The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1761 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

40! In the end, the two teams met each other in the second half, and Barcelona was played in the first half, or the Spanish.

On the standings of La Liga, Barcelona and Real Madrid and Vigo Selta are all winning two battles, Barcelona rely on the top of the net victory.

At the same time, the two people won the best players in the game at the same time, and the media scores after the game were nine points.

After this competition, Barcelona will fly to Soria, they will fight continuously, and the third round of their opponents is the Weak of La Lais.

This game is also a great opportunity to call China's domestic media! .

1813 chapter, contribute to disease (first more)

Hotels in Soriabar collapsed. ξ ξ

"Lis War, no, it seems that you will not be good at the game tomorrow!" In the room of the War, Li Wah is lying in the bed to accept the massage treatment of team doctor.

The game, Le Walle was replaced in advance, in fact, it was not because of tactics, but the old injury and waist injury on the galvana.

As a professional football player, and the core of the team, the task of Lie Wah is indeed too heavy, league, cup, national team, too many high-intensity competitions let Lili Warmators.

At this time, Le Wall is lying on the bed, a face does not send, there is no expression, and it is said that he doesn't want to rest, because the team has a super competitor.

Once you have a break, Li War is worried that your position is likely to be replaced directly by the night, and there is a lot of things in professional football.

Because of the injury, the core position is lost, which is the most cruel for a Nianhuang superstar.

Injury is always the biggest enemy of athletes!

This day, Barcelona's team practiced, Li War did not participate in the team of team, but only had some jogging.

When the night is long, I will see that Li Wal is not strong, but his injury is so serious that the night is not thinking.

Of course, these are things that are not considering at night. How do he think about how to score three goals as soon as the Numancia competition is completed.

No one knows when Fa Shar will replace himself, but according to the current situation in the Barcelona, ​​the time of the Night long wind should be increased, unless the law is really It is also necessary to take the night length in the bench.

The lens is transferred to the Italian Juventus Arena.

After the day, Xialairo was again returned, it has been following Mai Tidini to do ultra-high strength body balance training.

In the competition of Juventus, the day, there is even a large list of 18 people, and only watch Juventus's game on the stand.

And the other side, the same is the new Jojo, the state is getting better and better. He and Juventus core Si Dan have formed a gold medal combination of Juventus, plus Juventus super A defensive lineup and a good attack striker.

Juventus fiercely in Series League, all the way, four battles, in four games, San Shi also handed over two goals and three assists.

Not only in Japan, but also in Italy, the female fans of the big three-piece three, the three sides of the Sansi gradually turned into the prince of the stadium!

"Sanchiki is really good! But so far, I can only watch the game here! I am evil!" The day stationed in the first look at the Juventural Arena, the double boxing, he wanted to play, he I also want to enjoy Juventus tens of thousands of fans like a cheer of Juventus.

This league game was over the cheers of Juventus fans, Juventus was overcome Udinese, although there was no goal in the game, but sent a assists.

Juventus continues to play in Series League, the five-day winner, Juventus is topped in the top of 105 points.

The lens returns to Soria. After the training of the day, levar returns to the room to continue to accept the massage treatment of the team doctor.

"Lilhell, I as a professional doctor or suggest you to rest for two weeks, don't do any high-intensity exercise!" Masses while massage, the Barcelona Medicin is still can't help but say.

"Wen Des! You don't have to persuade me, no matter what, I will be played tomorrow, until I can't take it." Li War is determined, there is no hesitation.

"However, what you are like this" Wen Des is still concerned, he and Li Walle have been there for six years. He didn't want to see this positive value of the sky of the sky, destroy his football. career.

"Wen Des, I know what you want to say, but tomorrow's game, I have to play. This is my fate of the world's first, you should also see the performance of the night in the top two games, if I slack like this again Go down, my enemy will definitely replace me! "Li Wah's fire burned.

This is Li Wal, he would rather fall down on the court, and they are not willing to be replaced by night long winds on the replacement.

"Lili Wal" Li Wal is said so, the team is nothing to say, he knows the character of Li War, once it decides, it will not look back, just like it is six years ago. Never changed.

Six years ago, La Coruña, Spain.

This year, Li War has just turned back from Brazil's club to La Coruna, just spent a few games, Li War gave the fans and teammates.

La Coruña has achieved victory in several games, and Li Wal is bigger, and the goal has been raised, so that La Coruña is separated from the downgrade, let La Coruña fans seem to have seen it. Super La Coruña at the crazy lacker era.

At this time, a bald guy specially visited Li Wal, this person is Faisal, which is the new coach of Barcelona.

Fahal sat opposite Li Wald, the eyes looked at Li Wal said: "The formation of a team from you, this is Barcelona in my heart, join us, Li War!"

"Mr. Fassier, I am honored to get the giant Barcelona, ​​but since I came to La Coruna, everyone here is very supported me, my wife is here to give birth to the eldest son, immediately mine The second son will also be born "Li Walle Answers.

Li Wal "

"Moreover, with the current strength of La Coruna, not there is no championship!" Li Galan flicked in the eyes of Lie Wah, "Mr. Fahal, if I refer to your invitation, will you deal with?"

Faisale, he didn't think that Le War would ask such a question, but Fahal seems to have long thought of answers.

"My new research tactical system, the core position of the offensive midfield must be taken by you. If you refuse me, then I will also push away the handsome print in Barcelona!" Faiser said very firm.

"It turns out!" Li Wah's mouth slightly, then stood up, suddenly stretched with Fajull. "Mr. Fahal," Since you value me so much, then we will target Europe ! "

"No problem!" Faiser reached out of the hand of Lili Wald, this is the story of Li Wal from Rakoruña transfer Barcelona.

Because this story has a five-year three crowns in Barcelona, ​​there is a world-renowned Brazilian superstar War! .

1814 chapter, rent a transfer (second more)

The following day, Nomiansia home Pajaritos Stadium, Barcelonar locker room.

The head coach Fats and Lili War first came to the locker room. Lis Wal is still massaging his waist and try to relax yourself.

"Lilhell, since that evening, we have cooperated for five years. This season is the sixth year of our cooperation!" Fats suddenly opened the mouth, "I have been coaching with a team for so many years, using the same tactical system Maybe it's really a long time! "

"Coach, how do you suddenly say this, is it because night?" Li Wah's eyes flash, and then, "I hope that you can make the night!"

"Yes?" Faisier is in the face, "Li War, I know what you are thinking. In the past five years, you have never let me down, but the night is different, he and today all players are A type of completely different! "

"I know, the night represents the future! Maybe he is the future of the team in your heart, but I haven't admitted yet!" Li Warn is full of war, "Today, I will kick me. Not going back. "

"Well! Since you have already said this, I will follow the rules of the game, let the football to decide everything!" Faisal took the shoulders of Peil War, and the expression was completely relaxed.

At this time, Barcelona other players pushed into the locker room and saw the two Barcelona giants in Fatsar and Li War in the locker room. "Wow! Trainer and Li Walle so early Come! "

"Good afternoon! Everyone!" It is the Barcelona Super New Star, which is behind the clothes.

"Night! You are coming!" Dried Sharis ran over, a neck of the night's long wind, "Today, your kid is planning to get out of the limelight?"

"Yeah, long wind, how do you plan to enter a few goals?" Fang Gas came to join in the fun.

"This is", the night is very windy, the eyes of Fats sitting in front of the tactical board, "I have to watch the coach how much game!"

"This stinky boy is still so straight!" The night grew is so loud, and the people of the entire locker have heard that Fassure is naturally no exception.

The lens is transferred to the office building of Juventus Club, Italy, and the head coach Carlmonti's office.

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