The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1750

"This guy is also tingful!" The night greetings looked at the king of the bat, although the process was somewhat embarrassed, but he had all defensive players.

Single knife!

Xin Tang is facing the door of Barcelona, ​​without any hesitation, it is directly anger!


Football is like a shell, whispered, drilling into the upper right corner of Barcelona's goal!


"Go to the ball! Juttan's first goal of the Spanish League, the Bat Legion finally pulled back a ball in the twentieth minute!" He Wei was amazed at the personal ability of Jinger.

In the Brazilian domestic league, Xin Tan is unmanned, to the La Ora League, and Xin Tan still shows a powerful personal offense.

The famous Liba opened, and it became two stations from different mainland young players.

Originally, the position of Jinger is the striker or the shadow, his position in Harland is not a place, and now the location of the night is the striker, just right and the Hirns.

.. ..

This originally considered a competition for the Brazil generation, and it seems more than two major super strikers.

"Even the perfect goal of the four people! This hard is not good to deal with it. In the future, it will become our enemy!" Ju Linyuan looked at the Tangtine, muttering.

"There are so many experts in this world. I truly the frog in the bottom of the front!" The day is still gripping to the double boxing. I saw the super personal performance of the night growing and the Histein. difference.

A striker life is goal, and the striker that can't go go go is not a good forward, and it will not talk more about two words.

After the wonderful long-distance walking of Xin Tan, Valencia's offensive is not reduced, and continues to press it.

The midfielder in Barcelona is somewhat tight, although the Warr is strong, but Valencia has more attacked people, there is absolute advantage in the middle of the scene.

Night-length wind single arrow top is in the top, there is no way to go back, he must contain three middle guards in Valencia.

Just nowhere, the game has become a bit dull, the two sides compete for you in the middle, but I have not found a good opportunity to send football to the striker.

Time is more than one second, two goals are obviously not enough for night long, he is not just three ten goals, and the night is always awkward.

He wants a ten ball! This is the wild look of the night, it seems more like being a delusion! .

1800 chapter, retrace the ball (fourth more)

In the first half, I got to the first half, and I had to enter the second half. ≧ ≧ ≮ ≮ ≮ ≧ ≧

At this time, I have been banned in Valencia. The night long wind in the area, the first time I chose to retreat to the center of the midfield.

"Give me the ball!" The night's wind waved in the Landius who took the ball in the midfield, prepared to return to the ball.

"Blocking him, can't let him catch the ball!" Valencia's coach yelled.

Langdio did not pass the ball, because Valencia's defensive players were close to the night, and he chose to pass football to the midfielder.

Li Wal does not look at the direction of the night, and directly, one is a straight seater, and the football wipes the turf speed to roll the night.

"Very good!" The night's hard work squeezed the defenders on the left and right side, then the left foot was very easy to stop the Pass of War.

At this time, the position of the night long wind is in front of the midfield, and the distance from the goal is at least 40 meters.

Because the night long wind tapped into a half of the arc shot, At this time, the door of Valencia's face of the West Tower, he scared that night long winds suddenly shot with the strange arc ball.

This time, the night is not choosing to shoot, the midfielder's round moon bending knock, not every time, this is the most top professional league in Europe, using too many same tactics, will soon be studied Pulling, this is night long-term wind and don't want to see.

! The night long-lasting foot stopped the instant of the football, the whole body turned and turned to the ball door of the Batman.

"Don't want to go again!" At this time, Jingshen suddenly appeared in front of the night, and blocked the road to the night.

"Wow! The two super geniuses finally have a direct conversation when they are over, who will win? Is it a Chinese war god, Barcelonnium, or the Brazilian national treasure, God?" Not only He Wei, the whole Noukan Pu, even the eyes of the entire Iberian peninsula are concentrated on two people.

"I want to stop me, let's try it!" The night grew in front of the sorrow, the mouth was slightly tight, and then suddenly the right foot was in front of the football.

! Football instantly brushed from the right side of Xin Tan, and the night grew is to squeeze from the left of Jinger's left, and the people who don't explain.

"I am evil!" Xin Tan was originally desirable to use the body to block the night, do not deserve the football, but he found that his body strength is completely unable to resist the footsteps of the night.

Just a contact, Xin Tan feels that it is hitting a steel plate, completely can't stand, but it is directly crashing.

Snapped! A movement of the night's simple style has a movement of Jingstein, so that the fans of the audience are ignorant.

However, Jingshen is not so simple, he will break through after being squeezed by the night, and the power of the night long is once again blocked in front of the night, and it is not completely opened.

"Good react!" The cold light in the eyes of the night, and his left foot caught the football one, did not stop the action.

Instead, the left foot is instantly used to stop the ball to the left, and the intensive reaction is extremely fast, and the lightning is stretched. I'm going to the left foot, I am going to break the football under the longfish at night.

At this moment, the back of the foot on the left foot of the foot of the foot and the flash of the football, the action is very large, and the frequency is even more amazing.

It is a cattle tail!

The night is the first time in the officially used cattle tail, and suddenly it is a scratch.

"Heaven! What is this action!" He said in his eyes.

"This is the legendary cattle tail, I really didn't expect, I can see this action with my own eyes!" The explanation of the commentary is also very excited.

On the court, the night-lived rolling ball and the ball, and Xin Tan took the rhythm of the night, but after the two continuous oxeta motion, Jingstein was hit by the night. Lost the balance of your body.

! The night long-lasting feet pushed the football forward, the whole person turned into a red-blue ray, directly passed through the Tintan.

Perfect people!

It was two times in the night, and the whole person was stupid.

"The movement is getting smoother!" Li Warn looked at the night long in the middle of the midfield, he was also swayed by the night long-lasting, and the night grew is just now. The action is faster and agile.

"Bead! Night!"

"Improve one!" Nou Camp's look around the fans, the entire Noukamu wanted to witness a new miracle.

"Give me a blocked him! I can't stop me!" Valencia's temper honeycomb is crazy roaring .. .....

Although Jingshen did not blocked the night, he struggled to fight other defensive players.

After the night is over, it is the defense line of the two bats, which is not the strongest in La Ligna, but it is not so simple to break through the La Liga.

However, the night is still unheedited with the ball to kill the bag, the ball with the ball, the night is suddenly accelerated. The speed of the leg swing is like a small motor.

"So fast! Chinese war gods have completely entered the state!" He Yao said, night long faces the defensive defense of the three-person clip, the left and right, and then the three of the Batman The player went to the west.

Is Messi dish!

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