The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1659 of the Chapter 1659 of the Prince of Tennis

The Chinese team collapsed the hotel meeting room, and the Chinese youth team returned after the ball. After lunch, I came to the meeting room to be summoned by Juns.

"I think everyone should know that the opponent we will be a strong German team. In the past few years, the German Youth team has almost unsatisfactory in the international competition, especially their captain Schneider is like a super new star. Tomorrow. The game will be difficult to kick, I hope everyone has a psychological preparation! "Juns came out of the package from the bag.

"Yes, the coach!" The Chinese youth team nodded Qi.

"Old, there is no need to wait until the beginning of the game, naturally, it will be integrated into it!" When the night's wind glanced, I saw the information held in Jenas. "What are you got?"

"Oh, this is the detailed information of all players of the German team! Tire, you are giving everyone!" Juns let the assistant coach will send information to the Chinese team.

The night-length wind is roughly sweeping, all of the height, advantages and disadvantages of the German players are in a very detailed record, and even the replacement players have.

"Wow, a good detailed information, coach, where did you get it?" Wang Zhongming surprised up his mouth.

"Oh, secret!" Juns laughed, in fact, this is the detailed information he trusted to help.

"Very good, old!" Night's mouth is slightly fighter, and then sweeping a Chinese youth team. "Everyone else is not trained this afternoon, resting the body, and also remember this information all in the brain. in!"

"Ah, all have to remember, the captain?" The worst flying in the Chinese youth team has fallen down, just like a bitter gourd.

"You kid! Remember to remember the habit of Germany's defender players!" Night long shot smiled and smiled.

"Yes, the captain!" Flying nodded, only remember a few guard playing habits, he still could do it.

The next day, the Prans Stadium Stadium.

The first competition in the morning is the Chinese Youth Team and the German Youth Team, so the two team players come to the Pans Stadium, and the training ground is warm up.

The World Youth Invitational Tournament has finally entered the stage of the final circle, but the fans of the Presta Stadium today. The number is not so much.

It is mainly the defeat of the host's French team, so that many French fans are still in the pain, do not want to watch other teams shine on the Prans Stadium.

However, the Prans Stadium Today's racket is still very high, most of which are the German team's fans, because Germany and France are relatively close.

Today, the fans of the Chinese team today are also a lot, close to 10,000 people, they are a special trip to fly to France to fuel the Chinese team.

The excellent performance in the group competition in the group has passed the domestic media to China. It has caused an uproar, and even the competition in Europe and South America, this is still the first in Chinese football.

Therefore, there are many Chinese fans spontaneously form a delegation to come to France, which is to help this magical Chinese team.

"Germany! Wins! Germany! Wins!"

"Schneider! Go forward!" At this time, the fans in Germany were boiled at the time.

Because the three referees have collected the two teams played into the main ball in the Presnd Family.

"China! Muli! China! Muli!"

"China must win!" China's fans on the stage also did not have to show weakness. They had some taps that were not stopped with drums. The moment is also amazing.

The fans of the two camps have been large, and the waves are a wave of high waves.

"CCTV, CCTV! Here is Paris, France, I explain He Wei, today will explain this Chinese team and the German team today!" At this time, there is a TV in China. The picture of this game.

The Chinese team and the German team have attracted a lot of attention, even if the CCTV is also temporarily preparing to broadcast this game, and it is a very famous football to say He Wei, which is a very famous football. Stadium made live broadcast.

"Ah! The two team players are now playing. Let's listen to this cheers, this is a world-class game!" The game has not started, and He Wei has begun.

As a professional football commentary, he is generally a contest for the European professional team, and today, he can live in the live Chinese team and the important game of the German team consisting of European professional players, He Wei is very excited. Even some are too excited.

He Wei has won the world championship for the motherland, but his physical quality is too bad, so he finally refers to the work that he knows.

But he did not forget his dreams, he expects the Chinese team to have a place in the football.

In the past decade, the Chinese national team made He Wei at once again, and this time is different.

