The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1702 of the Chapter 1702 of the Prince of Tennis

"Source three!" The Japanese youth team is the foundation of the flying to the ground. At this time, the football is in the small ban. Slowly jump in front of the district, and the right hand of Johin is no longer like it, it is shrugged It's like it can't get it.

"Ju Linjun blocked the Chinese player Xiao Junguang almost invisible shooting, but it seems to have paid a painful price, his hand seems to be hurt!" Dynasty TV station is very nervous to look down in front of the door. Source three.

"I will never let people break from the big ban. I bombard my goal outside!" At this time, Ju Lin stood up, he was scratch, he was very angry, his eyes were burned in his eyes. Fighting fire.

"Even if you have a hand, you have to hold the Japanese team's goal! I am the Japanese Goalkeeper, if Lin Yuan is three!" If Lin Yuan three has a famous saying.

It is a desire for victory and the champion!

"Ah, this is my responsibility, so that the hand of Ruin is seriously injured!" The big air wings in the front field looked at the roaring, and rarely saw the calm, if there was so excited.

"Sacrifice yourself to guard the Japanese team" The day of the midfield is also in the same place, and other Japanese youth team players are also infected by the fighting spirit of Johinde.

"Actually blocked my unconditional reaction to the speed of emergency, even if the most important hands of the sacrifice goalkeeper must guard the ball door, they actually have such a goalkeeper!" China Dragon God Xiao Junguang also stunned.

At this time, the Prans Stadium is still a silence. The Japanese fans are worried about the roof in front of the door, and China's fans also have respect for Ruolin.

If Lin Yuan is the best goalkeeper, the best goalkeeper, which is more shocking is not his play, but his brave and fearless spirit.

I have to know that the shoots of the night, the two people of Xiao Junguang are super powerful shoots, and this game, if Lin Yuan three left, there is no retardation!

"Source three!" At this time, the bloody blood in the sun and the wind in the wind are also sturdy because of if the forest begins.

And such a player is confrontation in the rain, and what is more bloody than such a game!

"You don't have to worry about me, I still have the left hand, you will lay the winning party!" If Lin didn't rest, pick up the small ban on the left hand. The football in the area, and then a big feet open.

"Daily!" The big air wing ran to the day, and after speaking a few words, he ran quickly.

The three-way three-way three, this time seems to be affected by the hurt, this big feet is very good.

And because of the rain, football is too heavy, the height of the flight is not high, and it is flat to fly to the middle circle of the stadium.

"Let me come, this goal must grab! The opponent's goalkeeper is hurt, this is our good opportunity!" The midfielder China striker flying quickly rushed to the falling football on the high altitude.

"Wink! This is the football who is talented by Lin Jun. How can we make you easily take away!" At this time, the two people made a combination of jumping skills in the middle.

The feet highly jumped with the husband and the husband, and it was grabbed before the flying, the top of the middle of the midfielder.

"Ox!" Flying in the air and the husband hit, the body lost balance, the two fell together, splashing a mud water.

"Dry, and husband!" The left foot lifted and relaxed and unloaded the football that was desperately desperate.

"I think in the past!" At this time, Wang Zhongming and Wu Junren in the midfielder in the Chinese team were put on the front of the pole.

At this time, the rhythm of the game is too fast. The audience on the table and the explanation of the media area are all seen. The battle is changed at any time. Which team has made a mistake, it is very likely to lead to the failure of this game. Drop this valuable champion.

On the field, facing the clamps of the two people, the Pkaro did not use personal abilities, but the football passed directly.

The foot and timing of the Pair of Parlary is still so accurate, the football rotates the raindrops, seams from Wu Junren and Wang Zhongming two, accurately falls to the foot of the big empty wing.

........ ..... ..... ..... .....

Snapped! When the big air wings got a football, immediately started to take the ball quickly, and his eyes burned with fighting, people's balls, and the speed of the ball was so clear in the rain.

