The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1753 of the Chapter 1753 of the Prince of Tennis

Lee Wall Story fast counterattack!

"Go back! Go back!" Valencia's head coach was anxious. His players rushed to Barcelona. The opportunity to seek headers and leaks in the district, and the latter line is very empty.

Fortunately, all players in Barcelona also returned to the half, so Valencia's players also had time to go back, and three middle guards were also fast back to the middle field, and they were blocked on the road of levar.

Snapped! At this time, Le Wall stopped football and the back of the situation.

"I want to turn around!" The three defenders of the bat army have worked hard to Huala, and they often see the taking skills of profit from profile, Li Wal turned, so this time has preparation, three people suddenly Live the Larvar.

At this time, a blue-white electro-optical figure suddenly appeared around four people.

It's a night!

In a stateless state, the night-catching wind is faster than the players in Valencia, and I ran to the frontcourt at the speed of professional track and field short runners.

"How to run so fast?" See ghosts! "Valencia's head of coach wanted to marry.

bass! Just in the night long, it is necessary to brush four people, and in the offside position, the lofin leaves, he uses the foot followed, and the football is overwhelmed by 45 degrees.

Football magic from the defensive players behind the patriarchal players in an instant, quickly rolling toward the direction of the Valencia goals.

At this time, a lightning figure quickly chased the football, and the left foot forwarded a football, and the speed was faster.

It's a night!

"The referee is getting off! He is getting off!" Valencia's head of the side roaring.

The side of the side rushed to run in the field, and completely ignored the main coaches in Valencia, and did not raise the offside banner.

Just, Le War passed the opportunity very well, a little slower, it was offside, at that time, the night's player and the last Valencia player, so it is not going to be!

"Single knife ball! Is the Chinese War God to complete the fourth goal of this game?" He Wei stood up, the fans of the entire Nou Camp also gathered to the front of the front.

All the players of the Bat Legion are chasing, but it is getting farther and farther away from the back of the zero jersey.

The wind felts both the night long, the cry of the wind blows the night's red blue main jersey, and the night is like a cheetah, and the speed is coming to the extreme.

Finally, when the night's wind turned into Valencia's big ban. District, he did not have a defensive player within five meters, and Valencia's door had to choose the West Tower.

He has strongly launched his hands, and the body is slightly sinking. It is a slight wind that does not hesitate to slide the night. At the same time, try to seal the angle of any shooting of night long wind.

"It's the same line of paper!" The night's mouth flashed a context, and the quality of the West Tower was first-class world, but his guardian technology and the leading response and Rosolin Sanzhi three top doors will be too far.

There is a problem with the timing and choice of the opportunity to attack.

! When the night length sees the West Tower, the left foot will pick up the football directly.

The football has easily passed the top of the West Tower at a moment, and then not a very fast jumping, and finally rolled into the garrow of Valencia.

41! Night-hard wind completed the first big four happiness in his La Liga, recorded it was still refreshed!

"GoAllllll !!!" The media of the Barcelona's primary media comes high, and jumped like a child who got candy, football brought them the purest and happy.

"Whistle! Connect four goals! Chinese War god into the unmanned environment! Too exciting!" The excitement of He Wei in the explanation room was red.

Many Chinese players have come to Europe, but they can't survive in the Second-run league in Europe, most people have only gray back to China.

In the eyes of the European club, Chinese players are not good, they are not even as Japanese players and Korean players.

But now it's different, and the night's wind is in the first La La's league, like a goal machine, which is as constantly refreshed with the various goal records of La Liga.

"Too strong! Skills, strength, speed is perfect, is he is an alien?" The Batman's main coach stayed.

After the goal, the night length rushed to the anti-anti-anti-defense, and then hose the right hand finger, then swayed, it seems that you can't do it at all!

"I am evil!" I have some pain in the abdomen. He wants how hard he doesn't have the body of the night, just like steel.

"It's too handsome! Your kid grab our limelight!" Okiki and other Barcelonads rushed over, Fangas did directly jumped on the back of the night.

The entire Noukam's stand has long been boiling, and the whole 100,000 people began to high shun. There is a strange name at the European.

This game night long wind has many new nicknames, Barcelona new emperor, terminator, goal machine, Barcelon tower, etc., no one is normal!

"This game is no longer suspected. Next, what is the so many balls that would be in the end!" In the VIP seats, Ji Linyuan looked at the celebration of Barcelona, ​​slowly.

"Changfeng, he doesn't think about the goal of the ten balls for a game?" Some of the people who are familiar with the night's long guesses the night long style.

"Enter the four goals! The first game of my first game is simply a natural day. What kind of training did he did!" The day of the day, I can't hate the fist.

1804 chapter, see hope (fourth more)

"Barcelona! Barcelona! Barcelona!

Players are united with fans!

We are invincible!

We have repeatedly enter the ball!

No one is your opponent!

Powerful Barcelona is not overwhelming! "The whole Nou Camp has become a joyful ocean, and the fans began to sing Barcelona team, while keeping the blue red towel and Barcelona flag." - - insect "

The 110,000 people in the site sing in the Iberian peninsula, and the scene is spectacular.

This book should have become a grand party to the fans of Barcelona!

On the middle of the field, the whole man is standing after the football.

In Brazil, His Tan is a super genius who is admired. In Brazil, he has never received such an insult, and has never encountered such a strong opponent and it seems difficult to defeat the team.

The crisis of the scene made the hinger to take a full fire, but the more it is, the more you can't calm down.

Xin Tan was becoming the son of God. It was favored by the gods. It was not reasonable, and it was more accused of the goddess of victory than ordinary forward.

On the field, the teammates of the bat army brought the football to Jinger, but there was no ball, but the football was directly scaled to the side.

After Valencia fought many times, Valencia was finally changed, and choosed from the side attack.

The number of people who invested in the attack is still not reduced. The La La team has this characteristic, regardless of how many balls that are brought by the opponent, the attack is still full of attack.

This is the reason why the La Liga Competition is often kicked out, and the Spaniaries will integrate offensive into their own blood.

Valencia continuously fell in Barcelona, ​​and the tacit understanding between players was high, and they pushed the football to the right bottom line of Barcelona half.

Barcelona's defensive ability is actually too strong in La, and the two post-waist does not block the people of the Bats Legion.

At this time, Valencia's front-garde will directly pass the football in the foot, and the football will come out of the arc to fly to Barcelona. The far point in the area.

At this time, Xin Tu has been rushing into Barcelona. In the area, Dried Sharis and Omei check two middle and back and sides are close to the hinger, and do not let Juttans have a relaxed headball shot or a feeding opportunity.

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