The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1698 Chapter 1698, Chapter 1698

Decisive battle in this rain, kicking now is not only technical and strength, but also the belief of winning the belief and the desire for winning.

Snapped! Take the shoulder of the talents, and the night's wind picked up the football in the ball, returned to the circle of the ball.

The Prescation Stadium, the Chinese Youth Team serves.

"The competition continues, after entering the second half, the two teams have more intense. This rain seems to be more beneficial to the Japanese team, can it become the lucky rain of the Japanese team, we will wait and see!" Dynasty TV Station Restore the god.

Snapped! On the field, Wu Junren brought football to night long.

Night live wind began to break through the ball forward, and the Chinese team's previous player is also advancing.

"We are on, Tailang, this time must break away the ball!" The air wing passed from the poker, rushed to the night.

"Well!" Pugang nodded and chased it, and the two once again formed a heroic moment of the night long wind.

"It's another double package defense, the Japanese team is in fullness, they want to turn the game back!" There is a fear of the tone of He Wei.

"Captain!" Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu two people were ready to pick up the night.

· ·

"On!" The night's waving waved against the two, and they showed that they continued to play, he wants to deal with the two major core midfielders of the Japanese youth team.

"This ball is broken by you, it is probably by the anti-comparison!" Night lived on the extremely rushing Pkarang and the big empty wing, the mouth angle slightly.

"But there is no chance!" The night's wind left football, suddenly changed.

"Look at me!" The big air wing looked lighted, flying directly, slouting to the direction of the night growing, in the rain, the large air wing snap move is very fast.

bass! In the first moment, the night lengthy winds jumped with the right foot, and then the whole body spoke to the left, and the shovel of the big empty wing was flashed in an instant.

....... ...

"Dry, Chinese War!" Looks on the Chinese fans on the ground.

"Good and beautiful move!" He Wei said the sound of the sound, the moment of the night, the pole launched, and the two almost hit together.

At this time, the night-catching football is landing, with the left foot, and the football passes through the football from the waist of the pole.

boom! After the night is falling, it is the right foot instant single foot, then the whole person passes through the right side of the Pkiro like a rocket.

Puglang only felt a wind blown to play a lot of rain, hit it on him, wait back God, turning, the night long wind has once again, and will continue to break through.

A very beautiful low-cost sphere, the two breaths of the night, have made several actions, and the flexibility and strength of their body, as well as the skills and balls under their feet have been used to the extreme.

The air picking the ball has a low space spheric, and the night is long-lasting, two consecutive gorgeous movements, break through the super mid-mid-mid-mid-mid-mid-mid-mid-mid-range line of the Japanese youth.

"What!" Songshan and the Japanese eyes of Songshan and the Japan are showed surprised.

If you have this action when you are fine, they will only surprise, but this is a rain battle, and the rain is so big, and the night is daring to do this action, and it is very perfect, this It is unable to be surprised to have a strong eyes.

"It's too fast, too beautiful, too perfect! This is the real strength of the Chinese War!" The explanation room He Wei is very excited as a night long wind blowing. .

1737 chapter, the ultimate potential (fourth more)

After the night, the long wind breaks through the double bag of Pkarang and the big empty wing, and the frontier is a big ban. The front edge of the district is open. ""

After two steps of big steps, the Tiger Day came back to Xiaolang and then chased the night length of the night, and then pulling it directly behind the ground.

"The Japanese team's forward day will live back to the players!" He Wei was a bit surprised.

The night lengthy wind on the field is not surprised. After the Pkano goes, the day is naturally a striker that is born into the ball, nature is a more eager to go.

Feeling the rain behind the rain, the wind is slightly changed, the day is shot, because the ground is too slippery, but also can't stop directly and the night grow.

"What!" The day is on the ground to the ground, ready to stop standing up to stop the night.

The night long wind is once again accelerated in the rain, and his speed is getting faster and faster.

"So fast!" Many viewers on the stage were watching.

Night wind is like a sharp knife in the rain scooted the curtain. Inserted into the Japanese youth team. District frontier.

"Blocking him!" The Japanese youth team saw the coach excited and arrived at a very dangerous position.

If Lin Yuan three can continue to rush out of the night long, do not mean that he can fade out of the night, especially so far, the night long is not on the ban. Outside the left Foot vigorously arc ball.

The previous goal is in the big ban. District is the ball door of the Japanese youth team, and bombards the ball.

"Changfeng, I will not let you shoot!" At this time, Ishiki in the district. The zosaki in the district rushed out, followed by him behind him.

Two people blocked the road forwards in the night, especially the expression of Nikisaki.

"Ishikaki this stinky boy!" The night grew with a smile, followed by a continuous jitter.

The sound of , the night length is different from the rain in the rain, it is the !

"Not good!" When you do a teammate in the night, Ishi Saki once seen this trick, but when he really faced the three-faced thoughts of the night, it is still Living.

In the rain, the night-long wind must kill the skills and become more reversed, it is more difficult to determine its body.

"Can be evil!" The vines behind the stoneasaki rushed to the residual shadow on the left, collided with it, and it was actually passed in an instant.


When the night long-winding three-way residue is once again integrated, the night-long wind is already a ban on the Japanese youth team. There are only Japanese guardian gods in front of him.

Single knife!

The night's wind relied on a one-end power, even five people, and built a single-handed chance.

"It's a single-knife! The Chinese War I broke out again, he was unstoppable!" Some words of He Wei have no words.

"Ah! Night!" The Chinese youth team didn't stand up, and he hoped all the hopes in the night.

"Come on, the long wind! I won't let you go into the game!" Before the Japanese youth team, if Lin Yuan three chose to attack, one-on-one and night long winds.

At this time, the noisy look is a silence. Everyone will vote from the Japanese youth team. The frontier of the district, gathered to this game to play the best two players.

To a certain extent, this single-knife ball has a great impact on this game.

The night of this ball must send football into the ball, and for the Japanese team, if Lin Yuan must put the ball out of the ball.

"Is it slight, or the left foot strongly, or the right foot arc ball?" If Lin opened his hands, the focus was sinking.

For Johinde, the players of the night-catching players are the most difficult to deal with it. .

At this point, Ji Island, I am sitting in the replacement, there is a deep understanding.

"Blocking him, John! Let me see why you can replace my strength!" If Island is a double punch, you can't wait to get out of the night's single-knife.

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