The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1683 of the Chapter 1683 of the Prince of Tennis

Therefore, the night cost is not forced to open the left and one right sky wings and Pkairo.

Two people sticked to prevent themselves, and the night grew is happy. They consume physical strength in the defensive end, they will definitely affect the performance of the offensive.

The Japanese Youth Team is banned. In the area, Wang Zhongming tried to get rid of a few times, but it almost was broken by Sanhuo.

! Finally, I saw the flying plug, Wang Zhongming did not hesitate to launch football left foot back.

Snapped! The flying left foot stopped Wang Zhongming's pass, flying a ball, and then rushed up, and the early Opening of the ground was also climbed at this time. The two flew flew to fly in the first one. The potential.

The height of flying is high, which makes him turn it slower, and the action at the foot should not be so flexible.

However, it is clear that the movements under the feet are very good, and it is not like a big one. He is very skilled in his left foot right.

At the time of the Yitao, it was actually flying directly and a simple dial, flashed over!

"Beautiful people, today's two strikers are very good! The chance of the Chinese team is coming!" He Yizhen. The Chinese view of the situation, the Chinese audience before the watch and the Chinese audience before.

Flying is already a small ban. District front, the goal of the Japanese youth team is very close.

However, if the Japanese young team, if Lin Yuan is suddenly hit, it is clear from the goal, but if Lin Yi has chosen to attack.

He is sinking, and his hands are unfolded, and the action is like an eagle hunting.

Flying a suddenly stayed by the momentum of Lin Yuan three, he planted that the football under the feet. At this time, there is some feet, and the football is slightly separated from his control range.

It is this little mistake. If Lin Yuan three directly instantly moved the shovel, his hands instantly hugged the football in front of the flying.

"I am evil!" The flying hooded to smash the football into the door, and the result was directly overwhelming in front of the Japanese youth team.

The difference between the two people is too big, the flying is too high, and if the next dish is unstable and easy, it is confiscated by the football.

"Ah, unfortunately! The Chinese team wasts an opportunity to open!" He Wei sighed, "If Lin Yuan is really powerful, his choice is very good, and the ability to seize the opponent's mistake is also super!"

If Lin Yi took the ball, the night is immediately running, he knows that once if Lin take the ball, the Japanese team's fast attack is coming.

Sure enough, if Lin hugs football, immediately climbed it, and the Japanese youth team is banned. The zone has been crossing two steps, which is to put down the football, and the big feet will open forward.

The Japanese fans on the stage still can't come to the performance of Johinde, and the football has been driven directly to the Chinese team.

If the frontcourt, the exact path directly found the Songshan, and the Songshan is very relaxed to unload the football in the air, the Japanese team's counterattack!

"The opportunity is coming!"

"Beforeward, the snow country, the eagle!" The Japanese fans on the stage stood up.

"It's this trick!" The French Core Pierre on the stage was very familiar with the scene of Ruolin launched fast attack. The French team was caught by this tactics.

Fortunately, there are not many players in the Japanese youth, and the Baro and the air wings go to the night's long wind. There are only days to Xiaolang and Songshan in the frontcourt.

! After the Songshan unloads the pass of Huolin, it is the start of high-speed straight line.

The chance of counterattack is slightly fleeting, the speed must be fast, can no longer wait for the large air wings and Pkarang rushed up, the two running speed is far less than the night, if the night is cold, the Japanese team's attack Not hooked.

"Daily!" Songshan rushed more than ten meters, then directly lined up, football spinned to the big ban. The day on the quarter line to Xiaolang.

On the day, I swept a football, judged the fall of football, and then it was a big ban on the Chinese youth team in an instant.

It seems to be in the day, this is the great opportunity for his goal, and the passage of this passage in Songshan is not high, but he uses speed and body to grab football before the Chinese team defender.

boom! At this time, the Japan and China Dragon God Shang Junguang almost also banned in the Chinese youth team. During the district, the two were fighting the football in the air.

"Is this guy!" The day is a cold light in the eyes, forciting the body to hit Xiao Junguang, want Xiao Junguo to lose balance in the air, you can easily remove football! .