"Come on, Xiao Junguang!" The goal of the big air wing is still the Chinese dragon god. He must completely defeat the Chinese Dragon God and destroy the Chinese team's defensive harach.

"Let him shoot! Return to the defense line!" This time, the night's wind returned to the big ban. District, the defense of the Chinese team, he commanded the defense line.

"I have to accept his challenge!" And Xiao Junguang is rare, there is no command to hear from the night, rushing up.

"A Xiao, the little child!" The night's eyebrows were browned. He already saw that Xiao Junguang's right leg has been loaded too much. In the first half, Xiao Junguang used dragon guns many times, and then used continuous use and reactionary speed It is a big load for the right leg of Xiao Junguang.

His right leg is an abduction, and if it is forced to use the anti-speed racely, it must increase the injury.

However, the Chinese Dragon God has already killed his eyes. The blood in the chest made him no one hesitated, and there was no one-stop, and it was straight to the air wing.

"The big air wing player lifts, is it strong? China Dragon God Shang Junguo also rushed up, this time he can still go back to the shot of the big empty wing!" More than just He Wei, the audience and The players' eyes are gathered at the foot of the big empty wing. .

1742 chapter, shocked the audience (fourth more)

bass! At this time, all the audience on the stage did not think of the big air wings suddenly retired, left the football in the original place. ∽ >> insects

"What do he want?" Xiao Junguo glanced, but there is still no hesitation, and stepped forward again.

bass! At this time, another blue figure appeared after the football, the big air wings made an angle, the day, the day, the small Qilang rushed up, and it was quickly swinging the right leg, directly on football.

Is a new tiger shot!

"I want to revenge, I am afraid of your right leg!" The day is a big drink, and the football is turned into a tiger to pounce toward Xiao Junguang.

China Dragon God has no fear at this time. If you don't care about the right leg has been super-load, you will swallow the right leg again.

It is a reaction to the speed of race.

"Ah! Too handsome, China Dragon God Weiwu!" I haven't waited for Chinese fans on the stage to have cheering. At this time, the big air wings behind Xiaoxiro, suddenly swung the right leg, and exhausted exhaustion, it turned out to be anti-speed. Go back.

"What!" Xiao Jun's eyes suddenly contracted.

"Go!" The big air wings will once again roll back to the shot of the speed of the rapidly, and the golden light of football is playing, and the ball door to the Chinese team.

"This guy!" Xiao Jun glanced backned his eyes, flying towards the football in the air, actually became a phoenix reborn in an instant, from top to bottom, screamed with speed flying to the Chinese team.

Dalei, the front of the Chinese team, Dalei, is still stupid, he did not think that the large air wings can bomb it directly to the unbeatable reactionary speed.

"Win!" Just when all Japanese young team players exposed the color of the surprise.

A white figure is on the small ban in front of the Chinese team. In the area, high jumping, he jumped highly amazing, and it is forcibly flip the body in the air.

It's a night!

"Is the long wind!" The Chinese team players watching the night, the night is the last hope of the Chinese team.

"Night! Block him!" Juns was in front of the scene.

"You are still far away!" The night is flip the body in the air, and the whole person turned into the air, then open the body at the high altitude.

Running the rain is brushing on himself, and the night's wind is like a burning, and the blood filled his chest.

"One goal into the soul!" Night wind shouted, his eyes of super dynamic vision made him easily saw the golden splendid football in the Phoenix in the extremely faded.

When the call, the body of the night-catching body is like a peerless treasure, suddenly swinging the left leg, at this time, the muscles of the long-wind left legs are all tight and fully.

Bang! The left leg of the night, finally tied to the real golden ball in the hovered phoenix.

Pour the golden hook plus a ball and soul, night long wind is in the air and is a heavy rain, and the two killing shooters will be integrated together.

The strong offensive of this Japanese team makes the night grows no longer retains, and the quality of their physical fitness is ultimate.

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