The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1785 of the Chapter 1785 of the Prince of Tennis

On the field, the first thing climbed or the night is very windy. The night is still like a dead, and I touched my right leg. On the side, it is all blood.

"Breast, do you have to waste your night? Laozi first went you!" Dried Sharis saw the blood of the night's hands, the eyes were red, and he stepped up to the front of Faravio, Then it suddenly pushed.

At this time, Faravio was also hit by the night, and it took advantage of it. He was pushed by Dried Sharis.

"What are you doing, this is a legal shovel! You have to fight, rush me, timid!" The temper Hui Yunji also rushed up, he and Dried Sharis were red.

"Not good, the two team players have some out of control, have you fight?" He Wei's face is nervous.

"Don't impulsive!" Just when I was in Yunji and Dried Sharis, Huangma Lao Captain Bruil took the Yunji, and the other side of Oimi took Dried Sharis, and the referee also timely time. In the middle of the two, the two were separated.

"Dry death Real Madrid's grandson!"

"Playing!" There are some tempering fans on Norcamp.

"Take a quick wound!" Fangas turned his hand in the team doctor.

Barcelona's team doctor immediately ran into the stadium with the medicine box, at the same time, the live broadcast of the scene gave the night long-faced close-up.

There is a long wound in the night-long calf. It is the foot of Falavio, but also bleeding, and the night's jersey has broken down, plus the night. Broken grass and sweat on the long wind, China War looks a bit miserable.

"Kao! That French is really awkward!"

"TMD, I really want to kill this Falavio!" At this time, China's domestic countless fans greet the Faravio Zong 18th generation.

"Old sand, calm, this little injury, there is no need to be excited!" The night long is tuned by the team doctor to handle his leg, and then it is calm and comforts the dryharis.

"How, Tor, Changfeng he is nothing?" Landius asked very concerned.

"Hey, the wound is too long, you need to change the sewing, otherwise, there will be danger of infection!" Barcelon team medical Tor brows crumpled, he only stopped the bleeding of night long winds with the spray, if the night is still If you continue to move a big move, he does not dare to ensure that the night's legs will not bleed again.

Moreover, the current wound current wound is relatively long. If it is just simple processing, there will be danger of tetanous infection.

"What!" Dried Sharis and others heard the night's wind, I was anxious, and the night's ending was unacceptable to Barcelona at this time.

"Tol, you are too small, this is a bad injury, I have been more hurt than this!" The night's long face is relaxed. "You will help me with it, this game does not fight In the end, what else does it mean? ".

1844 chapter, God of War is not dead (fourth more)

Under the attention of the entire Noukam fans, the night-length wind quickly walked to the bandage of Ji Tur, and the Barcelona Assistant coach was also transferred to the Barcelona assistant coach. ∮ ∮ ∞ ∮

"The coach, the night injury seems to be a bit serious, is it going to change him?" Barcelona helped the school couldn't sit.

"Wait!" Faisier's hands were pressed, and it was clear that everyone was calm. At this time, Fassier did not dare to change the night length, because there is no one can replace the night's role in the field.

"Coach, let me go to the game, the burden of the night!" Li Wahl stood up and took the initiative to ask.

"Now it's okay!" Faisal shakes his head, and the eyes of the burning look at the night long, "I hope that the boy is nothing!"

In the meeting room, Wang Zhongming and others are also very nervous. They rarely see that the night growers will be injured in the court, because the quality of the night is too good, and it is very difficult to get hurt in general.

"The captain is okay?" The flying eyes are full of concern.

"Don't worry, this small injury is still difficult to don't fall our Chinese captain!" Xiao Junguang is very confident in the night, and he has never hurts the neighborhood, and he will not easily end. .

On the field, the referee returned to the night, and he pointed to the place where the night was down, Barcelona won a free kick.

Then, the referee took out the yellow card in the pocket of the chest, and turned around in front of Faravio, and turned to Dried Sharis.

"Ah! Night long wind players are treating outdoor treatment, we hope that he can re-debut as soon as possible!" He Wei is eye-catching, "Now the referee gives the two yellow cards of Real Madrid and Barcelona."

He Wei is somewhat dissatisfied with this penalty of the referee. The entire Nou Camp 100,000 fans also have fun, they are more dissatisfied.

"Red card! Red card! Red card!" Barcelona's fancier shouted.

Just now the slippery movement, sentenced to Faravio red card, and the direct penalty is no problem.

However, the main referee of this game is more cautious, and it is not willing to show red cards, which triggered the full fans and Barcelona players.

"The referee, is you okay?"

"The referee, you didn't see it so much blood, and the clothes were smashed?" Dried Sharis roared in the referee, and he can't wait to swallow the referee. "Why do you give me a yellow card?"

"Calm! Dried Sharis!" Landios saw the expression of the referee, rushed to the Dried Sharis. If you eat a yellow card, Dried Sharis is going directly to the penalty.

Looking at the Barcelona players who walked their own groups, the referee was also helplessly shaking his head, and then added a yellow card to the law.

At a time of attack, the referee showed three yellow cards and orally warned Faravio, which showed the hot atmosphere in the second half of this tradition.

In fact, Faravio is also a bitter, just when the night is shovel, the elbow is just in the abdomen of Faravio. This is too hard to vomit blood, and the bones of the night are too hard. It is really a belly of a hammer to fight in Faravio.

Of course, this is also Faravio. His action is very dangerous. If it is not a night-long fan, it is not a simple to pull out a wound.

At this time, the night length of the field was smashed, and he raised his right hand to continue the game. At this time, the white bandage on the right leg appeared to be extravagant.

"Come in!" The referee nodded.

Under the applause of the entire Nou Camp thunder, ran back to the big ban on Real Madrid. The frontier of the district, it seems to have no difference before.

If you have to say that there is a difference, the night's greetings are more strong at this time, and the flame of the fighting spirit has burn it to the limit.

"Changfeng!" Barcelona people watching the eyes of the night.

"Old sand, Langdi! You can rest assured, I will let them pay the price!" The night length hugged the football to the mid-to-reference place.

"Ah! China War is re-debut, he will personally punish this free kick you create! The God of War is not dead!" He Wei excitedly stood up.

"The God of War is not dead!" Yuan is far from the mainland of China, countless Chinese fans angry.

On the court, after the night's wind, the football was put down, he went deeply, looked up and swept a look of the Royal Madrid and the people of Real Madrid in front of him.

At this time, Huang Madrid is very ugly, the second half competition, they don't have to stop the night of the night, there are two yellow cards, at this time, the rear defense lines of Real Madrid have been back to a yellow card, and the situation seems to be in Real Madrid. More and more disadvantageous.

"Little! Yes, stop, it is here" The Karahas in front of Real Madrid is carefully directed to adjust the position of the wall. He knows that the long-lasting capacity of the night is also super strong, and I don't dare to have half.

·· ···

! When the referee re-blows the game, the night is suddenly started, and step by step will step on football.

At this point, the night-hearting wind does not look at the goal, but the right leg of his injured is launched.

"Is the right foot! Will the night-long player use a night arc ball?" He Wei said the sound.

The night long-term body is opened instantly, and at the same time, the right leg that is expanded later is suddenly moving.

! Night long wind's right foot bows and football in front of the football. Rub, between the first instance, the football flew up, draw a golden melted moon in the air!

It is a god-level round moon bend knife!

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