1719 chapter, position battle (fourth more)

! After a dull muscle collision, the day, Xiaolang and Xiao Junguang hit a half a catty, no one would not. ⌒ § § ⌒

The last two did not encounter football, and the football was brought to Sun Jihai after the two people, and it was a big ban on the Chinese youth team. Zone.

Snapped! Just returning to the middle-round, the night-catching football, lightly unloading, turning around is the rapid advancement of the Japanese youth team.

The rhythm of the two teams is very fast, and the audience on the stage should be closed, the media area is also called hard, they all comment.

"Beautiful Sneak Ball! Now China Youth Team has retraffyed players, and the night long players are holding the ball in the middle of the field!" He Wei said the sound.

On the field, the night growth of the world was divided into the sidewalk, and the Chinese youth team wedge Hao Haidong took the football and quickly rushed to the bottom line.

The night-long wind is again stared by the two cores of the Yaro and the big air wing, look like, see the coach is not a sacrifice attack, but also will not let the night grow up have an opportunity to organize the Chinese youth team attack. .

"It's really a bit trouble!" In the Chinese Youth League, Junsto is under the bar. Although he thought of the Japanese team's coach will strictly guard the night, but he did not expect the coach to send two cores. Offensive players to guard against night long wind.

Moreover, the Japanese youth team also has a core defensive expert three sizhong, plus Japanese guardian Shen Linyuan three, the Japanese team's defense can be said to be a rock.

On the court, Hao Haidong rushed to the bottom line of the Japanese youth team in the Japanese youth team, his speed is very fast, on the side of Hao Haidong breakthrough route, the flower government.

The tactical play in the sidewalk in the Chinese team came from the tactics of the night-length wind in the South Geki team. The Japanese young people have played in Nange, of which Simosaki is a crucial. A player is very familiar with this tactics.

I saw Hao Hai East to the bottom line, the big ban. Ishiqi's awareness is close to the big ban. In the district, it is ready to be strong. In addition, Hua Zhengfu is directly rushed to Hao Haidong, and it is ready to prevent Hao Haidong. Advance.

At this time, Hao Haidong glanced over the night and gave Hao Haidong by the night-to-night, and the night-to-pendant, who was dead, Hao Haidong, nodded, and suddenly changed the direction of breakthroughs.

Hao Haiwei left dial, suddenly obliquely obliquely banned. Breakthrough in the area, this is the breakthrough route used by Hao Haidong in the competition of the German team, and suddenly opened the wrong government.

"Very good! Hao Haidong players opened the defenders, and he has now broken through the right side of the zone, no one is defensive!" Said that He Wei is tense.

At this time, as a big ban. The defensive Qing Daofu in the district will block two steps after two steps, on the route of Hao Haidong breakthrough, prepare the football of Hao Hao East.

"Haidong!" Flying in the big ban. There is a lot of screaming in the area, then suddenly started, Ishi Sikasaki responded slowly, and flying opened half of it.

"Go!" At this time, Hao Haidong seized the opportunity, poot it directly, use the right foot to hang the football to the large ban.

The flying flying in Ji Siki is overproduced. The high jump in the district. He has a good bounce with a good bounce, and almost no one can interfere with him after jumping.

"Worse!" Ishiki is not good, he wants to interfere with the flying.

bass! At this time, there is a huge blue figure that is also high jumped, it is the vine!

The vines made the strength of the milk and jumped in front of flying.

The huge sound, flying from top to the top of the top of the football, and the vine is from the bottom, and the top of the top is on football, and the two are in the air in the air.

"Defense, Jiao!" Ishikasaki excitedly called.

"I am evil! This ball will be entered!" The flying forehead has a gluten, and has not been able to achieve key goals for the Chinese team. For the flying forward, very depressed, he is eager to go to the ball, eager for the Chinese team Make your own contribution.

bass! Flying positions domineering, the power of the vines is dominated, the two are quite in the air, and the football is squeezed from the top of the two.

At this time, the goal is eager to fly stronger, first swing the right leg in the air, he rotates in the air in the air, then in the air, the right foot is in the air falling football.

Ling your emptiness flip short! Flying made a shot of the audience, and his high son can make this action to make a lot of fans on the table stunned.

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