The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1700

In Nange and Dongbang, the big air wings have been chasing the back of the night, this rain decides, the big air wings want to show all the strengths, do not want to leave regret.

"The Japanese team re-killed the ball. After they slammed the score, they quickly lost a ball. This time they attacked, can they re-oscillation, or this is a loss?" He Wei said the sound.

Middle Field, Chinese youth team everyone is full of foster, Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu directly rushed to the big air wings, ready to discover the football at his feet.

"Please, the little wing! Lianyuan three goals have been bombarded twice, and now the day is limited to it, you have to play the strength!" Seeing the coach anxiously looking at the scene. Large air wing.

This time, the big air wing did not choose to cooperate with the San Shi and Pasteo around, but a person broke through.

He defended his last after Wu Junren and Ma Mingyu, and made a continuous fast-changing movement, and two people have been in an instant.

"The personal breakthrough of the big air wing player is very powerful!" He Yizhen can't hurt.

After the outbreak of the Pkarang, the big air wings also broke out the personal attack, and the air wing power of the whole efforts to attack the disc is very considerable.

"The big air wing is finally couldn't help!" The night is chasing in midfield. At this time, the physical strength consumed by night is already very big.

But he still had to go back, because the Chinese team's defense wants to block Japanese Youth Team Golden Trident is very difficult, especially in this rain, inadequate line of sight.

Personal ability is more prominent, and the reality is the ability of the large air wings and the three people in Poland to break through the Chinese team's line.

China Long Shenjunguang as a defensive hag of the Chinese team, there is an advantage over the front line of the European and American team, but it is limited, especially the three masters of the three masters, especially one-time face! .

1739 chapter, Xiaoying broke out (first more)

And today Xiao Jungua also assumes a responsibility. He must keep the Japanese Youth Team, the Japanese team of Mamark, today, the reason why there is no great way to play, a big reason is to be limited by Xiao Junguang. / Miscellaneous

On the field, the air wings have been quickly taking the ball to the Chinese youth team. The frontier of the district, when his eyes shine in his eyes are the desire of fighting and goal.

"This ball, I must enter!" The big air wing speed is getting faster and faster, the two wings of the Chinese team go back to prevent, and they will catch up.

"Blocking him, Xiao!" Juns couldn't sit still, stunned, Xiao Junguo, who was standing on the court.

Standing on the big ban. Xiao Junguo on the area online, at this time, start the air wing that rushed to the ball, he must stop the sky, and can not let the big air wings into the big ban. District, otherwise, China The team's goal is very dangerous.

"Come on, let me see the strength of Japan's 10th!" Xiao Junguang is also light in both eyes.

"Come, the Japanese team's midfielder's large-air wing player will be paired with the Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguo players! He will hold a single gun, forgive to attack?" He Wei in the explanatory room.

Snapped! At this time, the big air wing with the ball suddenly stopped, and then instantly expanded the body and swing the right leg.

"I am coming!" The big air wing shouted, in the big ban. The front edge of the district puts a lot of pose.

"What! The big air wing player has no breakthrough or passed, he wants to shoot directly!" He Wei took a few degrees.

"Not!" China Dragon God Shang Junguang is a big step forward, and then the whole person flew to the big air wing, the body is also an instant to open, put out the same mirror action like the large air wing.

"The Chinese dragon god blocks in front of the wings of the freedom, will he use the killing stunt to rebound shoot?" He Wei is extremely poor.

"Not good!" Big ban. The day in the area is wrinkled, and his new tiger shot is directly blocked by Xiao Junguang.

"The guy is busy.!" On the stage, he once felt the powerful Dias' eyes of China's dragon god, and Jin Guang flashed.

"It is a reaction to speed up!"

"Can kick it!" The Chinese youth teams are all facial, and the big air wings choose to shoot directly. It seems to be the best result, because Xiao Junguo's reactionary snoring can rebound everything.

