"

"What are you talking about!" Tao City angry turned to look at the sea hall, and the young people speechless these two people began.

"Hey ~ ▉ I have to just arrive! Rao!" Said the big stone helpless.

"Hey! Changfeng, you seem to have guests!" Dry glasses flashed a white light.

At night, a red sports car is equipped with a beautiful people and complement.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, the long wind!" It turned out to be a flower village.

Today's flower village face is slightly powdered, wearing a black uniform, still having a light color, and his face is more gentle than before.

"Cough, Huatun teacher is good!" The night long wind is embarrassed, and the brain can't help but recall the lingering of the night. If you can't help you, you will hide yourself slightly red face, "I didn't expect Huatun to participate in this training. Not wonderful! "

"Is this not a flower village in Xiangnan?" Taicheng pointed at Huadun Road, "Hey, Changfeng, how is your face so red, is it uncomfortable?"

"Amount, no!" The night is hitting haha, "Today, the weather is really good, Taicheng!"

Huatun Kwai is quite deeply glanced over the night of the night, turning to the coach of Dragoni, "Dragoni teacher, please take care!"

"Ah, please take care of you!" Dragoni instructor locked.

"Cheng Cheng Xiangnan has three people to participate in this training!" Huadun Road.

"Our younikind is a full member of the whole staff. The champion of the Kandong Conference seems to be like this!" The Dragoni Coach is proud.

Not long, there are two buss.

The Ice Di Academy and the Haihai University, Santa Rocher and Mountain Purchasing Middle School have also come together, and everyone gathers together, and the school will stand a few columns.

"It's amazing, just like everyone gathered together!" .

"Hey ~ ▉ 2, don't be happy!" The big stone turned.

Night-hard winds have seen members of other school training.

Cheng Chengxiang has a burn, and Shencheng Lingzhi also has funny murderous children.

When the peak is the deeper and the Deep division, it seems that the hurt of the big scorpion orange is not good.

The six-way middle school is the natural root, Zabo, and the wood is superb!

The mountain blowing middle school is a king brand thousand stone clear pure, and the Nikujin, the night-catching, still does not appear.

Saint Rocher is the viewing month, Jin Yu, not too Yu!

The number of ice emperors will be more, traces, ▉, Feng Changtaro, tolerance, birch!

Finally, the three singles of the sea, Cut the original bis, Liulian 2, the true field summond, their ministers Haixun Jingshi said that the hand is very successful, but still in the restoration, let the night long wind A bit disappointed.

The flower village is watching the hand, it seems to be waiting for.

"What's wrong, Huasun?" Long Qi coach asked.

"Hey ~ There is a person who has not come!" Huadun Road.

The voice just fell, a taxi arrived.

"It's coming!"

This person is the coach of the Ice Di Academy. Tailang!

This person is very interesting, according to the night, you know that he is a billionaire, when the coach is interested! Even coaches are hundreds of millions of people, they are really in line with the style of the Ice Academy.

After the collection is completed, the three coaches stand on the podium.

"I am in this training, I have been responsible for Dragoni, please advise!"


"I think everyone has already heard, starting this year, I will start the Japanese and American friendship youth selection tennis contest, the opponent is the young high school selection team in the West Coast of the United States! To select the player, but according to the US request, we set the game before the national contest! "Mysaki explained.

"So we trace from the sectors in the southern santong to enhance training, then pick the players who participate in the competition, the details of the training, the flower village teacher will introduce you in detail!"

"US West Coast? Or high-neam?" Night Changshi didn't want to vomit, "If it is really a special high school, the representative team of neon is not playing, it is not a grade! If it is U17 selection The team is estimated to beat! "

To know, the US tennis is not the strongest, but it is also one of the powers! In addition to Grand Slam, there are many major masters, satellite games are not countful, typical tennis strong countries. Such a high school student selected nationwide, and this group of people in this group of training is not blamed.

However, it is not a team in the United States, and Americans are not interested in this national nature competition, they are both professional competitions. Therefore, the American so-called Western Coast youth high school selection team is definitely not a military, it is very likely to be a three team or four teams.

In this case, the player selected by the training team beat the US selection team is not impossible. Night wind also begins to look forward to the US team, after all, if he continues to stay in the world of tennis princes. Faster, I still have to play professional tennis, board the strongest stage in the world, and a big graceful game.

Prior to this, see the strength of Americans and playing style.

"So, I will introduce the details of the training!" Huadun Kwai smiled, "First, first divide 28 players participating in this training into three groups, then conduct training in the group!"

"That is to say, will the school will be chaos?" Dashi doubts.

"The coaches of all groups will be divided by the teacher, the elder teacher of the Youth Academy, and the coach of the Ice Division.

"Although the main training content is still the exercise competition, the training content of each group will be determined by the responsible coach, when you encounter noble!"

"Everyone must regard the people outside themselves as an opponent, holding this mentality investment to participate in training!" Huadun is awkward.

"Yes!" Everyone should take it.

Only the night's wind is hub, and attention is on the body of the flower village. As for what she said, it is completely left.

"Well! So, the situation of the group has written in the public notice bar of the dormitory, hurry to confirm!"

"So, disbanded!" "Longqi's coach finally announced.

Everyone was scattered, most people walked to the dormitory, first of all, was confirming that they were divided into which group.

notice board.

"Ah! I was divided into Longaki group, haha!" smiled.

"I, English!" Asked the big stone.

"As with me! Good, you can fight together with Daxi!" Jianhua is happy.

"Yu Too, I am a group with you!" Not two weeks to help, "Please take care!"

"Even if you are brother, I will not be in your hand!" Not two Yu Tao.

"Small snake, you are group group! I am Dilongaki group!" Taicheng Road.

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