The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 1780

At the beginning, the night long windshield is still somewhat, but after several breathing, the night-lived wind is fully familiar with the football bomb. Sex and grassland, the driver is more and more proficient.

"My God! I didn't see it wrong? China War is also controlling the ball with foot, what is this world?" He said in his eyes and felt that his world outlook was subverted.

"This is impossible!" Caroli couldn't believe his eyes, people who can use their football in Brazil in the football kingdom, and a few Asian people can learn this technology so much.

"Oh, it is simple than I imagined!" With a smile, the basketball gene hidden in his body was activated! .

1837 chapter, spreading the wings (first more)

"The boy kid is in the beginning, I am Xiaoyu!" I called the cold terminator's Yi Yunji at this time, it is very unfold, and the face is twisted because of anger. Miscellaneous * insects

"Go to death, the little ghost!" After the Yunji came back, suddenly it was inverted, directly moved to the night long motion, and he had already forgotten that he was carrying a yellow card on his body. If the foul is fouled, it is likely to accumulate two yellow cards to be sent.

"Just want to touch me, too day!" The golden light in the eyes of the night, the right foot of the ball, the foot of the bow suddenly raised the ball back, and then the body of the body to Yunji Laterally over.

The night-long wind pointed to combine the basketball skills of the football playing the basketball skills, making it the effect of turning hand on the basketball court.

Yunji glared over his eyes, watching the football and night hardfall from his left and right side, but there is no way, don't say the ball, he can't touch it.

"Wow! It's too handsome!" The Barcelona fans in Nor Camp showed an exciting excitement, and the Bruille after the Yunyun, and Ogado had stayed like a ghost.

When the night's back, the crazy rotated football was a bomb on the ground, and it was immediately rounded to the night. It was more amazing. The night long wind was used to press the football with the left foot, and then started with the left foot Dribble.

"Nima, is the Chinese War god in playing basketball?" The fans who are looking at the ball in the countless family in China are can't help but scream.

"Overhab! Night wind player with an unusual movement over the Real Madrid cool sniper!" He Wei is in the interlocking room. The roaring roaring, "incredible experience!"

On the court, Tami is also stayed. He rose a terrible idea in his heart. "What is the possibility of a ball in this world?"

In fact, the night long wind can make the movement of the ghosts, not the night's ball, the ball is better than Tamney, Tu Jindin's more than ten years of one day, and the football is used as part of the body. The feeling of club and repeated exercise is much more windy than night.

However, in the way to play basketball, the night is too suitable, and the basketball gene in which hidden basketballs makes the night grows easy to integrate a lot of basketball skills into the football field.

Of course, these techniques need to support the loyalty and high-profile support, like the shackles of the dawn goddess, can not be used for a long time.

You must know the double. The legs are not the arm, and the hustle swing in a long time is very consuming.

"What do you still do, stop him from?" "Real Madrid's main coach Dilabas is rushing to the ants on the hot pot, and there is no big scream.

The first reaction is that the Bruple of Real Madrid, and the calm of Bruili did not respond to the night, he just stepped forward, relying on the night, with his shoulders hit the night. Long wind, the action is very concealed, this action referee can not see it.

boom! The muscles of the muscles continue, but the night long wind is facing Bru Road, which does not pay attention to the small actions of Bruge Road.

Bru Road is also a helpless, the body of the night is like steel watering, no matter how he hits it, it is not moving.

When the Bruili stretched the feet, the long-winded foot of the night was turned on, his flaw came out.

! The night long-lasting feet suddenly opened the football to Bruil, the stretching of the Bru Road made him unresponsive and lost his balance, because the night grew is flying over Bruce Road in football. The moment between the legs, the flashes disappeared.

"Is this my action?" Tou Reni was once again shocked.

"Overhab! China God of War replicates the action of Tamney, and even two people on the defense line of Real Madrid!"

When Bru Road is hard to stabilize the body, when turning around, you can only see the back of the night-catching jersey.

The ball is under the cold!

A big step forward, the football is a big blow to the night, and he has killed the big ban on Real Madrid. There is no response to the speed of the long-term wind. Direct brush.

