The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1758 of the Chapter 1758 of the Prince of Tennis

Stephen Lime also has the title of the white night knight, which is from his handsome outdoor and personalized blond hair.

When Li Yun Luo No. 14 has been integrated with a defensive player again, the Bayern fans in the Andian Stadium cheered, and many female fans on the table were still screaming.

"This guy will play more handsome than I will play!" Night long-faced angle is slightly lifted.

After the two defensive players, Li Yun has been coming to the big ban on Hamburg. Online, at this time, Steven Lime suddenly stops the body, then the right foot is striving to stepping on the football in front of him.

Calling, football is actually stunned in the original place, followed by Li Yun slaps the right leg.

"Dedicated, John! Try my Lian Yunji!" Stephen Lime has used his famous stunt, and it is known as the killing of the Yun Yun shooting in the European football!

This shot has made many strong teams in the European stadium will be seriously injured, and the general door will not be connected.

boom! The football in the Lian Yun, whispered to the Burger's goal, and the wind brought very amazing, football and air resistance Mo can even see a little flaming.

"Good shot, can this Burger's door god can catch?" He Wei called.

"Very strong shoot!" Night wind looked at the air whistling football, his dynamic vision allowed the night long wind energy to capture the fast-flying football, the rotation of football is very amazing, and it is irregular, this is the benefit Why is the cause of the cloud that will be so powerful.

At this point, it is not only the threat of the ball, and the other side, China Dragon God Shang Junguang has also rushed into the big ban. District, see him with the power of Yun Yunji, guess if Lin will use the fist to shoot the ball Hit it out so that he has a chance to make.

"Axao this guy is in Bayern, I learned a hand to mix the ball!" The night grew in the mouth with a smile.

Players who have been mixed into the ball on the court are called mixers, which is not a derogatory term, which can mix football to mix the ball door, prove that you find the opportunity and grasp the ability to grasp the ability.

Grab all opportunities and get goals!

Looking at the scarlets, the next day, the small ladies are usually, not half a panic, and the scene is flashing in the brain.

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At the time of the training, Johinden practiced the practice of a single-handed gyro in the training base. This practice is specially prepared for the Yun Yun.

On the field, in the moment before the football flew to the goal, if Lin Yuan three suddenly started, the whole person jumped, and then the hands were shining forward, and they actually grabbed the stereotic rotating football.

! The football issued a sound in the glove of Johinyuan three, still in different jitter, and at this time, if Lin uses powerful hands to rotate the football rotation back, unloaded the football. Powerful rotation force.

"What!" Xiao Junguang, who is going to the door, is full of surprises, Johindu is actually easily taken the murder of Stephen Limei, and has confiscated football!

.... .......

"Pretty! It is a holy forest! Haha!" The night is not helpful for the wonderful expression of Lin Yuan.

If Lin Yuan's advancement is all, the door will be technically, if Lin has learned a lot of deficiencies in the world youth invitation, the advantages of the steel door gods, plus scientific uninterrupted training, if Lin Yuan three has grown In order to be a world-class goalkeeper that can be unique.

"It's just an impeccable, the Hamburg Game will grow up!" He Wei always seems to be Ruin Lin.

"Yes! At the time of our competition, it is simply a completely different people!" Wang Zhongming on the side of Wang Zhongming was still fresh.

In the final of the World Youth Invitational Finals, how can he and flying unable to break the goal of Linyuan three hands, and finally rely on the night and long-term wind, plus the Huin's hand injury, and the Chinese youth team reluctantly defeated the Japanese youth team.

"Attack!" After the Lin floors, it was in the big ban. There were a few steps in the district, and the football opened the football to the front field.

At this time, if the foot of Johind is as accurate, the fall is still bustful. The frontier of the district is the frontier of the district.

However, Bayern is already familiar with this play of Hamburg. Their guards are all national players, and the strength of Hamburg is obviously clear and they are alive, but the heads are all argued. The first point is always can't grab.

Football was argued by Bayern, and the ball returned to the foot of Bayern players! .

1810 chapter, change strategy (second more)

On the field, Bayern took the right to go back, and I directly passed directly to the frontcourt. V mixed "Zhi" insect V

Bayern's play is a fast and high-end shiver. It is not doing too much in the midfield. To a certain extent, Bayern's tactical style is more suitable for modern football faster tactical philosophy, this tactical style is The system of Golden Barcelona.

After Bayern's players earned the header, the football was brought to the big ban. The frontier of the district.

Bayern wants to break the goal of Bayin, but also rely on their first attack point German emperor Schneider.

However, the Bayern fans have some unexpectedly, Schneid has not received the ball, which is predicted by the burger engineer Cartriple, directly fell, grab the football before Schneider.

"Carrut!" Schneider was also shocked.

"Schneider! I first entered a ball, then my mission is to protect you, don't let you catch the ball!" Karuz broke the ball, stopped quickly, flashing a golden light, "This is mine Arrow pig defense! "

"It turns out that the tactics of the burger coach design!" Night-lasting style nodded, "first took a good idea, first in one goal. Then use a beautiful source of three to block Axos and Li Yun's attack, and finally Let Karuz frozen Schneider, let the German emperor can't get it! "

"Finally, the king will pull the Malay!" Night lived on the sunglasses on the nose, "But will it be so smooth?"

"Although Bayern has taken an absolute active, their attack seems to be minimal, this way, the Hamburg can really turn over this luxury battleship, and the Hamburg's door gods have not lost four times. If this is in the power of the ball, he will break the record of Dejia's long-standing record! "He Wei was analyzed in the explanation of the head.

The Hamburg Youth Team has brought countless honors to the Hamburg to opposite, the football field is like this.

Many times, in the national team maybe you are intimate teammates, maybe you are in the same city.

"Sorry, Karuzz! You can't keep me!" Schneider was killed in Cartrons in the frontcourt.

But you have to stick to a ballless player is almost impossible, especially to stick to the German emperor Schneider.

On physical fitness, Schneider is also the top level of the world, especially his short distance acceleration.

When Schneider suddenly turned and quickly run, he pulled the distance between Cartrons.

"Good opportunity!" Li Yun was broken at the football of the Hamburg player at the midfield, and then the football was pushed directly.

The football whizes flying to the big ban on the Hamburg. In the area, it is exactly the center of Schneider rushed to the center.

In the face of the two middle guards in Hamburg, Schneider jumped high in advance, and his body bent into a giant bow in the air, and it was intended to be directly headed.

At this moment, Schneider saw the hands in front of the Hamburg door, and a positive thing is like Linyuan.

"There is no flaw! My intuition tells me that this ball will be pushed out of the source, no matter where the top of the top!" Schneider hesitated.

Snapped! He hesitated the best header time, Schneider was lightly unloaded with his head.

"This guy wants to have a big ban. Delicate!" When the night grew, he wore the idea of ​​Schneider at a glance.

Sure enough, Schneider didn't wait for football in the air, and it was directly swinging the right leg.

However, Cartriz kept chasing at this time, from the Schneider's back, a football fell to the air.

"Danger!" The fans of Bayern on the stage shouted.

bass! Schneider did not shoot at all, but a full of football forward, the whole body was in front of it, and suddenly flicked behind Caruz.

And in the first moment of landing, Schnend lifted his left foot, and Karuz fell in the right side of Schneider, he could not interfere with Schneider's shooter.

"It's here!" Schneider left forward, directly pulling the football to the right corner of the goal.

"I want to go into the ball!" Before the Hamburg door, if Lin Chao quickly reacted him, his left hand tried to stretch. Out, kill the football in one hand.

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