The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1732 of the Chapter 1732 of the Prince of Tennis

"Coach, time is almost the same!" A short hair staff came in.

"I know!" Faisal put down the information in his hand, stood up, and walked out of the coaching room with the staff.

Outside the Noukang Prestige.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, many media outside the gate were finally released.

"Practice is about to start, please don't crowd in order," Don't just open the door. "Don't open the door.


"Da News! Today is the first day of the Barcelona Exercise, we must grab a good location!" Many media workers may have a madness in Barcelona like a dog.

Almost with these crazy media reporters arrived in the training venue, there are people of Barcelona players.

"Borough, a long season started again!"

"Our goal this year is the European champion!" Barcelona has a laughter to talk to the court.


"What!" And when Barcelona and the media reporter walked into the training stadium, everyone almost excited.

Including Barcelona coach, who has just walked to the court, suddenly widened his eyes, and looked at the training stadium.

On the training ground, the night-long wind and Barcelona legend, the legendary superstar, Barcelona, ​​have a big ban on the half. The front, and the football under the loud life is very conspicuous.

"Lis Well!"

"Night Great Players!" Barcelona exclaimed.

! At this time, the photographic reporter on the hand is crazy on the shoulder, and the reporters are like excavating a big news.

"Do not take pictures!" At this time, the foreign Parcea executive horse is anxious to be full of sweat, desperately want to stop these media reporters, and his body's body swayed, there is a bit funny.

But now no one pays attention to the Marseille. Everyone's attention is almost slowly standing on the court, and everyone has a matter of question.

"In the end what happened?"

"It's the core of Barcelona, ​​this guy is really famous!" After the night's wind slowly stood up, the eyes looked at Li Wal, and the eyes were full of fighting.

In the World Invitational Tournament, the night length can be said to be unmanned, and in the front confession of this first and Li War, Li War actually does not lose to the night grows in the power.

The two were bustling. The front of the district fiercely confronts a few minutes, and finally the body collided almost simultaneously.

This kind of experience is still the first time in the night long, in the football career before the night, almost never hit by the power, including the German emperor Schneider.

This makes the night-length wind, see the strength of the top player in Europe, and Larvar is not a powerful player, but his strength does have world-class.

At this time, there is a strong battle in the night, Li War is a little stupid standing in the same place, and there is no fever of the world.

Li Wal glanced over the night of the night, he saw it is not a rising star, but a tiger that has been fully mature.

Just a short confrontation made Li Wal to feel huge threats, just started too seriously, and finally the final wind was forced by the night.

The most important thing is that the ball is still under the cold, and the night is in front of a unmanned empty door.

That is to say, in the first contest of the lofin, the night, Li War actually lost!

A famous world-class superstar loses a boy who looks like a bad bold, this news is enough to set off a powerful tornado!

PS: I am back, I will be more than four times, I don't want to say more, I can come back the code word is very difficult, thank you not forbidden book friends, thank you! .

1778 chapter, first confrontation (second more)

"Well, start warm up! You are coming!" At the time of the reporter's group, the assistant coach was in Fatsale, and he began to organize Barcelona to start the warm-up training ground. - -

"Ah, start training, it is a pity!" Many reporters outside the field revealed the colors, they were also looking forward to the newly joined night-long and lordous sparks.

These reporters are typical to make a large news, especially some Chinese unwaway media.

These media are the pioneer of the title party all the year, and a friendly training may be blown by these guys into the contradiction between the Barcelona team, and the players play hands.

"Just really scared me, why will the Lili War and the night growers will fall on the grass?" The reporter of the domestic sports weekly reporter Yang Yi is still confused.

"Who knows! Hey, I have already taken it, the head is big news! This time I will let the boss salary!" The sports question reporter who is responsible for the camera is a smile.

This brain has already thought about the headlines of the Tomorrow's Sports Weekly, 'China Battle God, Noukkamp, ​​the king of the Parcel, the new king, then attached a night long style, and Lihua Just just wanted to stand up.

After a short warm-up training, the coach Fatshal convened Barcelona to the wire net.

During the warm-up, the eyes of Li Wal did not leave from the night, and he had been observing the night.

If you say that the interest value of the long wind in the night is 5, now the interest value of La War to the night's wind is, he is eager to know how the night's strength is, how can it play in the game? Level.

He didn't allow anyone to challenge his authority in Barcelona.

The team's boss, the core of the soul can only have one, most of the time, one mountain is not a two tiger.

This is also one of the most important causes of European major giants frequent outbreak all kinds of unharitable events.

"Changfeng!" Barcelona's bishop Faier screamed at night.

At this time, the Fahier's brain is already full of various pictures, and he is in various positions in the Barcelona in the Barcelona.

Although this is the first true meeting of Fahal and Night Great, but from the eyes of the night, Fassier knew that night lengthy winds and his information is absolutely not a simple. Simple young player.

But now Fahar must strongly press the excitement, he doesn't want to show too excited look in front of Barcelona, ​​as a master coach, there are many things he want to consider.

The most important thing is to let the night grow into this unfamiliar team, this is the first step, it is also very difficult.

"I want everyone to know, this year, our Barcelona Heavy gold introduced a young player, now let him come from me to introduce it!" Fatsale was finished, turned his head and looked at night.

At this time, Barcelona's eyes also concentrated on the night-catching wind. Everyone wanted to know this recent heart, and the rumors are young and generous guys say something.

"Cough!" The night-length wind sweeped the people of Barcelona. After coughing two times, the face is one, Shen Sheng, "Hello, my name is the night, from China! I have only one reason!"

The night length of the finger fingers the grass under the foot, and everyone of Barcelona erects.

"I am here to get all the champions who can get it, becoming the king of Europe!" The tone of the night is not to be placed, it seems to be a general.

"This kid is really mad!" Barcelona will be unique.

"King of Europe?" The Faisier's mouth is not easy to detect. Move it, he is optimistic about the prospect of the night, but it is necessary to become the king of Europe, it is not as simple as it is a World Youth Invitational MVP player.

In the most professional European continent, it is necessary to become a known European king, but it is not only to be as simple as the championship of the league.

The so-called king of Europe is that the performance of the ruling level must be made, so that everyone will take gas.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Just in Barcelona will suddenly began to applaud when the people of Barcelonis are whispering.

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