The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1747 of the Chapter 1747 of the Chapter 1747 of Tennis Prince

"CCTV, CCTV! Audience, everyone at night, no, it is good morning! Today is very happy, we will bring you a game of Barcelona to Valencia, let us witness the history of China In the moment! "CCTV Royal Football explained that He Wei's voice appeared in the TV in the country. .....

"I believe that the fans in front of the TV have been familiar with Barcelona, ​​then I will introduce you to the situation in Valencia!" He Wei's mouth flipped, he can sit in CCTV's first football explanation Location, the most critical is fast speed, and there are more information in the brain, just like a football computer.

"Valencia's current core player is their striker Casis Jinger, and he is known as the son of God in Brazil, and is also known as the successor of Barcelona, ​​its attack ability and scorpion. Brazil's domestic is a well-deserved first. It is called the Brazilian Bao, the future of Brazilian football! "He Wei has introduced the situation of Jinger.

This player has just turned back to Valencia from Brazil's club, although he is very young, only two or three years old, but he is already famous for a long time.

At present, there are two generations in Brazil, and many experts predict that the achievements of Xin Tan will exceed Le War, become a new ball of football!

This Barcelona and Valencia have also received a lot of attention from South America. Everyone wants to look at the frontal pair of two generations of super genius in Brazil, Kingdom.

In the range of world football, in addition to China, the night is still the unknown generation, the main media reporters in Spain, and the media reporters in European countries are concentrated in the confrontation of Lili War and Joint Tang.

In Spain's domestic media, this game will determine the future of La Liga, or even the direction of the world football.

Ten minutes later, the two team players had warm up, and they standed their own half.

After the first time, the night's first represents Barcelona, ​​he stood in the middle of the football, and he was the current Barcelona King of Well.

At this time, the sorrow of the scorpion of the small scorpion was awkward, and the Tang Tan has always wanted to surpass this predecessor, and the real in the European stadium has established its immortal efforts.

Now he is coming! .

1796 chapter, stone breaks (fourth more)

! At this time, the referee blew the whistle started in the game, and the Barcelona was circled. Miscellaneous?

After standing in football, it is Barcelona's 10 Lee Wal and Zero Night.

Lee Walf is nodded at night, and Faisal did not give any tasks or requirements for the benefit of gall.

Lis War and Fassier have worked hard for five or six years. They trust before, love the father and son, this is the previous Faisale even if the night's hard wind may have the talents on the rival, nor let night The long wind rejuvenates one of the reasons for the benefit of the Listening.

To the current location, this Barcelona is also a rival of Barcelona, ​​with a strong personal disciple.

However, on the spot, Hua Wall put the football to the night long wind, the new chapter of history opened.

Jujukamp's 100,000 fans are still cheering for the new season. Everything in the world is still analyzing the game of the game two teams, and what everyone has never thought of.

"The array of Barcelona today" explained that He Wei said yet.

The Noukamu Stadium is midfielder, the night-long wind welcomes the football of the rope of Walt, which turned out to swing right foot, squatting in the lower end of the football, directly put the football.

"What!" Xin Tan stayed at once, his attention was all on Li Wal, suddenly wiped from his ear, and the whispering the wind returned in the head of Xin Tan, Jingstein directly Silly, it's like someone opened a shot in his ear.

"The shot! The Chinese War will directly get a door directly in the midfield! Too much!" He Wei suddenly stood up.

At this time, the football fell, directly turned into a meniscus, and flying quickly toward the galle of Valencia.

Is a round moon bend knife!

And it is a god-level round moon curd knife who is full of night.

The football is at all on-site fans and players on the field, and several breathing runs through more than 50 meters.

It is the fastest attack on the history of labora in history.

"Crazy guy, do you really don't exist?" At this time, the door of Valencia will face his face, and he will challenge him at night, and you can't set it to the eyes of Valencia. Let him feel very angry.

At the same time, Valencia's door will be quite surprised. The strength of the night is actually so strong. This rather arc speed and angle are excellent, football is flying to the big ban. The area will start speed falling.

The Valencia door will judge the football of the football to the right of the football!

boom! In an instant of the football speed falling, Valencia's door will start moving speed to the right, while stringing, the whole person flew to the air.

"Ah, Valencia's door will respond very quickly, this sudden shot seems to be difficult to work, after all, the distance from the gates is too far!" The crow mouth He said the sound.

Before the door of Valencia, the door will almost use the right hand to shoot the football out of the door frame, and the rotating football suddenly rotates, and then disappears in front of the door.

"What!" Valencia's goalkeeper, his left hand on the air, when he turned back, football and the fierce MO riser made him hit.

"I swear, it disappeared, is this the magic of the ancient oriental country?" Valencia's door broke the worldview.

Through the ultra-distance arc of the half-field, before the goal, football will fierce reverse rotation, one hundred and eighty-oriented violation of the change of physics, let goalkeepers visually think that football disappeared.

This is the special!

In this football teenage world, only a night cost can kick out such a ball.

"Ball it?" 200,000 fans of Nor Camp, all the people's explanation media look at the scoreboard at the top of the table.

The score of 0-10 there has become, and the time has passed in just seven seconds.

Spanish League has been broken, and a record that is considered impossible to break is broken.

And the site's technical statistical officials did not react, this goal was finally identified in 7. Second, and the goal of night long winds should be between 6 seconds and 7 seconds.

This is not only the record of the La Liga League, but also the fastest goal record of the five major European League.

"My God! Go to the ball! Enter! Enter! Enter! The first goal of the Chinese War Sijia League, the time is 7 seconds! I swear this is the fastest goal I have seen!" After the chamber, He Wei returned to God, regardless of the style of the style.

"Many audience friends have not found their own as, football has fly into the Spanish handle, this is our China speed! This is China War !!" He Wei's explanation of Huang Jianbi excitement.

"I cao!" The past team, friends who were watching the battle before the TV, couldn't help but sigh, the flight is a sluggish, a ghost expression.

How do they think that how to conquer the European stadium for the long wind? Perhaps the first game can enhance multiple goals.

But no one will think of 7 seconds, and the night is sent to the other party's goal.

"Is this guy?" In the VIP box, the day, Xiaolang was shocked. "

"Sure enough, it is the style of the wind, no matter where he is so stunned!" Yaro Puglan was first surprised and then smiled.

On the field, the night long after the goal didn't have any extractions. He just raised his collar of the Barcenger's clothing that specifically made Barceloni, and then looked around the entire Nonkam Puppet.

"China War God is in the world! Barcelona's 100,000 fans witnessed the birth of the new king!" The Chinese media in the field was shocked by night-long wind, and the headlines of tomorrow were thrown.


"Night long wind! Night long wind! Night long wind!" Nou Camp's live 100,000 meters fans suddenly broke out, and the entire Nukang Pad is boiling.

100,000 people play the name of the night, this scene is not very common in the history of Barcelona.

The first foot of the opening, the first action, the night length is as if it has conquered this stadium.

The entire Iberian peninsula seems to have a cheer of the ministers to the new king.

"Coach, is I dream?" At this time, the seating area of ​​Barcelona is a silence, the assistant coach records the data of the data early in the ground.

"No! You are not dreaming! This is the stinky boy to demonstrate!" Bacusa bishop Faisier rectileged old face was smashing.

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