The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1690 of the Chapter 1690 of the Prince of Tennis

"Come on, Japanese team!"

"Be sure to hold, can't let them go into the game!" On the other hand, Japan's fans are also unhabined, and the fans in both sides are more powerful, and the waves are getting higher and higher.

The competition arrived in the last half of the last half, everyone is nervous, who can go into this time, will undoubtedly a big advantage in the second half.

On the field, the night long wind speed with the ball quickly returned to the midfield.

In the face of the front of the Baro and the air wings, the night-catching wind did not have any fake moves this time, it is directly broken, tank disc.

The large air wings and the Baritaro have been knocked directly from the night. So far, the tank ball of the night is still unsolved for the Japanese youth team, because the quality of the body is too large.

After hitting the pole and the big air wing, the night-long windsted foot stopped the football, and the football was divided into the foot of Yao Xia.

This pass made the Chinese Youth Square defensive players have some accidents. They did not expect that there were not many offensive opportunities left in the first half, and the night-lived winds won the ball, and did not do double cooperation with Xiao Junguang.

Night wind, this ball is also reversed thinking. After a fresher, it directly rushed to the Japanese youth team. District.

On the right side of the stadium, after Yao Xia bought the ball, it was a flash of the army. He quickly became very fast, the Japanese team line did not arrange, so Yao Xia rushed to a deep position.

"Give me the ball!" The night is rushing in Yao Xia, Yao Xianimoti nodded, a team of the ball to bring football to the Japanese team. District frontier.

bass! This pass is too obvious, and he has seen it by Sanhuo. He rushed out from the big ban. District, ready to break down.

However, the speed of the night is faster than three, although the night is unfavorable, but his first step is really unparalleled. He stepped away, and the body will move, grab it between the Plunam ball, will Football back.

Then, the back of the night, relies on three pine, just like a big center.

Xiao Junguang and Wang Zhongming two people rushed into the Japanese team's big ban.

"Paste them!" The left and right hands of Sanhui referred to Wang Zhongming and Xiao Junguang.

The Japanese Youth Team is banned. The district in the district, the vines and Ishiyaki attached to Xiao Junguang and Wang Zhongming. At this time, the big empty wings and the Yutano, and the two people were still desperate, and a heavenly fence to the night-hard wind.

"Don't let him turn around!" Before the Japanese young team, if Lin is burning, it is very dangerous when the night is very dangerous.

Although now the night is back to the goal, it seems that there is no threat, and when the long wind suddenly started, the three pine is not necessarily reacted.

With Yu Guang, Xiao Junguang and Wang Zhongming, the two were laid, and there was almost no pass space.

Of course, the night-long weather wants to pass, you can pass a premium, you can create opportunities.

However, the night is not passing, there is not much time left in the first half, he can't waste the opportunity, once the passed the ball is seen by Ju Lin, this ball will definitely be confiscated.

Now, Linyuan three is no longer in the time of repair, and a game is in a row of five balls, and now Johinde can say that there is a potential that has become the world's first.

If you want to bombard the goal, the night, the night is going to do full.

bass! The air wings and the pole are not slow, and the night is not going to go, and the two people will be posted.

The three genius players of the Sanhuo and the Big Lang, Japan's ultra-white gold, and the big air wings began to stretch the feet, preparing to destroy the football of the night.

~ At this time, there is a fan on the table, and the night's wind is under the three people, the rocks of the return, the round of the round, actually steadily controlled football.

"Strongly controlling the ball, it is a national competition MVP player. The three major cores of the Japanese team can't disconnect the football of Changfeng!" Dynasty TV station explained that Dechuan Justice couldn't help but sigh, in his opinion, today's win The negative key is that the night length and the contest of the Linyuan three.

"Don't rank your feet, don't let the long winds go in!" Sanhuo shouted on the big air wing.

"Know it!" The big air wings nodded, did not come out again, I just lost my foot, the night length of the wind, the moment, the crucial moment, the bichu .

· ·

At this time, the night-length wind under the package of three genius players, it looks easily, but it is difficult to enter, mainly the habits of the three people are too understanding, especially the Pkarang, often in the night When the wind is going to get rid of defensive, block the route of the night.

If the night grows up for a breakthrough, most of them are hit people.

"Not a wonderful, the night long wind player is trapped, he is too long!" He Wei worried about the night's wind.

In the eyes of the eyes, the fighting spirit is burning, which is the situation he is looking forward to, only three genius players can make the same fighting spirit in the night growth.

bass! Suddenly, the night length began to speed up the footsteps, the left and right crossed crosses.

..... ...............................

Night wind is like making a continuous fighting in the basketball court, and the continuous swing, shaking the audience and the audience on the stage are dazzling.

"Good power!" On the stage, the Jinguang was flashing in the eyes of the Argentina genius Dians. He only knew that the night lengthy wind was in the same time, and did not show all the power.

At least now, the night-lived wind is raised by one-half. At this time, the night is like a three-person clip, and the dance is dancing. If his movements are elegant, and as cheetah Generally fast.

The footsteps of the Ice, the Mei weey dish, and the night-length wind combines two gods together simultaneously.

Messi disk rhythm is coming to the sky, and the footsteps of the Ice are very mysterious. The combination of the two is the rhythm of Sanhuo first keeps the night.

bass! The night long-lasting feet suddenly allocated football, then the football passed from the legs of Sancun.

The large air wings and the Yaro Parlary are shackled with the ultra-fast frequency fake movements of the night. In an instant, the night is jumped from the flanges of the large air wings and the three of the three people.

Once again, the ball is in the case, and the long wind is already invested in the big ban. District, direct dialogue, Lin Yuan three.

At this time, Ishiki and Secrets are focused on their respective defenders, and the night-hearted wind has created a single-cut ball!

"This is also?" The Japanese fans on the stage were stupid, and the night long-lived movements were too fast, and the distance from the stage was too far, it could not be clear.

1728 chapter, magical ball (fifth more)

"Go in, is a single knife! China War God and Japanese guardian door god positive and negative depends, can you go to the ball?" He Wei excitedly started. The roaring roar. + Miscellaneous ∽ ∽ +

On the court, other players are like stupid, and they look at the back of the lightning-like zero jersey.

! When the night length is like a wind, a step arrived at the Japanese youth team. Near the district of the district.

bass! At this time, if Lin Yuan chose to attack, there was no hesitation, and the Japanese god rushed out of the goal.

"Ruin!" Seeing the coach outside the vetement. If the calm, if Lin actually chooses to make an accident in advance.

If the door will be if Island, it will not have any accidents, but if Lin is so early, the early attack is indeed relatively rare.

"If you don't attack, I have to block this ball!" If Lin body is like a tiger, he is very clear, once the night grows to the point of this area, even the distance from the goal, even if he can A strong shot of the night long wind before the goal line is also useless.

Because the giant force of the night-hard wind can directly bring the rosin into the gardens, Johinde knows this, so he chooses to attack in advance.

That is to give yourself a buffer, and it is also a confident confident that it is a judgment!

In the year of European professional football, if Linyuan has become a large change, Johinde believes that he can block any shot of the night.

"Source three guys!" The night's long-awaited looked at Ruolinyuan three, if Lin launched his hands, focusing slightly, and the momentum is very good.

Night live wind feels unprecedented pressure on the forest, which is stronger than German steel gate.

bass! At this time, the night long wind suddenly stopped from the high speed, stop in an instant.

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