The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1755

"The night is hidden with this action. When training is, he has not seen him!" Dried Sharis in Barcelona looked at the night's movement.

At this time, when the night long wind continuously quickly, the other party's defensive player, there is no hesitated and excessive action, the left foot of the circle suddenly goes to the left football, flashing one angle, right foot It is a piece of detonation.

boom! Without any pattern, the night-catching football and even the rotation did not rotate, directly forming a golden light column directly grown into the upper right corner of the ball .. .....

"The ball disappeared?" The West Tower standing in front of the door is crying. The bicycle step just now is not only two Valencia's defender, but also attracts his attention, let him It is not expected to get a sudden start of the night.

The essence of the bicycle step is here. The bicycle step is not necessarily to overroll off his opponent. More importantly, you can't find the North. I don't know what you want to do next!

52! In the first half, the night-catching goal performance is still going on!

La Liga's first game has been filled with five goals, and the night cost has completed no ancient people.

"too handsome!"

"The first show of Billy Well is a few times!"

"Night! You are the best! Night! We love you!" The whole Noukam explosion is boiling, and the sound made by 100,000 people is almost clutched throughout the Noukamu Stadium. Everyone is full of excitement. They are all witnessed a true super legend!

"Enter! Enter! Enter! Audience friends! The fifth ball of the night long player, he has stopped, no one on this planet will stop the footsteps of China's war in the spirit of the gods!" The excitement of the excitement is high, and it is constantly called.

"GoAllllllLLL ~" The soul of Barcelona is also a bite of Goal a few minutes, and it almost has no fire.

After the goal, the night long-term happiness runs to the corner, the first time I can achieve this effect, and the night is very satisfied.

This original life seems to have some Huawei, as long as it is used in the appropriate time, the speed of the double foot ring is enough to be full.

Snapped! The night is running to the corner district, which is directly a hole in the celebration. After turning over the land, the night long waves the right box and sent a roar.

"Wow!" The fans of the entire corner of the corner area saw the night long. After the celebration of the love, you can wave the towel and Barcelona banner.

"Your kid today is grabbing our limelight!" At this time, Dried Sharis and Omei check, etc. Barcelona teammate also rushed over and the night grew well to celebrate the goal! " .

1806 chapter, the end of the game (second more)

"La Liga's stadium is really suitable for the long wind!" The Pkarang in the VIP shop looked at the night's long laugh, "It's just unprofable BUG-like existence!"

"Yes! The long wind has always had a super striker's potential, but it has always been kicking in the middle of the field. If you only fight the striker, the long wind is definitely a super scorpion machine!" If Lin Yuan three holds the chin, Looking at Barcengers who celebrate the scene. + + worm

"It seems that it can't stop the rhythm. I don't know if Changfeng will still take a few goals?" San Shiki heard the excitement expression.

Just a jubilant, all people are looking forward to the unbelievable miracle of night, and the audience has raised the number card.

"No. 0"! Number! "

When this kind of expectation, Barcelona bishop actually changed to the night, replaced by French midfielder Hunter.

It seems that Fathal has already met today's results, ready to replace a defensive midfielder.

"What? Why is you changed!"

"Coach, are you a stupid pig?"

"Don't change! Don't change!" For a while, the 100,000 fans on Nou Camp were unlikely. When they appreciate the goal of the night, Fassier actually changed the night.

When the atmosphere throughout the court arrived at the highest point, suddenly suddenly stopped.

"Faisal this old head!" The night length sweeping a number of cards, although he scored five goals, but the night's feeling is still a little uncomfortable, no kicking.

The central location of the center is too small, and the night is too hard to like this location, and the night long physical reserve is still very sufficient, he still wants to go.

Three ten balls!

Night wind this guy wants to pour in ten balls!

"Ah? Barcelona's coach Fats Sare chose to change the night long player at this time, is it to protect the night long wind player?" He Wei's face revealed the color.

This destined game will be loaded into the history of the history. In He Wei, it can also be more legendary.

Slightly shake the head, the night growing or running to the field, the coach has made judgments, and the players on the court cannot violate the rules.

Hipe! The entire Noukamu Stadium rang huge snoring from cheers, apparently this buzz is given to France.

The Faisier brow slightly wrinkled, he did not expect Barcelona fans to be so recognized, and he never received such a big buzz in the six years of him.

At this time, when the night grew, he ran to the field, while holding his hands and shot two times, indicating the audience.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Then, the entire Noukam has a thunderous applause!

The long-lasting applause is the respect for the Barcelona fans to the night grow!

The night is powerful, with the goal, use the action to conquer the 100,000 fans on the scene!

At this time, far from the Oriental mainland, many families are bright, Chinese fans feel unprecedented, many old fans even have excited tears.

On the domestic online, major football forums are already crazy. They also have some guys in the night, and the excited night lengthy fans have exploded.

CCTV TV's ratings are still soaring. All China is paying attention to this competition, and major media friends are busy all newspapers news after eight o'clock today.

Today is a miracle of night long, and it is also a sleepless night of all Chinese fans.

"The audience, the seventy-fifth minute, the night long wind player was replaced, this is a perfect game, China Ares completed the first show of His Laracar competition, the first hat trick, the first big four happiness, Even the first five sonards! "He Wei finally summarized the performance of the night long wind.

"As long as he is on the court, he is the emperor on the football field!" A word known as the future generations of the famous world, and soon triggered the resonance of Chinese fans in front of the TV.

"Take a good!" When the night is back to the replacement, Fassier took the initiative and the night, there is no expression on his face, and it seems to be calm.

Laughing at night, laughing, took the towel of the assistant coach, did not reply.

Night winds have seen shocked in Fahal's eyes, and his inner heart is absolutely not as calm like his surface.

! After the night is in the face, the game continues, and there is still 15 minutes left in the game.

Barcelona has just changed Hunter, is a defensive mid-site player, and is also the foot of France. Strength is quite good in the European stadium and technology is solid.

In fact, this defensive midfield is in Barcelona is not fragrant in Fahal's offensive system, so Hunt is sitting in the tension all year round.

After Hunter, Barcelona's midfield finally took advantage. Most of the Batman's players had already gave up, and the competition has fifteen minutes. The gap between three goals has basically announced the ending of the game.

Only by Xin Tan is still trying to attack. At this time, the attack of Xin Tan is very lonely. The physical strength of teammates consumes almost, it is difficult to give him a good support.

The midfield in Valencia did not have a world-class player like Wall, and Barcelona still took advantage of the wind, and finally, it was that Li Wal kicked into a shot of the world wave.

62! When the referee blows the full game whistle, the scoreboard on the division is fixed, Barcelona's first game wins the bats of the bats, Valencia, made the opening of the door.

After the game, Barcelonium will stay in the court, and greeted the fans on the table, but also sent a lot of signatures and gifts. After the night's wind is replaced, it will return to the player passage directly, return to the locker room I took a shower.

On the field, when the game ended, Xin Tan took a person to stand in place.

He does not work hard this game, just that the overall gap between the team makes the personal performance of Histein.

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