"Don't worry, the little wings, I will catch any rebound shots!" At this time, if I stayed before the Japanese Youth Team Gard, I have been preparing for the ball.

In the surprised eyes of the audience, the big air wings suddenly pulled their right foot with the right hand, and the body was stopped.

"What! The big air wing player actually pulled the foot of the preparation of shooting!" He Wei was surprised.

"Not good!" Chinese Dragon God Sha Junguang pupil suddenly contracted, he could not stop his right leg.

A loud noise, Xiao Junshuo's right foot is the first on the big air wings in football, and football immediately flew out.

Since there is no shot of the big empty wing, Xiao Junguo's reactionary speed will be fortunate, just a normal right foot shot.

"The opportunity is coming!" At this time, the body completes a curved bow, forcibly pulling the big air wings of his right foot suddenly let go.

Boom, his right foot lightning is on the football kicking in Xiao Junguang, the big air wings actually use the rebuff to swim the shooting of Xiao Junguang, simply and the reaction of Xiao Junguang's reactionary cannon Optimism.

Under the eyes of the Chinese team, the football was instantly turned into a dazzling fire column, flying directly into the ball door of the Chinese youth team.

The Chinese team front door will be struggling to save Wang Dalei, but still can not touch this angle is not a drill, because the speed is too fast.

The big air wing is stealing madness actually imitating his killing skills in front of Chinese Dragon God. Although the shot of the large air wing is not able to achieve the effect of truly reactionary speed, it is too close to the goal. It is still very powerful in the shot of the anti-bombing!

"Going a ball! The big air wing player goes!" He Wei took the desktop in front of it.

"How can I do this, why will he also have a speedy toner?" The Chinese team was shocked.

twenty two! After the night length is expanded to the branch, the large air wing ranks the score again in the first half of the first half.

"Enter the ball!" After the goal, the large air wings shouted.

"it is good!"


"The score is equal!" The Japanese fans on the stage have fallen into the crazy, Pkarang and the big empty wings, and let the Japanese fans have seen the hope of the world.

The entire Pross Stadium turns from a white waves into a blue ocean, the football field is like this, the situation in the competition is very changed, and it may instantly reverse at any time.

"It is good!" At this time, everyone of the Japanese youth rushed to the large air wings of the right arm.

"Take the stunning of the opponent as yourself, this is the strongest place in the wing!" Even the Simiusaki ran over.

Although the Japanese Youth Team Gold Combination did not pass the defense line of the Chinese team, they all broke their personal offensive strength, and the situation of the game had a direct change.

"Ox!" At this time, Xiao Junshuang stood in the rain, and his double boxing, he did not think that the big air wings would use this way to crack his reactionary snoring.

At this time, Xiao Jun's brain flashed once in the confrontation game, the long winds of hearing him, the speed of the rapid emergency, then the night-long wind broke more completely, and directly rebounded.

At that time, the night-lived wind said that Xiao Junguang said that his reactionary snorkeling has a large vulnerability, because the reactionary snorkeling is actually a passive killing skill, you need to use the opponent's power.

"Hey! The wing this guy actually cracks his reactionary speed cannon before, I can only say that it is a little wing!" Big ban. The day in the area has also rushed to the big air wing, two people hit.

"It's good, small wings! You have huge potential, in the future, I can't fight with long winds!" Before the Japanese team, Joined three crushed the hat on the top of the teeth.

In Nange, if Lin Yuan three and large air wings were also in contact with the year, he found that the potential of the air wings was huge.

At the beginning, the feeling of the big air wing showed the ball on the night.

It's just that the night's long wind is large, becoming the absolute core of South Ge, and the light of the big empty wing is completely covered by the night.

Now, in the Prescare Stadium in Paris, Paris, tens of thousands of audiences, this Japanese ultra-white gold first player finally proved himself.

At the same time, the outstanding performance of the big air wing in this decision has aroused a lot of European giants. .

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