The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1681 of the Chapter 1681 of the Prince of Tennis

"There is only one opponent left next!" The eyes of Tongyu drifts to the stand, and the night's night is led to the Chinese youth teams get up.

Obviously, the Tong's team can fight the finals and is quite unexpected. He is expected to be a German team to compete with the Japanese youth team.

However, the superincipings of the nightly wind played the Chinese youth team directly to the final, and the Japanese team will compete for the final champion.

The biggest two black horses in this invitation will meet in the finals. When the game is over, I know which team is a real super black horse.

After the semi-final day of the World Youth Invitational Tournament, the media communities in China and Japan and Japan are boiling.

China and Japan have historical origins, and many unscrupulous media reporters rose this final to the high height of the country.

This is actually a ridiculous, football is a competitive sports, its original intention is to promote world peace and development football, rather than politicians attacked each other.

However, everyone is very calm, especially the football. Love is full of sports, there are many fanatic fans who have a very fanatical fans to buy ultra-high-priced tickets in the hand of the yellow cattle.

In addition, the two countries also have a large number of casinos to open a gambling bureau, and various expert media are also constantly analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Japan and China team, making pre- and guess.

For a while, this is not considered a supercoming sports finals attracts the attention of the entire East Asia.

Asian Shuangxiong Battle, one touch! .

1716 chapter, invite the finals (first more)

After the World Youth Invite the semi-final day, after three days of rest, finally arrived at the final final day.

Paris Stadium in Paris, France.

Today, the world is very lively, and you can see a lot of Asian fans on the street. They wear their own team, holding small national flags in their hands, and placing the paint of their country patterns on the face.

And they are all never in a direction, which is the Prescare Stadium.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the Prans Stadium has gathered a large number of fans, as well as media reporters in China and Japan, the guns are long. The gun short guns have entered the special channel and the reporter certificate. Presta stadium.

Today, this final is unpreposed, mainly two Asian teams in the finals, this is still incident in the history of world football.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the Prans Stadium is open, a large number of fans have poured out of the Prans stadium, and many fanatic fans did not hesitate to sell tickets in the open tickets in the row of tickets.

The Prans Stadium can accommodate up to 50,000 viewers. Today, the last rate is%, because the General Assembly also increases the seat.

Nowadators are almost all Chinese or Japanese, neutral French fans, and the French fans who bought the final tickets will sell their tickets to the yellow cattle, only the night long arm fans are still watching at the scene.

The positions they sit are very good, close to the court, these guys have specially customized a large night-long windy ball, which is printed with the French of the God of War, more than a hundred people holding this jersey, keep moving, Very attractive.

At this time, the finals have not yet begun, first of all, the performance show in front of the game.

The organizer of this invitation can be said to make a lot of money, although the French team did not enhance the final, but the two Asian teams scored the finals, so that the hosted Fang Light was earned.

The performance project of the finals, they did not have a lot of stars to help out.

The most exciting is the air skyriage of the Presta stadium, and the helicopters carry the skydiver, jumping from the air, and the parachutes on their back are printed with the national flag of Japan and China.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

"There is a national flag!" The audience on the stage is naturally exclaimed.

In addition, the French stunt flying team has also reached the scene, flew over the Prans Stadium and conducted a variety of flight performances.

Finally, the grand fireworks show, can say that the host is really play, mobilize all the enthusiasm of all fans on the spot.

And these are secondary entertainment projects. When the two team players admitted, the entire Pland Stadium was completely ignited, and all fans stood up and cheered.

"Chinese War, Muli!"

"China! Wins!"

"Japan will never defeat!"

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

"I love you! San Shi!" The various sound waves on the standstick together, push the atmosphere of the invitation to the vertices.

"CCTV, CCTV. Audience Friends, everyone is good. I am explaining He Wei, today will live in the scene of the World Youth Team and Japanese Youth Team today!" He Wei came again again. On-site media area.

As a CCTV media reporter in two final countries, He Wei enjoys the treatment of the studio. This is that he has never enjoyed, which makes He Wei are exciting.

"Today's atmosphere is really warm, the Chinese fans who come to watch the battle are also a lot. Everyone should hear the cheers of the scene!"

After the two team players played, the Chinese team's long night wind and the Japanese captain exchanged the banner.

"The captain of the two sides exchanged the banner, the finals must begin, this war may determine the battle of the world's football future pattern!" He Wei quickly explained.

"Changfeng, I didn't expect it to meet you here. I am looking forward to it for a long time!" If Lin is relieved.

"Ah, I also want to have more than you, see the strength of the first goal of Europe!" The night grew blowing the hand of Johinde, and the mouth is now a smile.

"Who will win this game?" The German team who lost to the Chinese team on the standstime was also watching the battle, Cartrons still had a big scorpion, and a toothpick is in his mouth.

"Justin in the Japanese youth team, but the Chinese youth team has a player like a night, this game is not good!" The German emperor Schneider Shen Sheng .. ....

"This game will win!" Suddenly a few people came behind, and everyone was shocked.

"Geme, when did you come?" She Si Tower was shocked.

"I have been here!" Geng said with a laugh.

"There is a feeling of feelings!" German people couldn't help but Tao.

On the court, after the two team players took a group, they were scattered into their own half, and they began to do warm-up exercise.

"Now the two team players are warm up, through this opportunity, I introduced the appearance line of the two teams to the audience!" He Wei picked up the appearance in front of it.

"The Chinese youth team, like the semi-final lineup, there is no change. It is worth mentioning that the position of the king player's night-catching is to attack the midfield!" He Wei slowly said.

"The Japanese youth team, the striker is the day of Japan's tiger, and Songshan, which is known as the snow country. The midfielder is a large air wing, the Yutano and Sanhuo, these three players are known as Japanese gold trigeminal Strong, strong strength! "

"Different wanders are standing flowers and rigging bloggers, they are twins, very fast. The players on the backwelder are Siki, and a small vine in Japan is a first-class player in Japan!"

"The last is the Japanese Gan Shen Lin Yuan three, and he served as the main door in Germany Hamburg, and there is a lot of bright performance in the European youth competition. It is a competitive candidate in the future of Europe!" He Wei He is actually not very understanding of these Japanese youth teams.

The only understanding may only be, if Lin Yuan is three, in He Wei seems that if Lin Yuan is a very rare and talent Asian door, the burger will notify European youth in various battles, Ju Linyuan three-function Not.

On the field, the island is turning his head and watching the back of the night. He has also wanted to play the game, but for the victory of the Japanese team, Ji Island is only to make the main position, just because Ju Lin Source three is stronger than him.

"Ju Lin, I will please you!" If the island is the shoulder, the shoulder of the forest, solemnly.

"Don't worry!" If Lin nod, the golden light flashed, "I will not lose!".

1717 chapter, fierce battle (second more)

On the field, after the warm-up, the two team players took off the training suit. ζ ζ

Today, the Chinese youth team is wearing a white round neck jersey, the chest is a bright red flag, night long wind with blue captain armband.

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