The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1728 of the Chapter 1728 of the Prince of Tennis

At Japan, the night-catching wind is rich, there is no place to spend, and only the training plan is developed.

In Europe, these professional football workers are very much, as long as you can make money, what kind of people have, and even specialized data analysts.

The arrogant night-hearted air is a professional team of Kabiga Haimen Club, which is completely served.

The salary added by these people is also an astronomical figure. The Marseille is completely affected. He has seen a lot of star players who will play for money. This is his first time I saw the Lord in order to improve the ball.

After completing the training of several trainers and physical fitters, the night-long wind came to the office of the data analyst, and watched the analysis of the main players of each team of La Liga. The most important thing is the defender and midfield for the resilience of the team of La. Players.

After deciding to join the La Liga, the night-long wind turns into a super training machine .. .....

On the first day, the amount of training completed at night is thoroughly shocked the temporary team of professional teams, showing the true color of mad and enchanting body.

After the training of the day, 9 o'clock in the evening, the night long style ended the inside and outside of the drums.

In the training plan, the night length is highly strengthened, and the long-lasting wind before the long-term power is different. His left foot muscle group grows better than the right foot, now the night is always adjustable, let the double The power of the leg reaches a balanced state.

In addition, in order to cope with the occupational football, the body is confrogably, the night-catching wind begins to increase the amount of food, before, in order to make the body flexible, the night cost is intentionally controlled.

Nowadays, the night grows is intended to build themselves into a muscular man, returning to the world of the Basketball, the perfect body muscles.

Technology and body have the top all-round warrior, which is the ultimate goal of the night long wind.

In modern football, a single function player has gradually been eliminated, the top European League is the top-level football player.

After returning to the second floor of the luxury home, after the night's wind is taking a shower, I finally remembered my two sisters in South Ge.

During this time, the whole body is put into football, and the night grows to the point of madness.

This is not good for a long time. When I returned to myself, there is no football room, the night long style realizes that I am not a machine or a person.

It will feel lonely!

Directed the phone at home, when the phone came to the familiar and pleasant voice, the night-hearted wind finally relaxed.

There are two people who have no night-long news from more than a month. Of course, it is a good night of the night.

It is a kind of love, and the words and homs are concerned about the night's heart, and the two sisters will receive the two sisters to Barcelona.

Although the night lengthy wind can be expected to be very tragic in the future, it is likely to be sacrificed by the dark dishes, but the night is still giving a phone call with Ji Hong, let him take a private plane back to Japan, Hesou.

What didn't think of the night is that he decided not to bring two sweet troubles, but three! .

1773 chapter, once again draw (fifth more)

Lying on a privately customized huge water bed, the night grows calls out their own attribute list. + + worm

Looking at the number of five lottery times, the night is very difficult for a while.

"I haven't draw a lottery, I will start with the La Lala League. I simply put the number of lottery!" Night float, flexing, is preparing to exhale the lottery system.

"Hey, what is it!" Night-hard wind noted that there is a small blue plus sign next to the skill bar below the lottery, which is semi-transparent, and before the night is really not noticed.

Concentrate on the blue plus, the prompt of the superhen system suddenly sounded.

"Do you need to upgrade the Shuguang goddess, you need to consume two draws!"

"Hey, it is used to upgrade the skills, but the number of lottery is too much, from the master upgrade to the masters, the super god system is still a black shop!" Night long wind Can't help but spit.

"Then I don't want to upgrade!" The night-long style worked on the chin.

Even if these skills are upgraded without the number of lottery, it is also possible to upgrade the proficiency and the feelings of the court.

However, different from basketball skills, night long style feels that he is very limited in football, the skill upgrade is very slow, and you want to extend the skills to God level, too needed.

In turn, the plus number behind each skill is done, and the night long findings are very exaggerated to the lottery needed to upgrade skills.

The cheapest is the tank disc and the round moon bend knife. Two only a lot of lottery, the tank disc is because the skill is not very strong, and the round moon bend is because the night grows is near the edge of the breakthrough. .

In addition, the skills of the golden hook, the Messi disc, Ice princes, etc., the number of lottery required to rise, which is actually three times, so that the night is long and shouted.

"System, help me upgrade the round moon bend knife!" The night-long wind finally selected the upgrade, and there was no breakthrough.

"Yes Master!"

The night long-term wind and the moon bending knife is upgraded from the masters to the god level. It has become the first to reach the killing skill of the goddess, and the number of lottery is reduced once. Four.

"Haha, good! Finally there is a goddess skill, according to the experience, the gods skill will have special effects, nor do you know how this goddess is the moon bending knife!" The night is very excited, I can't wait to train immediately. The field trial is all.

But now the sky is late, the night is finally decided to go to the training field tomorrow, and now the night is growing. The emotions have gone, and he can't wait to use the remaining lottery to use it directly to quickly grow your strength.

"System, I want to draw!" The night's heart is meditation.

"Yes, the master! The lucky draw system is open!" The prompt of the hyperincidence system is always cold ice, no feelings.

In the first moment, a half-transparent gray disc exacerbated in the top of the night length.

The scene in this night's night-catching room did not change, it seems to indicate that this lucky draw system is a bit simple.

"I kao! How much this time this time!" Night wind quickly swept the skill award on the disc, couldn't help but spit.

At this time, on the top of the gray disc, the awards of the lottery have been six more than the last time, and there is not much change in the last time.

"Is it too fast that I have grown, the super god system only restricts my growth speed?" The night is very unhappy, and carefully looks at the various awards at this time.

Flash shoot, gliding shot, 3S shooting ball, thunder shot, reactionary, raceful gun, Cannon shoot, spread the winning ball, Li Yun shooting ball, eight shot must kill skills.

In addition, it is beneficial to Hall turn, and at right angles.

The rest is the name stunt of the world's all kinds of stars before the night. There are Xiao Lu's cattle tail, Ibrah's first scorpion tail, the alien Ronaldo's pendulum passes, Denilson bicycle steps and The Marseille Marseille in Zidane.

Finally, the Little Roniño elevator will add a total of 16 lattice awards.

When the night flood, I didn't see the blessings twice, that is, there is no award.

"I don't know how to value today?" Night live wind is somewhat dissatisfied with the limitations of superhen systems, but many awards on the disc is very attractive to night.

Whether it is shooting skill or a skill, the night cost is needed!

Because when the night's wind announced to join Barcelona, ​​the competition in the World Youth Invitation Competition has entered the analysis of the analysis of the various teams of La Liga.

Every skill and technique of night long wind will be analyzed by professional analysts, then find the best defense method.

The top professional football is like this, you can only keep progress, can't stand in place, otherwise, when the opponent is studying your research, you only have the cruel professional football.

This kind of thing is very common in professional football, or even professional sports, there are many stars that have a sparkling star, because the technology is stopped by the times, they are ruthlessly eliminated.

So the night length still needs to increase its strength to a grade in a short time, and the skills you have need need to be more comprehensive, so this lucky draw is very important to the night long wind.

"Call" deeply calls a sigh of relief, and the night cost will pay attention to the disc of the top, "Super Shen system, start the draw!"

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