Before the invitation, He Wei knows that there is such a temporary Chinese youth team, but he doesn't know how this Chinese youth team is in power.

After paying attention to the first two games of the Chinese Youth Team, He Wei was completely shocked. He didn't think China also had a super player like a night, Xiao Junguang.

Especially the night grows, He Wei has a study of night long wind in a few days and night, he is shocked.

With He Wei's professional consciousness of football, He Wei felt that China may really have a super star, so He Wei attaches great importance to today's game, it comes to France to witness the Chinese war god. From!

At this time, the Argentine Youth Team, which was defeated in the hands of the Chinese team, also hoped that the Chinese team won, and finally got the champion.

In this case, Argentina is only lost to the champion.

As for other teams, they basically optimistic about the German team, although the Chinese youth team plaque in the group competition, Lian Kehao.

But the German team is also a pleasant and pleasant, but also has retained a lot of strength. Many media reporters in front of the game are all generally optimistic about the German team.

After the host French team is out, the entire Europe will hopes to pinned in the only German Youth Team. .

1690 chapter, battle begins (fifth more)

At this time, the Prans Stadium, the two team players were standing their respective positions. The main referee also took the football to the middle, German emperor Schneider guess the coin color, the German team chose the ball. Miscellaneous * insects

"Schneider! Schneider! Schneider!" The German fans shouted on the stage shouting the name of Schneider. It is clear that Schneider is the most critical person of the hero and this game for them.

In the first two games, the German emperor's state is excellent, and the two games have completed the hat trick, with six goals and night-hearted rankings, the first invitation.

"Well, today's German Youth Team is the whole main force, let me introduce you to the appearance of the German team!" The explanation of He Wei be introduced to the two teams in the media area.

"On the front front line, the German team sent Schneider, which was known as the Football Emperor, and the German team of the German team, Kaulz and Max, also Mi Lath and Zeisa. The defender is the lineup of the first two games on the German team! "

"It is Maya, Haldo, and Maghin, which will last, Tita Miller, which will be known as the steel giant! It can be said that every player of the German youth team is powerful, they are almost all The European professional league is playing! "He Wei gave a long time to talk about European professional competitions, so they were very understandable for these players.

This German team is indeed very powerful, striker, midfield, guard line and door will have no weaknesses, which can be said to be nearly perfect, Europe's most powerful.

"We can't lose!" At this time, in the German Youth League, the coach shoulders shoulders, sitting calmly in the coach.

He did not make any targeted arrangements for the Chinese team before the game, and he fully believed the European Gold Warriol you built.

"Next, I will introduce the players of the Chinese youth team. This Chinese youth team is temporary, the audience may not be familiar, it doesn't matter, I will introduce you, they are all very good players!" Youth team, He Wei is over-tone.

"On the front front line, the Chinese team partner is the flying and technically delicate Wang Zhongming. The front position is China's offensive core night long wind player, the midfield is Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu and Yao Xiahe Hao Haidong" After reading the video of the first two games, all the players of the Chinese team were very understanding, and it was the head.

"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" Reading Taiwan is not only Chinese fans in the name of the long wind, some French fans are also watching the game.

After the host of France was eliminated, some fans saw the two games of the night, and they had been conquered by the night long's ball, which became the fans of the night.

The nearest head of the night is also the most prosperous, the shooter list and the German emperor Schneider is equipped with autumn color, not only the European giants scout, and many ordinary fans also have seen the extraordinary of the night.

The first night long-winding European army fans have been born in the event of this invitation!

"The audience in front of the TV, did you hear it? The voice of the night-long player is also very high, it seems that many European fans also recognize our Chinese God of War!" He Wei with a smile, although as One explanation should be kept neutral, but the motherland can live like a long-winding, or let He Wei, who have been concerned with Chinese football very happy.

"What will this game?" The Japanese youth team in the afternoon in the afternoon also appeared on the table, and it was clear that they were very interested in this game.

If the Japanese youth team can defeat the Uruguayan Youth Team, they will compete with China and Germany to compete for the champion of this contest.

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