After three people, only the genius door will be one person in front of the genius door.

Single knife!

"Karacus! Blocking him!" Dillabas is anxious to sway.

"Be evil!" Karacus did not expect that the night's wind still has three people in the case of Real Madrid, and the night is still so fast.

The attack has not been too late, Karahas chooses to keep the hands before the Real Madrid goal.

"Since you are guilty, I will satisfy you!" The night long wind looked at the Karazhas, followed by the night, suddenly hit the high-speed moving body at the point of the night, then the right leg slammed The whole body bends into a giant bow.

"Take a shot!" He Wei said the sound.

"Wings"! "The night long body shape is like the eagle that is wings, and the right foot suddenly came out.

Bang! The football in front of the night-length body was suddenly in the moment, broke out, and football became a golden lightning surrounded by time hidden blue electroices.

"What is this shooting?" The entire Noukamu court suddenly sat quiet.

"I have never seen the shot!" In the VIP room, the teammates who did a long time for a long time did not see this shot.

At this moment, the Karazhas, which will be slammed by the genius door, and the movement has been too late. He is desperately jumped, stretched his right hand, pray for the night, the ball does not shoot too much, he still Have the opportunity to felt this Thunder.

In general, the force of the shot is too large, and it looks like to control the angle of the shot.

But the wings are different, and the wings is a powerful day to the new tiger shot, and the super shot ball of the angle is drilled.

Karacus struggling to save the brushed golden electric light and more than 100,000 miles, but his door brought the gloves to the wind, Karacus even with a thick Gloves, but also feel that the finger is scraped by the instant knife, and the left hand reflected in his condition.

!! Golden lightning drills into the lower right corner of the Imperial Madrid, absolutely dead angle!

"Ah!" At this time, the camera reporter after the rebellion after the retrieval ball is scattered, after the night's shooting ball drilled into the door, the Huang Madrobe net made a big hole, hit it on the billboard. It turned out to have a hemispherical deep pit, and the reporters are fart.

"Enter! Enter! Enter! Chinese War I have doubled three people, it is really a wonderful one goal!" He Wei's excitation. The feelings say that in China's thousands of TVs.

31! When Barcelona is coming to end in the first half, I have achieved two goals! .

1838 chapter, can't stop the attack (second more)

"Wow! Go again!"

"God of War! God! God!" The whole Nou Camp once again, in history, Royal Madrid has never conquered Noukam, but Real Madrid's superstar has never been bullied so much. - -

Night wind is not just a continuous goal, but it is very beautiful. Wonderful way to send football into the ball door of the enemy, what is more exciting than this more than this fans!

"Good spectacular!" VIP room, Wang Zhongming looked at Nor Camp, the boiled boiling water, the scene of the fans waved the banner and towels in the hand, and the entire Noukam is rolling, and the waves are a wave. High waves.

Thousands of fans on the scene not only call the name of the night, but also sing Barcelona's team songs, and a goal of the night is pushing the atmosphere of the scene to the vertices.

"Night! You are now the king of Nor Camp, you conquer it here, will also conquer the world in the future!" Juns' s eyes looked at the night long, he was fortunate to go to Japan to invite Night long. wind.

Although Ejuse sought what he did not teach night, the two often exchanged the tactics and understanding of football in the Chinese youth team, and the external media believed that Juns was the enlightenment coach of Night.

The light is enough to let Yuns put into the history of football, and when seeing night lengthy winds in Noukam, the Yutinsence has emerged in the world's youth. The arrogant declaration at the time of the invitation.

"I want to bring the Chinese team to the world champion!"

Noukam is boiling, China is far from the Eastern China, which is too bright, and the streets of many cities are like a New Year in the morning.

A large number of fans are not satisfied in the homes, they wearing the night long winds, holding a variety of loyal posters gathered to the big screen of many stadiums to watch Barcelona and Real Madrid.

When the night long wind got the second goal, these fans were completely excited. When the Chinese fans were suppressed for decades, the desire to translate into reality, that kind of trip. The eruption of love is unimaginable.

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