The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1734 of the Chapter 1734 of the Prince of Tennis

1780 chapter, shocking the audience (fourth more)

Faiser originally thought that this data was printed, but it was easy to see that the night is so easy, just bounced in Fangas in the upper body, Fassure realized that maybe the night length is really a neighborhood. Upper limb strength and even the whole body. ∨ π π π π ∨ ∨

If there is such a strength advantage, Faisal's brain has started to lock the position on the field of the ball in the field, a very powerful position.

After the forcibly turned, the night-catching wind has passed Fangas. Fangas first is a glimpse, then the color is red, hurriedly wants to go back to the night, even if it is shoveling behind it. .

But he is obviously not chasing at night, but it is because the body has not completely resumed balance, and the relationship is raised, and the directly fell on the ground.

"Ah! China War!" In the cheers of Chinese reporters outside the scene, the night's wind left, and the whole body was once again started again.

The goal of night long wind is obviously the leadership of the team. Levar in the district, at this time, Le War is stationed in the big ban. District, a pair is waiting for night long-term wind.

"How can you let you continue to be arrogant!"

"Let's intercept you!" At this time, the two defensive players of the team suddenly moved around the night, and formed a two ghost wall.

"Going back, the long wind!" At this time, Dried Sharis's voice rang after the night length wind, this defender did not know why it directly entered the frontcourt to support the night.

bass! Night wind did not look back, but directly left foot to pull the football back to one, then the right foot followed the football to Dried Sharis.

"Wow! How did he see it, it is a long eye after the brain!" Some Spanish media reporters exclaimed.

"Very good!" Dried Sharis originally thought that the night length is the player of my line, it will choose strong, but in fact, the night is very smart to deal with football, this back passed the ball very obviously The expensive players are expected, and Dried Sharis will easily stop the football in the unmanned situation.

At this time, the night-long wind is in the noble situation. If the whirlwind is generally brushed from the middle of the two positive selection players, the two team members have hesitated, and they have not been able to block the footsteps of the night.

"This little child is transmitted to me, I will be banned. I have to run in the area. This is really good to make a high!" Dried Sharis's eyes blunt, "You want to fight against the War , Take the core position of the offensive midfield in Barcelona? "

! Dried sandlis did not have too much ball, but the right foot, picking football directly.

"Interest, I also want to see your Peil War to make a frontal confrontation!"

Dried Sharis people high, strong like a mountain, but the kung fu under his feet is still good, this picker can be said to be quite accurate.

The football rotated directly crossed the top of the two team members, and it was not stopping. It entered the ban on the ban.

"It's the football vetera, the mind is very clear!" The night length turned to see the football flying in the air, and the corner of the mouth was slightly tight.

call! At this time, the night's wind suddenly felt a fierce wind in front of him.

Is Huaell!

Li War suddenly started, he had long seen the idea of ​​night long wind, and he was in front of the night, and then prepared to control the football at his feet before the night.

"Lilly Walle is waiting for this opportunity!" The night is long, and then directly, the whole person flies in the air. He wants to remove football before the football landing.

call! On the other hand, Li Wal is rushing and directly jumping. The whole is in the air like an eagle wings.

"Wow! Air Save!" All the eyes of everyone inside and outside the course were jumped to the two people attracted.

Li Wal's bouncing is unique in La, he has the United States of Barcelona, ​​and at this time he jumps in the air and jumping exaggerated.

And the other side is more stunned, and the night-catching high-speed travel is in a hurry. His position is not good, plus the emergency stop in the ground, and the graphics should be high jump.

At this time, the night length is in the air, and it seems to be more exaggerated in the night, which is more exaggerated from the night.

"Quick taking pictures! Fast!" The reporters outside the field were crazy and kept flashing, and Barcelona's two majors were blunting.

"Sorry! One to the air is my world, Li War!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, the right foot stretched out. Out, directly kick the football in the air.

"That is not necessarily!" Li Wal is also kicked out the right foot of lightning.

A loud noise, the two feet are almost played on the air in the air.

"What!" At the same time, the players and reporters were widened at the same time. At a moment of in the air, the eagles and woools were directly retrofitted, just like a big truck.

"Hey! Strong power!" Li War returned in the air, just in the football, a incredible giant force, Li War is directly popped.

"This is impossible!"

"What is the power!" The tribute did not dare to believe his eyes, and the body quality of Li Walfold was the top level in all players in La Liga, and it was easily bounced in the air.

...... ..

The power before this is not a grade, and Li Wal is a world superstar player, and the night grows is only a newcomer, this is really too much.

bass! After being flying by the giant force that is coming on football, Li Wal relies on strong waist force or turned over to stand firm.

Snapped! The night-long wind is the left foot hooked the football that pops the high-altitude, and the whole person flipped a circle of juggling in the air. District.

And the football is still at night!

This time, the frontal confrontation, the night grows can be said to be a victory!

This does not mean that the ability of the night's wind is that Billy Well, can only say that the location of Le Wall chooses to fight is too bad.

There is absolute advantage, lagging, waist and abdomen force, bounce, these are the most powerful body capabilities of night long winds.

These are the physical qualities of basketball players, and football players will not be too strong in these areas, even in the world, the players who can be able to do with night long winds can be said to be a phoenix river. Strong, such as Lili, is impossible.

"Haha! Seeing that there is no such thing as China War! The super genius for a hundred years is too cool!" The Chinese reporter in the field is finally eye eyebrows, everyone's face is red, at this time they are not allowed But it is really arrogant for a Chinese. Proud! .

1781 chapter, conflict (first more)

"Good kid!"! "At this time, Dried Sharis is also excited. At night, you will give Le Wali, which is a lower Mawei, which is not expected. ⊙ ⊙ @ @ ⊙ ⊙

"Li War takes out a little real thing, I am not coming to stand up!" The night grew slightly, and the whole person started again.

"Is the most talented young player? Sure enough, the rope is quickly straight to the body, and the night long style is like a fickle, and there is no time to leave Lili Walle.

"The guy is how to practice such a level, it is too difficult to confuse!" The team was banned. The defenders in the district were still worried, and the night's wind had once again took the ball to Lili Wall.

This time is a frontal confrontation in the ground. There is another positive conversation between Barcelona Shuangxiong. Everyone inside and outside the course will breathe, and everyone wants to know how Li War will deal with the night's strength.

The lens turned to Turin, Italy, Juventus Arena.

On the day, Xiaolang and Sanhuo have passed the physical examination of Juventus, and the body of the two people did not have any problems. It officially entered the architect of Sergeant Juventus.

Today, the two of the two people led by Miss Nevilu, and the two will first accept the physical fitness of the special physical fitness.

"Daily Jun, San Shi Jun, this time should you be your first time to visit the professional team's fitness room?" Miss Nebache smiled.

"Yeah!" The day nodded.

"Yes, Miss Nahai, but I have seen a lot of luxurious fitness sites in China!" Sanhuo smiled.

"It's here, please come!" Inner Sea followed the staff to the door of the fitness room.

"Wow! Here is Juventus's fitness room!" The day, he swept a fitness room, widened his eyes, he had never seen such a precision and high-end fitness equipment.

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