The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1737 of the Chapter 1737 of the Prince of Tennis

Where did they knew that night cost is still more than 10 years old, in fact, have experienced a lot of worlds, and the pictures that night long-term winds can be more powerful than these people.

"Lis War, you are fine!" Zhengqi is full of people flocking towards.

"Changfeng, you are not hurt?" Dried Sharis and Fang Gas rushed to the night's wind.

"Nothing!" The two stood almost simultaneously.

"Changfeng!" Li Wah's eyes looked at night long, and then Shen Sheng, "What is your goal?"

"Target?" Night wind shot shot on the grass, his mouth habitual life, "If you want to say, it is the best football on this planet, and" there is "

The night is slightly, and the brain flashed the trophy of the golden man raised the earth.

"What else?"

"Leading the Chinese team gains the gods, standing in the world!" If the night grows, it makes the court in Barcelona in the court.

"Be the first to be the world? Do you want to lead the Chinese team to win?" Dried Sharis took a breath. "This kid really does not change the nature, the latter is more difficult than the former!"

"Well, continue to play! I haven't going to go!" Night is not wanting to say more, use the truth to prove everything, more than you say thousands of truths.

Replace the team border!

With the referee whistle, Barcelona's first exercise race will start again, and the player's strength of the substitute is not as good as the lead.

However, the outbreak of this game, let the players of the tips have seen the hope, all people are like eaten Pills, crazy performance.

Originally, the players who entered the Barcelona army were definitely weak, plus the command and dispatch of night long winds, and the substitute broke out unprecedented combat power.

This irrelevant exercise match suddenly became fierce like a formal game, and the reporters outside the field were of course a big shot. Addiction.

Barcelona main coaches Fausa is also nod, more than ten minutes, he finally kicks why the night grows will kick the midfield, not the center of the front field.

In Fudal, the night's strength is superior, the speed is fast, and the bounce is just a great super center talent, but the night long-standing information is written for a long time to kick the middle field.

In addition to occasionally playing the striker, never changed!

Just started Faisier very confused, and now I saw the scheduling and passing night near the midfield, Fassier finally understood.

The commanding capacity and vision of night long winds and the passing skills are the quality of the top midfield, La Liga! .

1784 chapter, active training (fourth more)

Especially the right foot of the night, let Fatsale amazed. ㄨ ㄨ ≦ ≦ ㄨ ㄨ

Even if the passage of the whole game, the night-catching night arc can also be very accurate, the front of the front substitute is very comfortable.

The round moon curd knife of the night-long wind has been upgraded to the god level, and the simple right foot passes has been in the formation. It is very powerful.

At this time, you can say that the right foot of the night's wind has truly evolve into a real gold right foot. .

The exercise competition is not long, that is, half a minute.

In this minute, the team and the substitute were actually fighting the kummer, and the night-length wind did not open the personal offensive mode after the fierce confrontation just opened and looked.

Because Le Wah is not a defensive player, under the powerful pressure of the substitute, Li War has to start a positive organizational team attack.

Li War is a world-class midfielder. Under his organization, the team's offensive line is clouded, the success rate of passing the ball is amazing, and the exquisite cooperation has been made.

In the event, Li War has sent three assists, and he also entered a ball, and the team was a total of four goals.

The substitute is also more than that, although the substitute is weaker than the positive selection, but the player has high enthusiasm, plus the midfield position, the night long wind ball is like a surgery knife is generally sharp.

After a lot of opportunities, the substitutes also scored four goals, two counters, there is a big ban. There is a big banner outside the area, and the front of the Dried Sharis door is also a ball.

! The first exercise in Barcelona actually returned in a flat game, which is not thinking about many reporters.

However, this exercise is still more satisfied with the journalists from the coach and the officers, and the coaches are collected enough data. The reporters outside the field also collected the big news they wanted.

Especially in China's domestic reporters, they even thought about the headlines of tomorrow, 'China War god died in the king of Barcelon,' China War gains the Barcelon training ground, and took the first step in conquering Europe and so on. Anyway, it is going to death.

These Chinese reporters always make a big news!

If the night is successful, they will make a professional reporter by this so-called forecast. If the night does not fail, they will not lose what, even fall the stone.

The urine of Chinese media, the night grows clear, so for these comments, the night growth wind is too lazy to pay attention.

This Barcelona's training game finally set off a big vibration in China. Media reporters and many fans will focus on the night-catching, and another Chinese dragon god Xiao Junguang is in Bayern news, heat Being a sharp drop.

In Spain, Barcelona's training competition is only reported by the reporter, and there is no attention to too much attention.

Spain's players still concentrate most of them to the new season that is going to start, all people are looking forward to what wonderful discounted scenes in the new season Sijia.

There is also a great concern, because they have introduced world-class superstars once again with the high price transfer fees and contracts.

Of course, all this is not related to the night, and there is only football in his brain. How do you integrate into this new Barcelona team as soon as possible?

Barcelona is a luxury team of La Liga, and its training is also very professional, and the night grows with various trainers, physical fitness teachers, and special guidance training.

These physical fitters are extremely surprised by the physical fitness of night long winds. The past Asian players often are the weakest in this regard.

For example, a certain Asian superstar is seen in the giants, let him participate in the team's trial, and the physical division makes him ran a few foldback to make this famous Asian superstar.

Because the physical fitness gap is too big, don't look at the simple return, if you can't reach the lowest standardization, then you can't keep up with the rhythm of other players in the official match of the La Liga.

It was because of this reason for the reason why Jiuquan is so angry to Xiaolio.

The physical fitness of night long wind is exceeded the expectations of all Barcenger's physical fitness, and all physical data of night long wind is in Barcelona.

Barcelona's original body Wang Oume found very pitifully under the contrast of the night lengthy data.

And when the body can knew that the training volume of the night's wind is several times the normal professional player, they have nothing to say.

Under normal circumstances, professional players' training is already exceeding the load of normal people, and the amount of training of night long wind is the metamorphosis level.

Lei said is impossible, because so big training will take the body to practice, but the night is early through physical examination, there is no problem in all aspects.

This makes all physical fitness only to pay this in the night, and they will never know that the night cost has a superhen system.

As long as there is also a redemption point, the night-length wind can restore the body of the disease because of over-training, and this situation is very small.

After a few days, after the training of the Barcelona, ​​the smile on Fassier's face is getting less and less, but it is a doubtful full face every day.

.. .......

Night winds have been taken by Barcelona in Barcelona!

Because the physical quality of the night-catching winds makes all the Barcelonis players feel speechless, I am sighing how the world has this kind of physical fitness, but also a young man less than 20 years old, and may continue to grow.

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