The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1677 of the Chapter 1677 of the Prince of Tennis

Night wind is like suddenly open the shift gear, so that the players of the German youth team are very uncomfortable, and suddenly broke through the digital defense.

Until the night grew, the ball was in the banned. Near the district, Miller couldn't help but let the last guard guard before the door, he chose to attack!

This game of steel giants Miller first chose to attack, leaving the goal! .

Chapter 1711, King of Prillans (first more)

"Not good, Miller attacked, is this goal to enter?" The fans of Germany were shouting. ? Miscellaneous?

"Miller! Blocking the little child!" I have come to the German team's troops to fight.

On the venue, the night length of the wind does not have two meters, and the steel giant Miller is unfolded, and the center of gravity is sinking. It is like a gorilla usually toward the night long.

I have to say that Miller's body and long arm show makes him have a big advantage when saving this single-knife. When Miller opened his hands, he almost blocked the night. The stroke angle at all middle and lower ends, if the night is long, the most sensible is to choose a slide.

However, the night-hearting wind does not want to shoot at all. He should be super fast, while at the same time, the night's feet start to return to the ball.

Night wind is like a running ball in the basketball court, which continuously sways in front of Miller in the football field.

"What!" Miller stunned, because in front of him, the night is different from the five-way shadow, and almost together, he doesn't know which one should be thrown.

It is the shackles of the dawn goddess!

And it is the end of the night-catching muscle to make the master's dawn goddess of the master to the ultimate effect. This dawn goddess is more realistic than the long-term use of the night. Even Miller has dynamic vision and cannot capture. Real body.

Because in this ultra-fast sway frequency, in fact, every remaining shadow is left behind.

bass! On the table, tens of thousands of audiences and media districts have a large number of jersears who are stunned, and the night long-term flooding has passed the steel gods and again.

In the face of the last defending of the German team, the night long wind is only used with left foot, and the direction of the football is slightly changed slightly, and then it is flashed from the left side of the guard.

Night wind turned out to bring football into the goal of German Youth Team Steel Fortress!

43! When the night, the wind is about five minutes to end, and I have entered a super into the ball for the Chinese team. Bigball!

hat trick! The night grew blows the powerful steel giants guarded three times, completing the incredible hats drama!

In the invitation to the shooter list, the night-lived winds have taken the top, kick off the gap between Schneider.

"Ball! Enter! Enter!" The media district explained that He Wei directly stood up, his hands were high, excitedly shouting, "Chinese War gains Propos, he sinks the luxury German battleship, might! "

"God of War! God! God god!" The Chinese fans on the stage were boiled, completely exploded, and the entire Presta seems to become the main scene of the Chinese team.

On the stage, Ten thousand fans on the stage made a large wave, the red ocean rolled over the look of Presnd, and the scene was very shocking.

This is a holiday of Chinese football, and the Chinese fans have long hoped from this moment from night longness to reality.

"This guy is eaten, how so fast!" The French striker, who is high than the top, is also surprised to rise, and he has nevernssessed this way in the German team. Next point.

"In the final stage of the game, you can upgrade your rhythm hard to two grades. Such a player is too terrible!" The Pierre's eyebrows were frightened. He had a kind of hunch, and the night's future will become his glory road. A big enemy on the enemy.

"This game is really good!" Looking at the prince of the football, the prince of the football looked at the night's live wind in the field to run to the corner.

"I must defeat you!" The day on the side clenching his fist, the fire of the fighting spirit in the eyes burned.

"It's great, the captain is really invincible!" Ishikaki is excited to dance, like a member of the Chinese youth team.

On the field, after the night is growing, run directly to the corner.

Then, the night long is directly the celebration of two consecutive front, very handsome, and the original noisy look is more enthusiastic.

This is still not finished, after two consecutive air flips, the night grows up again from O'Neill's overlord step, looks fairly funny.

"This guy is too crazy!" Miller squatted in front of the German youth team, on the grass, this competition he has already entered four goals.

This is the reality that Miller is unacceptable, but it must be accepted. Today, in front of the Chinese War, the steel giants have been hindered into steel waste .. ....

"It's great, the captain!"

"Victory is us!" At this time, the Chinese youth teams rushed to the night long. They all hooked up their arms. The goals just gigrated have been thrown after being thrown by the Chinese team.

Gee's MISDIRECTION is just a trick, and the ball of the night is Jun to the world. He has almost all of the German team, and the German emperor and steel giants will be thrown behind.

Although the game has not ended yet, Wu Junren and Xiao Junguang are already one left and right, and then directly turn directly.

Where is the night's face, which is a fans who look at the platform will bother, the scene is very shocking.

Night wind is like a king who is welcoming his people.

At this moment, the night-catching wind is the king of Presses, the invincible God of War in the heart of Chinese fans!

! ! At this time, the main referee ran over, he blew the whistle, then took a yellow card, and delayed the time for the night, Xiao Junguang, and Wu Junren a yellow card.

The night-long wind does not look shower, let the Chinese youth teams have returned to their own area.

This kind of celebration is not the night, and it has been fully determining the game, but a psychological war.

The time of the game is less than five minutes, the longer it has been dragged, the German youth team players will become more and more impatient, this time the vicotive of the other party will be more obvious.

On the field, the German emperor Schneider has not given up, and he returns to the midfield from the ball in the door, and then presses the football on the center. ,

! The Chinese youth teams have just returned to the half, and the defense line has not been completely standing. The German team has been served, they can't wait.

"Germany! Don't give up!"

"Schneider! Goal!" The German fans on the stage came back to the gods and started shouting for their team.

Germany is the final hope of European football, they can't be defeated.

Snapped! On the middle of the field, She Si Tower stopped Schneider's dial. .

Chapter 1712, the last moment (second more)

At the same time, after Schneider, after serve, Schneider rushed to the Chinese youth team. District frontier.

She Si Tam is a midfielder and Kartriple's continuous feet, soon penetrating the China team midfielder line.

Although the nightly wind goals make the Chinese youth teams rise, they kicked out of the status of Sheisa and Cartrons, and the Chinese team midfielder Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu did not stop two Germany. The ball is advanced.

The most critical is that the night-long wind does not participate in the defense of the midfield, he directly chasing Schneider.

bass! In Schneider rushed to the Chinese youth team. The moment before the district, Zeista is beautiful to get rid of Xiao Junguang, and then a straight resection ball directly sent football into the Chinese youth team.

Snapped! A white lightning is on the banned Chinese youth team. In the area, the right foot caught the forward football, of course, the German emperor Schneider.

Schneider took a ball, the Chinese youth team was banned. All players in the area were nervous, especially the sweat on the forehead in front of the door, but did not dare to reach out, he was afraid of Schneider Will suddenly shoot directly.

"Don't let him get enough!" Yuns, Chinese youth team in the rest area, sleepled, he ran to the field, he shouted in the Chinese team.

"Yes!" Li Yufeng and Sun Jihai were like a block of guns, and they rushed to Schneider.

"Danger! Does the Schneider turn back the score for the German team?" He Wei also suddenly got tense, he didn't want to see the victory of the Chinese team to fly away at the last moment.

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