The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1656 of the Chapter 1656 of the Prince of Tennis

Next is a game that is the most concerned about this invitation. The French youth team fights Japanese youth team, or who wins who is wandering a key game.

And the French team is the host, they naturally receive the most attention and sight.

After the game, the Chinese youth team didn't leave, taking a shower in the locker room, then changed a clean clothes, everyone came to see what to watch Japan's focus of France.

At this time, the players of the French and Japanese teams were played in two listed. The French team came out, and the entire Presta stadium was boiled. After all, it was the host.

The nearly 80% of the audience in the stand is French fans, they waved in the dark blue banner, and the entire Pland Stadium has become a blue ocean.

Today, the French team still wears a dark blue appearance team, printed with Gaulusios.

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"Before! France! France! The strongest!"

"Today, you must complete the hat trick, Pierre!"

"Napoleon, then score three goals!"

"Absolutely win!"

"France is impossible to lose to the Asian team, we are the world's first!" The French fans on the stage shouted the sound of deafening, thousands of people's Japanese fans, which were directly drowning, and heard less sound.

"Ah, today's people are too many!" Siki is the first appearance today, he saw that so many French screams, and a time, tension, is committed.

Ye Yitang took the back of Shiji, so that Isohi habitual recovery was normal.

"What will this game?" The night greetings look at the Japanese youth team.


Today, the Japanese youth team is also the main force, big empty wings, Yaro, Japan to Xiaolang, Sanhuo, and Ju Lin Yuan three, Japan's gold generation has appeared in the main lineup.

Everyone is very familiar with everyone's night wind, and the night is hard to know the energy hidden in these guys.

On the other hand, for the French youth team, the night costs have seen them, Napoleon and Pierre have left a deep impression on the night.

Especially Napoleon, in the eyes of the night, Napoleon and his favorite French star Kanna, a few points.

It is also the wind that is hard, and the temper is hot.

However, Canton's national team's career compared the cup, and Napoleon seems to be like a fish in the French youth team, and the cooperation with Pierre is also very tacit.

The result of this game, the night grows is also difficult.

Of course, the night is always believed, and victory is always a party that is more eager to win.

! On the field, with the referee whistle, the game started, and the opening football was at the foot of France at the heart of Pierre.

After Pierre took the ball, the first Japanese player who was rushing was a little unexpected, and it was a pole.

In the face of the forced drash of Pkarang, Pierre is not flustered, the left foot puts the football back to one, and the right foot is pushed forward, a very deceptive experience.

In the first moment, Pierre has fallen the pole! .

1686 chapter, new tiger shoot (first more)

bass! Just in Pierre, the audience was about to cheer, and a white smashing figure was flashing, and it was a football at the foot of Pierre. Miscellaneous

It is the Japanese youth team 10 player big air wings!

"Ah!" The fans in France on the stage were exciting.

"What!" Pierre has grown up his eyes, watching the big air wings from him.

"Beautiful, small wings!" Parlary facing the highlights.

"Grab!" The Japanese fans were booked on the stage, and the opening big air wings gave the French core Pierre.

"Wow, who he is, it is so powerful!" Wang Zhongming, who is next to the night, shouted.

"You should pay attention to this trip player, he called the big air wing, the technology is comprehensive, the ball is very good, it is a very difficult to deal with the players!" The night's eyes looked at the big air wings on the scene, Shen Sheng Say.

"Hey! The arrogant guy, seeing us to grab the ball back!" After the French lost the ball, the three midfielders were surrounded, and the football at the feet of the big airfoil.

bass! At this time, the big air wings were in the eyes of the French fans, and he staged a continuous person. He left behind, and he had three French midfielders in an instant.

Football is like a jumping elf under his feet, France's player is a line puppet in front of the big air wing, uncomfortable.

"What!" At this time, the German and Uruguayan younger teams that have been advanced on the stage were also surprised to rise.

The Chinese Youth Team is so strong, and now the Japanese youth team also have such a powerful player, in front of French players in front of the unmanned.

"The big air wings have improved!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, and the big air wings are not a big air wing in the Dongbang Academy for a few months ago, and the ball skills and speed have made great progress.

"Hey! What are you doing, don't you stop with the ball? Let's open, see me!" At this time, the temper is hot, the temper is directly chasing the air wings from the front.

Then, it is a very dangerous splinter movement from the big air wings. This move is very large, Napoleon is obviously going to put the big air wing.

boom! However, the big air wing seems to have a long eye after the brain, and the football is dial out in the moment of Napoleon slippery.

"This little child!" Napoleon still met the big air wings, the two twisted into a fell.

The football flew to the feet of the Poland, at the same time, the big air wings were all standing than Napoleon, and continued to run forward.

After the ball is holding the ball, he will continue to bring the ball quickly, at this time, the French core Pierre came back from the pole.

Pastelang does not stick to the ball, he is used to solving the fastest problem with passing the ball.

At this time, the Pkaro's Hearto will pass the football forward. The football wipes the grass, quickly brushed the defender of the French team, came to the feet of the front field to Xiaolang.

"What!" The defender of the French team has not returned to God, and the day to Xiaolang has been brought to the ball.

"Good fast, sharp offense!" Xiao Junguang on the stage is also can't help.

"There is a lubricant player of Yaro. The Japanese Youth Team will bring together a whole. This team has been close to the perfect!" The night is slightly frowning, he has begun to think about how to fight against Japanese youth team.

"Blocking him!" The door of the French team will shout loudly.

At this time, the day has been completely stopped, and the whole person instantly opens the body, and the right foot will withdraw.

"Schneider, night long winds, you are watching the stage, let you see my new tiger shot!" The day, the cold light, the eyes flashed, and the eyes are like a beast. ,

A loud noise, the day, Xiao Lang, the football, the football, the French team's defender, has not responded, and football has become a golden light.

boom! In the first moment, this Jin Guang passed the French youth team, the goalkeeper and the defender did not respond.

When they went back to God, the football had run through the ball in the gardener, and the heavy smashing is on the back billboard, and the reporters who are shooting behind the billboard are sitting on the ground.

"What is this shot!" I just had a noisy French fans on the stage, showing an incredible look on the face.

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