The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1661 of the Chapter 1661 of the Prince of Tennis

Solita, football is like a shell, Xiao Junguang has a powerful, and football is swept in the ball door of the German youth team with a venom.

"Is the dragon cannon! This is the killing skill of Chinese player Xiao Junguang. Is this a ball to open a record for the Chinese team?" He Wei is very excited, just a series of attacks on a series of engagement, playing Yunxiao, very gorgeous .

This has never been seen in the history of Chinese football. Generally, the Chinese team's football is zero scattered on the court, and it is always the feeling of breaking the ball.

And this Chinese youth team and all the national character teams are totally different.

"What!" Just in the moment before the shellball, the German team, Xiao Junguo stunned.

After a sighfalk, the German steel door godmier jumped forward, and his hands firmly grabbed Xiao Junguang's dragon cannon, and it still had a good look.

"Ah, catch it! The German team door to contact Miller's dragon cannon of Xiao Junguang players, it is really powerful!" He Wei couldn't help but praise, but he actually watched Miller's game, and now on the court Miller seems to be stronger than before.

He is like a mature gorilla, power is endless, flexible action.

"Save beautiful, Miller!" The fans in Germany cheered on the stage.

"It is the steel door, and the information is not exaggerated. It has a super neural response. The power will be the middle of the door. The future world-class door god!" The night's eyes looked at Miller, "this guy Strength seems not to source three years old! "

"Changfeng, you don't want it, Miller's strength is not completely showing!" If Lin Yuan, Ji Lin Yuan, the heart, I thought. .

1692 chapter, steel fortress (second more)

On the field, Miller hugged football did not immediately put the football to launch the attack, not he didn't want, but the dragon cannon of Xiao Junguang was also shocking him. ⊙ ⊙ @ @ ⊙ ⊙

"That China's 10th strength is not small!" Before Miller comes only, he only pays attention to the night, now Xiao Junguo has entered his dangerous list.

"Offense!" When the hands gradually retrieved, Miller immediately vigorously throwing football to the midfield.

Millywood stopped Miller's shower in the midfringing, and then passed the ball to their midfielder Divisa.

"Good!" After Si Tag took the ball, the expression became more than just serious, the breakthrough made the spirit of Zie Si Taga highly concentrated, "Their negligence is just accidents, and there will be no such an. Things! "

"Come on, thank you!"

"This time, give them a great place!" The female fan of the female fan of Sheisha on the stage is still screaming for the Sciece.

Just in the moment of Sheisa took the ball, the night's wind was directly posted. This game, the night grew well, and the night grew is completely frozen the engine of the German youth, so that the frontcourt Schneider even more strongly. .

"Can be evil!" Xie Si Tower saw that the night's wind was not bad. He tried to use the movement of the left and right sway, I want to open the night, but the night is completely unfashionable.

Night wind has always maintained a good defensive position, speed and body Zie Tita completely does not account for the upper wind, it is not possible to get rid of the night.

"There is no way, only pass the ball!" Zie Si Tower flashed an angle, and immediately immediately put the football on the foot.

bass! At this time, the night length of the wind left. Out, it seems that I have predicted the passing direction of Sheisa, and suddenly the break is successful, and the ball has arrived at the foot of the night.

In the first moment, he and Zeista wrap it.

"Xseta Tower is being passed down when he was attacked, and it is good!" The night's mouth is smiling, and the accuracy of Juns is very high, let him think of it. Data male encountered in other competitive worlds.

Habitism is sometimes terrible, it will expose your weaknesses in you.

"I have broken the ball! The long wind player is simply foreigner!" The explanation of He Wei double eyes, although he doesn't know how the night's wind can be pre-proud, but He Wei Know that it is definitely not a coincidence.

"Zie Taga actually lost two consecutive mistakes!" At this time, the German emperor Schneider also revealed the color of the doubt, he returned to his player yelled.

"Stay! Don't let them easily play off!"

"Yes! Captain!" Schneider is still very prestigious in Germany, German players have just worked, after hearing Schneider's shouts, start nervous, defensive rhythm and strength improvement less.

For a while, in addition to the front-end wind that quickly advanced quickly, the frontal players of other Chinese youth team were killed by German players.

"Is this going to organize me to organize an attack?" The night's wind sweeps a frontal situation, and the corner of the mouth flashed, "Then I have to attack!"

bass! The night long wind ball is forwarded faster and faster, Kartriple wants to block the footsteps of the night, and hit it directly.

"Come, this time, let me see. The real strength of Chinese War!" German young team, Miller, Miller, and confident.

"Try your orange first!" The night-long sweeps a confidently filled steel giant Miller, followed by suddenly banned. The front of the district is parked, and the right foot is moving forward. The lower end.

! The football is rotated in an instant, and the ball is very speedy rotating ball.

Is a round moon bend knife!

"The shot is! The first foot of the game is the first foot of the game!" He said his eyes.

At this time, the football of the night, it is chemically formed into a golden light, just like a head of the German Youth Leader, the fast rotation of the German Youth team's goal corner.

"It is an arc ball! The arc of the long wind can break the defense line of German steel giants?" He Wei is getting higher and higher.

bass! At this time, Miller suddenly retreated to the gate, and immediately moved to the left, followed by Miller did not do any action, that is, waiting for the football to fly before the ball.

! At this time, the rotation of football suddenly changed, and the football suddenly changed in front of the door, and a strange curvature was drawn.

boom! At this time, Miller's feet exploded a general pop-up. The whole body is like a sudden launched rocket, and at the same time, the right arm is moving forward, just like throwing a lead ball. same.

After the sound of the squad, Miller was actually holding the football on the right hand.

one hand!

The steel giant Miller only uses one hand to prevent the sun and the moon bend knife of the night, and the trajectory of the football is immediately judged, and the strength and rotation of football are removed.

"Too beautiful, Miller!" The German fans were blown up at the stage, so exciting defensive defense was indeed a bloody.

"It's a steel giant. He is a general defense to understand the super arc shot of the long-wind player!" He Yao is also flashing in the eyes.

The quality of the arc ball is very high, and if you change the goal, you will go early.

"This guy actually returned to the gate, and the football began to start before the football, and he was very confident on his reaction and strength!" The night is cold and glanced at Miller, to tell the truth, Miller The strength does have some expectations of night long wind.

In the information given in Juns, Miller's evaluation is an indestructible steel fortress. It is indeed hard enough to see it. It is a difficult bone.

"Good technique!" At this time, he said that the first gate of Europe was stunned in the first door of Europe. He also confident that the night Changshi has just tastled, but he must use his hands.

"I actually took the twirl ball of the captain, it is really powerful!" At this time, the face of the Chinese youth team is also surprised.

"Hey! Not a big shot! China War god isn't so!" Miller held a football, then throw it forward.

Football flew away from the night length head, this ball is obviously provocative, showing powerful confidence of steel giant Miller.

"Bastard, you are too self-righteous!" Just in Miller, Mingyu, the midfield, Mingyu, rushed to the German Youth Square players, met the football before, and put the football forward.

Immediately, Ma Mingyu, which has heavy artillery, chasing the roll-up football, is a powerful left foot to extract.

Sound, football is flying in an instant, speed and strength is still good! .

1693 chapter, bombarding (third more)

boom! At this time, Miller leap to the left, and then left the left hand to directly grasp the heavy guns of Ma Mingyu, it is domineering!

"What! Actually took the shot to grab it down!" Ma Mingyu has grown his eyes, and it is incredible, "this guy"

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